
11 Post – 884 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

👻 Booooh...get fucked!

Hamas ≢ Palestine

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who gives a fuck about companies?

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Get fucking rid of twitter. I will never understand why people still cling to this platform, not in general, not after all the news, the bots, the right winged dipshits and everything else...what is so hard about it?

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Just as a little reality check for all Hamas "fans" out here which are actually comparing them to Israel. The Hamas is founded on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which are a fairytale full of antisemitism and proven, false statements about Jews and how they are responsible for every bad thing that happens during the centuries and their diabolical plot for world domination (of course one of the favorite lecture of the Nazis)


Those idiots are really believing this fairytale and they use it to justify the murder of innocent people and Jews in general. So the next time you step in in defense of the Hamas or when you compare them to Israel, keep in mind that they are doing this because they believe in some antisemitic fairytale written by a crazy Russian back in the old days...they are basically Scientology only more degenerated and more violent.

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Russia is really stretching this out, aren't they. Maybe they need some proper ass kicking to fall back in line.

At some point the west has to react.

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that erdogan even thinks his country will become part of the eu...

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laughs in german 🤣

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Okay, maybe he shouldn't be Boss then, he seems to suck at his job big time.

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why is america reverting itself to the dark ages?

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no you stupid russian cunt you are not at war with the west, you are at war with ukraine and they are making your mighty army look like fucking clowns.

If you would be at war with the west, you would be pretty much done by the end of the week and now for the love of god do us a favor and skip to the chapter where you put a fucking gun to your mouth and pull the trigger.

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funny that the Russkis mention Afghanistan 😅

And as always, as long as the cunts in Russia are complaining and riding their propaganda train at full speed, we are doing something right.

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maybe the chinese can give them some tips, I heard they're pretty experienced in handling minorities...

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Funny isn't it...all the time our right wing assholes talk about foreign traitors but in the end it's always them. I bet their Nazi grandfathers are rotating in their graves at lightspeed 😂

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easy fix. stop using twitter, where is your problem?

Are you really that addicted to this service, that even after all the crap Twitter or what the fuck it is now called & Musk have done, you simply can't quit? Never used twitter, never missed something. After I saw what was going on on facebook, instagram and recently reddit and google, I deleted my posts, deleted my accounts and again never had the feeling I'm missing out on something. So I really dont get it why people still stick to these crappy companies...

He also said:

If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean

which is something I totally agree on. There is no "good or bad" team in the Middle East...all parties are involved in this conflict and it's cause!

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well you got the names, now how about doing a little background check if there is some russki money lying somewhere in those traitors bank accounts...

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nope. game is good, but i'm not interested in the ingame store.

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Ah yeah, the daily reminder that Russia has indeed become the comical evil country as it was always portrayed in Tom Clancys books, if not worse...

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only issue I see with the game at the moment is that they did not use those fly/land/dock sequences to mask the loading times. I think that would enhance the experience a lot

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as a german I'm not that up to date but is it still possible that this orange, wig wearing cunt can run for presidency?

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what a waste of a great assassination possibility...

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keep it going musk, I want to see that company burned to the ground 🔥

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Just as a little reality check for all Hamas "fans" (Hamas not Palestine!!) out here which are actually comparing them to Israel or openly defending them. The Hamas is founded on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which are a fairytale full of antisemitism and proven, false statements about Jews and how they are responsible for every bad thing that happens during the centuries and their diabolical plot for world domination (of course one of the favorite lecture of the Nazis)


Those idiots are really believing this fairytale and they use it to justify the murder of innocent people and Jews in general. So the next time you step in in defense of the Hamas or when you compare them to Israel, keep in mind that they are doing this because they believe in some antisemitic fairytale written by a crazy Russian back in the old days...they are basically Scientology only more degenerated and more violent.

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to surf the web?

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don't think that this will work. Russia is rotten to the core and there is always another head.

we are fighting a hydra not a snake.

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ah Russia you degenerated, comical, evil country...why can't you just be normal. Get rid of Putin, finally get the fuck out of ukraine and stop imprisoning your people, it's really not that hard.

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easy fix: don't use the app on your phone.

instead use youtube via your browser with adblock (for instance safari + adblock pro) and create a shortcut on your homescreen. you can use youtube just like in the app, you won't have any ads and you also can play videos with your screen turned off

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If he starts WW3 he can get fucked… though we should try and grant asylum to all current residents of Palestine and Isreal.

You can rest well that russian cunt Putin has already warmed up the engine for WW3

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yep we did, now go and fuck yourself Russia.

no it's not, where the fuck did I wrote that?

Shoot them? I mean you have guns over there right, so for fuck sake use them at least once for a good reason.

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why considering? Close them down, nothing of value in Russia at the moment.

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you do know that ukraine is fighting against Russia and that the Nato only supports them and has no active troops on the ground against the russian invaders?

just checked your older posts, nevermind! Keep putting your dog in stupid pyjamas and repeat your degenerated commie propaganda...

I'm sorry but this is a direct threat to a politician of a country which is member of the NATO...shouldn't it at least trigger some response like a friendly 'fuck off russia' or some new sanctions.

I mean it's awesome that we trigger those sowjets fucks over there, but we still should make sure that those threats are not tolerated by the west.

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Do you really want our pity for still being on that shitty platform?

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Then fucking do something against it! How long will the west and the NATO tolerate the murders, the espionage, the sabotage done by Russia inside our borders? Step up against Putin, show some dignity and start drawing some red lines and enforce them if they are crossed.

The NATO could start by showing a stronger support for their allies who are supporting Ukraine with equipment and aid. As a german it is painful to watch that we are always hiding behind the fear of beeing declared a "war party" by those fucks in the Kreml. If NATO would declare that they back up all those supporters for Ukraine and that every action against those supporters by Russia would result in Article 5 we wouldn't have these issues and could provide Ukraine with everything they need...

But instead we are leaving the Russians free hand in their actions and are wondering why that degenerate Putin is not backing up...

iran is funding and arming hamas, hizballah and the houthis, all of which were attacking israel. in addition to their attacks on usa bases.

don't forget that those fucks also support Russia with their drones...

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even in a rigged election that stupid cunt isn't able to achieve over 90%. what an absolute worthless sucker!

Fast forward to the point where you put an end to your miserable life you russian fuck and finally relieve us from your existence!

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comes as Moscow is locked in what it casts as an existential standoff with the West over Ukraine.

those dipshits have done this to themselves.

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