11 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As an AI model, I cannot answer duplicate questions. Please check this completely unrelated question instead.

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All of this is just noise designed to keep us talking about the site. You could call it bad advertising. We should stop feeding the troll.

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Never seen that banner or an ad. I guess it's just a matter of time though 😕

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I don't understand why they keep targeting art. Wouldn't smashing car windows (for example!) make more sense?

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Making predictions this far into the future when we have the huge global warming crisis looming ahead doesn't seem very wise. The arguments put forward in the article reinforce this initial impression. They don't seem to have thought very hard.

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Mod heavy people always talk about this supposedly huge influx of trolls, toxicity, spam that they have to moderate, but I just don't see it. I'm not sure that I have seen even a single post that obviously needed to be moderated this week. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right communities?

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Huffman says the blackout hasn’t had “significant revenue impact”

So two-day revenue change is his preferred metric? If I were a Reddit investor, I wouldn't want this guy as a CEO...

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It isn't. I don't care what happens to reddit. I want to move on, so the only thing that matters (to me) is the success of alternative communities such as lemmy.

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Who cares. Do we really want people who buy into this sort of stuff here?

This site has a graph that shows how many subs are private:

I find it a good way to see how the situation is evolving as a whole.

Exactly, they're trying to kill the competition but they're obviously not going to damage their business.

Am I the only one to still use regular vim? I tried to switch to Neovim a few years ago, but there were a few things I didn't like, so I switched back. Vim has improved tremendously, so I no longer feel a need to switch. With LSP and Copilot, I feel that I am close to the optimal dev environment these days...

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Has anyone created replacements for the major Beehaw communities yet?

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Another example of a multi-billion dollar company that doesn’t curate their products/services. Costs too much money they would only profit 234 billion instead of 244 billion.

In the long term it's a terrible strategy. People will lose confidence and stop shopping there. I've almost stopped and I know I'm not the only one.

Not that most executives care about long term...

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Smartphones are orders of magnitude more distracting than whatever existed before. Also, you can teach digital literacy all the while forbidding smartphone use outside of class, there is no real opposition there.

Sorry for the basic question, but is it possible to manually hide posts? Hiding read posts is a bit too aggressive for my tastes.

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One day here and there, sure. Going to another place to work for a week or more? Absolutely stupid. Work is still work, and if you have to work, you might as well work in the best conditions, not on some small screen that you can barely see because of the sun.

I wonder what the impact on piracy will be? It's probably harder to rip streaming services than it is to rip blu-rays...

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Do we know how well lemmy is doing?

Not that we need infinite growth, but enough people is nice to have, especially for niche subjects.

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Impact on revenue could take months, if not years, to materialize. Most redditors will probably stick around for the time being, but if content posters / moderators leave the ship, the site will eventually die.

If I were him, I'd be looking at account deletions (especially from mods), number of new posts/comments, etc.

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Wouldn't it be possible to add end to end encryption for DMs?

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Are you really sure? 😂

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I don't understand why they don't use a second model to detect falsehoods instead of trying to fix it in the original LLM?

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Rust, haskell, python, c++ are all interesting choices. I would argue that c# is too close to what you already know to be interesting.

If I were you though, I'd pick a project first, then decide what language makes sense for it.

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And yet they are part of the obvious low hanging fruit for reducing emissions

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If people are satisfied with them, I think that's OK, and more efficient than having a zillion.

Problems will happen if we go too low, and bigger instances start de-federating. Some might be tempted to start monetizing like Reddit.

It seems like a lot of people think Palestine needs to do stuff but Israel doesn’t. I’m not sure if it’s a double standard, racism, Israeli exceptionalism or what.

In my case, it's none of that. It's your question: "how can Palestine gain its freedom".

Now let's be crazy for a moment and imagine that both sides collaborate to fix the issue. I think it would be mostly the same for Israel: get rid of the lunatics, realize that Palestinians are fairly close relatives, work on forgiveness on both sides, and work on a fair two-state solution or even better a single-state solution.

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Thanks again! Looks like we are doing OK :)

I found the following comment on HN fairly insightful:

That's why my guess was going to be: "financialization" ... buy the company, profit like crazy by selling it assets and taking on debt, cut R&D budgets, cut marketing, provide fat compensation for C-suite and board... bankruptcy ~5 years later after someone else is holding the bag. The playbook is practically as American as baseball these days. Even more so when tax payers get to pay for the bail out.

I've seen it happen first hand, not all the way to bankruptcy, fortunately...

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This is why we need law to mandate security updates for 5+ years.

Here's my take on it:

  1. Get rid of all extremists and violent factions internally (extremely hard, of course).
  2. Engage in intense diplomatic lobbying, and be patient. If step 1) has been achieved, I think it would be extremely hard for Israel to resist the pressure, but maybe I'm too naive. Right now, it's extremely easy to dismiss the Palestinian cause because of terrorism. What happened at the beginning of the conflict isn't going to help.
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WHAT? Where is the next one planned to take place?

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This technology is cool. My only problem with it is that it's going to incentivize even more power-hungry devices.

I came across this post by the framework company a few days ago. They were boasting about their new 240W adapter. My question was: do we really want 240W laptops? Shouldn't we make them smaller and more efficient instead?

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Awesome, thank you !


I'm participating! Codingame is a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.

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Ads are bad for me, and for the most part, they're bad for the planet. So I use an ad blocker everywhere.

I'm aware that the web has a monetization problem without ads. But not blocking them doesn't help address the problem in any ways. I donate a little bit to creators I really like instead.

Usain bolt, to some extent

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Do we know how well lemmy is doing?

Not that we need infinite growth, but enough people is nice to have, especially for niche subjects.