Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears to – 829 points –
Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears

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All of this is just noise designed to keep us talking about the site. You could call it bad advertising. We should stop feeding the troll.

Or worse a distraction for what really is going on. All this nonsense and he even had a hand with reddit CEO’s decisions. I think he is trolling the left to hide what the right is doing behind the scenes for the upcoming election next year.

I honestly think he's purposefully trying to kill Twitter. It's a tool people use for things from boycotting and unionizing to full on revolution. Things rich people and their friends don't like.

Even if this isn’t the intention of Musk himself, I certainly think this is what some of his investors (Thiel and the Saudis) are hoping for.

he stated multiple times, that he wants to create an all-inclusive app that mixes messaging with shopping, payment, etc in the style of wechat.

And he always wanted to rebrand it to X, as he owns the domain since the 90s.

Nothing about it is surprising, doesn't make it less shit, tho

Is he though because Thiel is just fucking buying politicians and not saying shit and that seems to work better