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Joined 12 months ago

"why are the companies leaving after I told them to fuck themselves and right after spreading nazi propaganda? It's a mystery."

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It's starting to look like the crypto/nft scam because it is the same fucking assholes forcing this bullshit on all of us.

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I hope the shrooms community can also be unbanned.

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They spelled EAT wrong.

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-religious propaganda -gambling bullshit (including crypto/crypto adjacent bullshit) -military brainwashing/propaganda -alcohol ads

Just the worst fucking garbage bullshit.

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The creators of Idiocracy did not have the imagination for this.

Fuck Steven Huffman.

billionaires being extremely bold currently.

This is a wendys.

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Make it stop.

Fuck this whole shit.

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Guess what...FUCK BOSSES.

Sounds dystopian as fuck.

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How do we stop

the enshittification

of everything?

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So they admitted here that they don't pay artists fairly.

Fuck Daniel Ek.

It's not "ai"'s just a few billionaire assholes.

& it's not just the internet. It's the entire "reality".

All these people know is hate.

They can only support "their own" for so long before they start directing their hate and rage at each other.

Cycles keep spinning.

This is the internet I love.

Not the corporate dystopian mind prison fucks like Steven and Elon and Jack and Mark are trying to force on the entire planet.

I'm ready for this asshole to fade back into obscurity.

What they are calling "ai" is usually not ai at all though...

to be advertised at & have nazi propaganda pushed on you.

Abolish the DEA.

Deschedule cannabis & mushrooms.

It never should have been "classified" or "scheduled".

Or alcohol should be schedule 1.

Cannabis being a "schedule 1" drug (one of the safest drugs we can consume) while alcohol (an extremely dangerous [to society and individuals] drug that is also addictive) is UNSCHEDULED and PROMOTED is beyond absurd.

Make anything make sense.

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"workers want to come back to the office. It's very good. We're serious. They've told us. You can definitely trust us" ~capitalist assholes writing these "articles"

These fucks are evil.


Now the rest of police

from all departments

need to just do the same

and we'll be good.

Jood Gob with this.

Just a reminder that the "rise" of the proud boys could not have happened as it did if it wasn't for Joe Rogan constantly defending/promoting Gavin McInnes (FOUNDER of the proud boys) & his terrorist gang (which he knew was a terrorist gang while defending it).

(& then Daniel Ek paid Rogan 200 million to do this & promote anti-vax shit on Spotify exlusively).

Not only that...there's a good chance he is going to WIN again. What the fuck is anything?

"Reality" is going to make the onion go out of business.

This is is some Black Mirror shit.

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Abolish police.

There's no "reforming" a system that was BUILT this way.

I don't want to hear it. Find another place to lick boots.

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Our entire government is a fucking joke. jfc.

& what about the asshole who CAUSED THE ENTIRE THING?

Nothing you say?

There's a good chance he's going to be president again you say?

What the fuck is wrong with this entire planet?

"I just reinstated a pedophile. Now pay me to put your ads on my SHIT" ~Elon "fascists are my best and only friends" Musk

It's ALWAYS projection with these assholes.


Everything keeps getting more and more dystopian.

People posting slurs like this & no one calling them out.

Every app just copies other apps until they don't do the thing they were originally "for".

& then what's left is an app that does "everything" very poorly.

& this is our whole reality now.

How do we escape?

Symbolizing the killing of the whole thing.


It fucking sucks!

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God damn.

These fucks really fucked up the internet (+ the whole society/"reality").

How do we escape this dystopia at this point?

Is it possible?