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Joined 13 months ago

They could bundle in my idea of having a telephone in your house, not a cell phone more like a land phone

This leaves cicadas susceptible to a very effective side channel attack

3 more...

Best date nights always started with a trip to Blockbuster.

I remember renting an N64 with Majora's mask and pulling an all-nighter so I could finish it during the two-day rental period. It was a good time to be alive.

18 more...

Many popular channels revised their content format as a direct consequence of the Wadsworth constant

I used to use Firefox.

I still do, but I used to too.

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Troubleshooting checklist:

  1. DNS
  2. Fuck if I know
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Lisa needs braces!

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"We tried to sell you stuff that should have come stock and you got pissed and the press picked it up so we're gonna stop.

"I'd like to take this opportunity to announce our plan to start selling additional products that should come stock."

Eat shit pal!


That might explain werewolves. Since the full moon is heavier it attracts wolf enzymes that are usually stored in the pancreas to be released into the blood stream.

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RBG should have had the foresight to do this as well. It's a sad state of affairs we're in.

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That's a pretty misguided decision, but who is hosting their own porn?

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My phone is exclusively used to play Diablo

This is the end of an era, and I'm honestly kinda bummed. I'm still sour about Geocities being decom'd, but I'm just a grumpy old man.

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I doubt you could, but ICANN

Yeah, and what's up with these transistors? I want vacuum tubes in my iPhone!

Your girlfriend has birthmarks all over her body?

Why is thinnest ever placed in such high regard? Have you seen how ridiculous the new iPad Pro looks when the Pencil is attached to it for charging?

I think I'm in the vocal minority in that I really don't give a shit about thin, especially if it affects performance, repairability, or battery life.

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His music will live on forever

Holier than the Vatican

Unsubscribe from eunuch facts

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I'm trying to reframe this in a way that will help me and others better understand; are the measures being proposed in this bill analogous to forcing auto manufacturers to build a car that won't let you drive down certain streets?

Almost makes up for YouTube Shorts

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There is infrastructure involved with monitoring subscription status to make sure you're not pirating heated seats. Also for taking payments to unlock your adjustable lumbar supports. They gotta pay for it somehow!

For me it's not about the traffic, more the log spam.

Generally I'll have :22 enabled internally, and anything non-standard is defined in ~/.ssh/config and shared out so I don't have to remember things.


The very fact that you recognize this in yourself puts you head and shoulders above a good 70% of candidates.

Last I checked incest was still fair game? Am I that out of touch?

My favorite trend of the past few years is obfuscating your existing user login button, in favor of overtly displaying new user signup link.

That, and also camouflaged site search bars.

Rs: "Individual freedoms! No government overreach!"

Also Rs: "Let's track these motherfuckers so they can be punished."

"Trump stoned?"

"No, Trump getting crushed under a pile of increasingly larger stones."

The ol' Uno reverso countersquat technique, I like it


10 million dollars is to $1B as a paperclip is to my entire net worth (admittedly not much)

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X is formerly known as Twitter, for anyone who was confused as I was

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First USB-C, now this?! They're really spoiling us

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Zero day patch? Fuck you, pay me. Firmware update for your SAN controller? Fuck you, pay me. Doesn't matter, it's all profit.

Whatever he has to say is irrelevant until we know what Ja Rule thinks of all this

I have this idea for a consolidated ISP, cable television, home security, and telephone landline company. Gotta have the landline.


Aww yisss