Amazon Let Its Drivers’ Urine Be Sold as an Energy Drink to World – 184 points –
Amazon Let Its Drivers’ Urine Be Sold as an Energy Drink

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Another example of a multi-billion dollar company that doesn’t curate their products/services. Costs too much money they would only profit 234 billion instead of 244 billion.

In the long term it's a terrible strategy. People will lose confidence and stop shopping there. I've almost stopped and I know I'm not the only one.

Not that most executives care about long term...

People will lose confidence and stop shopping there.

Not if they replace your lost piss for free.

Naw they didn’t even need me to send it back! I got the keep the piss and they sent me more free piss!

Pissful win

Well, the thing with that is Amazon has already integrated into so many other markets that it doesn’t matter what you the consumer do