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Joined 12 months ago

I imagine Mitch McConnell isn't too far behind.

I get it, aging sucks, but it's part of the deal. You can't live forever and there is a time to move on.

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I hate the name Lemmy, there, I said it .. as much as I hated the name Google+

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So I've installed and operated PTZ cameras for multiple television shows and events, sometimes with junior operators - or just production assistants or other crew. These are in places where people know cameras are present. I can guarantee it doesn't take long for people at the camera control unit to learn they can zoom in on people's phones on set or follow girls around - and these are all professional people.

Cops with a drone that can zoom in on people unwittingly, in their back yards?! Oh, they are certainly going to do shit like this, or worse - they'll likely record for themselves.

As a time traveler, I just came back from the future, and he didn't present Shit!

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They look really happy though.

-- I couldn't help but see it right away.

Grow teeth......where?

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Nice try, Boss Man!

The guards don't like it when you try to run.

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, EggsEggs.

I just think it ultimately sounds like a lousy c-grade 3rd party app. Then again, Mastodon isn't much better. At least Reddit is basically witty.

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I love their reasoning is really the result of thousands of years of human cultivation and cross-breeding.

.....and how long does it take for a nuclear power plant to be zoned, and constructed? ...and where's the fuel coming from? It isn't thin air.

Apple and oranges. It's unhealthy and unsafe to live near Chernobyl. It took nearly a decade for people to start moving back to Fukushima Prefecture after decontamination and subsides to lure people back.

The actual cost of a Nuclear disaster is incredibly costly.

It still requires mining, processing and it still produces waste, waste which has to sit at the site of the nuclear reactor or be transported across country to some other temporary site. To my knowledge there is still no permanent disposal site for nuclear waste in the United States.

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I agree that we need to get away from coal and natural gas. I don't think Nuclear is the answer though. You're trading one set of major health and financial problems for another.

All the nutrients are in the skin!

Posting comics on Reddit, I found it a quick way to see how well I made something and what people generally liked. Eventually though I started to become a little skeptical of the numbers, and hated having to play this game where those numbers might be better when posting at different times and different days. I couldn't help but feel like some of them were bought initially to heat, or boost their posts.

I started to absolutely loathe those numbers, but I don't know what you can do to replace them.

Soon to be A MilesTheNewKid comic!

Yeah but I don't thi

I think it was in a Jon Stewart interview about Trump that mentioned how surprisingly large he is when first meeting him. It kind of goes to explain how he can dominate a room - I worked the first season of the Apprentice as a driver, so I wasn't on set with him, but I've seen him on the street (with his bodyguards) and I believe he's 6'3" .. I don't believe he weighs anything under 270lbs though.

Sounds kinda boring actually.

But this is my argument against those who complain about Solar and Wind -- those won't kill you or destroy a location for hundreds of years if they break down and once they're installed they don't have to be fed by more mining, or anything else. Just wind and sun.

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I care. I care that we don't make a rash decision for a potential short term solution. Why not ramp up solar / wind and other alternatives?

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Where are you getting that from?

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No they aren't, for one and I wasn't just talking about uranium but the refining of it - these definitely favor Russian in a war of resources.

Oh, and Nuclear Power plants are just plopped down? Your comment wreaks of pie in the sky, uneducated bullshit.

Solar and Wind don't take nearly as much fuel, maintenance, zoning, upfront costs or be subject to international power plays like nuclear power.

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Why do I feel like the call for more nuclear power has just been another sneaky ass ploy by Russia to use resources as a source for power?


Edit: yup. Thanks for convincing me.

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So what?! I responded a lot. Where's my article?

Define "clean"

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