
2 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It isn't blocking my uBlock Origin on Firefox.

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He is a right wing extremism gateway. Also an antivaxxer, but I repeat myself.

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"The game isn't boring for the reasons that you think, it is boring for these completely secret reasons."


A lot of journalists, politicians and influencers are really reluctant to let it go. I guess those are the ones still keeping it somewhat afloat.

It should be more publicly shamed if you keep being a part of his insanity.

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Lots of cringeworthy American exceptionalism and nationalism in that thread. I especially like this one:

It doesn't, all of these countries have different definitions on what "Rights" are, most of their constitutions don't even define a right in the context of a divine power as the United States does, most countries actually believe its the government's job to assign what rights its people are allowed.

It takes an impressive amount of baseless self confidence to speak with such certainty, yet with such ignorance, not only about other countries but your own country as well.

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I’m pretty sure he has a dedicated lawyer checking his statements for gag order violations and if the lawyer can’t directly say if it’s a gag order he goes ahead with it.

I don't share your certainty on that at all. Trump doesn't exactly employ the most qualified lawyers anymore, especially since he has a long history of not paying them and being complicit in sending them to jail. Also he would never let a lawyer hinder his impulse shitposting.

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They would be a joke if they weren't such a serious threat.

I guess he needs to go back to his crypt and cast another necromancing spell.

I really don't understand this constant complaint that comes up whenever a news story about Musk is posted. Of course it is newsworthy that the (once) richest man on Earth is doing this, and providing news about what these billionaire oligarchs are up to is definitely part of a relevant newsfeed.

Keeping their actions in the dark only helps normalising their existence and behaviour.

With NFTs there aren't even any art. The NFT is a receipt for the art, not the art itself. You didn't buy the copyright for the actual art with an NFT, you bought a link to a specific copy of the art.

He doesn't though. It is all culture war posturing:

“Let’s get one thing straight,” Hawley bellowed this summer, “Corporations are not people.” The crowd, this one gathered in Washington for the social conservative Faith and Freedom Coalition summit, barely stirred. But then they erupted when the populist senator continued, “I’ve got news for these woke corporations: We are not going to surrender this nation to the cultural Marxists in the C-suite.”

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This is the opposite of religious freedom since it imposes one religion unto everyone else.

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Firefox + ublock still works perfectly fine for me.

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Hopefully. But until he actually sees jail time I am not celebrating anything. I don't have a lot of faith in any part of the US justice system.

The main challenge with inventing a working printing press would be the papermaking and level of metalworking required for the movable type.

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It is still going strong on places like reddit, where the official gamergate subreddit kotakuinaction still exists (personally unblocked by spez himself because it contributed "valuable discussion").

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It is not a grim end, it is a fitting end for the live service.

It is very US specific. There are other countries where ios have a majority market share, but in most countries the majority market share is android.

The favourite disinformation strategy of Russia used against themselves.

I feel you. They got these bots posting results of games or whatever to each and every sports team community. But it is not one bot doing that, no that would be too easy because you could just block that, each and every sports team community got its own specifically named bot posting the exact same things.

Really messes a lot with the all/new feed.

The two party system is the system we have because we believe in the efficacy of it.

No, noone believes in the efficacy of it. It is the system you have because it is now beyond anyone's powers to reform it. It is a mixture of archaic and wilfully corrupt laws and rules, which has petrified into something that disproportionally serves one minority fringe and its interests over all others.

The majority of people does not think it serves their interests, but they are powerless to change it exactly because the small but powerful group whom it actually benefits has disproportionate power to prevent it from happening.

Those are positions I consider conservative, and hold myself, that aren’t reflected in current Republican policy.

None of those are specific to conservatism, and I would say some of the opposites of those position, like opposition to gay marriage and abortion, has historically always been part of conservatism.

More interestingly would be to learn what specific conservative policies you subscribe to. Policies which you don't think exists in other ideologies.

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And if someone votes anything else than blue or red, they’re throwing away their vote right?

As long as the US election system is the way that it is, then yes it is an undisputed fact that voting for third party is the same as throwing your vote away. It is a shitty system and it is in desperate need for a change, but it doesn't make it less true.

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The decision to use blockchain for this just screams bad decisions (and very likely an attempt to push NFTs or crypto later). There is no reason to use blockchain for authentification in this situation and people are right to be suspicious of a event which does that in this manner.

I think most of them are actually tankies, which lemmy unfortunately are rife with. Their behaviour and opinions, especially on Putin's Ukrainian invasion, are completely indistinguishable from the right winger's opinions on the matter.

Which is unsurprising, since both groups uncritically just regurgitate Russian talking points on the subject.

There is not a lot to laugh about with flat earthers. The theory stems from Christian fundamentalism, and it is tightly connected to the christofascist movements trying to coup the USA at the moment.

And no, they are not going to give up their beliefs, because they didn't come by them through rational thought, so rational thought isn't going to disprove it for them.

In what way is this the fault of both sides? This is very clearly an entirely manufactured "crisis" by the GOP.

He doesn't, and he won't. It is part of their culture war against woke. It will not end in any legislation, but it will be repeated ad nauseum in the press as if it was actually serious, and his voters will lap it up.

This isn't about "capitalism bad" in the slightest.

That is a nonsensical excuse. If they can calculate the price at the checkout then they can calculate it when they are putting up the price tags.

Your information is outdated. It is even clearly mentioned in the one-sentence summary in the OP:

Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold::Published Monday in the scientific journal Joule, the research found that heat pumps are two to three times more efficient than their oil and gas counterparts, specifically in temperatures ranging from 10 C to -20 C.

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Honestly, why allow them to mine on the grid at all until it is upgraded?

There is absolutely no reason why anyone should be allowed to waste energy on that pyramid scheme shit in the first place.

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I am quite envious of you .worlders in that regard.

It's been way more than one dangerous product per generation. So people should feel free to choose multiple current ones.

Billionaires can afford to not get paid. Billionaires expecting normal people to get paid less is the pinnacle of arrogance.

A lot of Christian denominations would disagree with you on this. It is also a bit absurd to make absolute claims about what Christianity is and is not because it varies greatly from denomination to denomination (none of which has a monopoly on their interpretation of the bible).

He is bringing back a very carefully selected group of banned people, people he thinks caters to the only specific core audience which remains on twitter: hateful right wing bigots.

Say what you want about Republicans being evil or whatever, but they get shit done. They get their legislation passed, and their judges appointed.

Trump and McConnell had a house supermajority and yet couldn't even abolish Obamacare. The fact that you believe that they get things done is actually you believing carefully crafted propaganda.

Musks reactionary political statements is a matter of public record.

Kenshi. Unlimited replayability and modability.