12 years ago. Wonder what Lemmy will look like in 12 years?

mysoulishome@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 1334 points –

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I hate the name Lemmy, there, I said it .. as much as I hated the name Google+

They should've called it Google Circles. Google Plus just sounded like some kind of premium subscription to Google and not like a social network.

I really enjoyed Google+ specifically for the Circles feature. I'm pretty sure it was the age unrestricted global Hangouts chats that killed it.. Probably what this scene from Silicon Valley is about.

I don't care about the name much, but it's going to make searching for anything on here through a regular search engine cumbersome. Lemmy is just going to bring up results to the late motorhead singer

I really like the name :)

I'm a huge motorhead fan. The name is a not insignificant part of why I chose this as a reddit alternative over the others

I just think it ultimately sounds like a lousy c-grade 3rd party app. Then again, Mastodon isn't much better. At least Reddit is basically witty.

Three whole syllables is a bold move for mastodon

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