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Joined 12 months ago

Fellas, is it gay to be in a straight relationship?

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I bet cash money that husband has a secret Grindr account.

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Fuck you seat belts.

Can we make a big internet bullying thing where we burn him for wearing a "woke seat belt" like a liberal? Just straight bot spam his social media and news reports about him.

I would'nt vote for some pansy ass lib that wears their seat belt. GOD IS MY COPILOT! AND WHEN I RIDE WITH HIM I DO NOT FEAR LIKE THEM BLUE HAIR LIBCUCKS.

Like it's so easy to manipulate them.

It's fine.

As the philosopher Macho Man said "The cream rises to the top"

It'll take time but eventually everyone will merge into one major one unless some admin/mod shenanigans.

At least I think.

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That is because Democracy includes most of the letters of democrat.

It's also the reason why they keep repeating "were a republic not a democracy" because republic.. republican. Fucking brain rot.

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The Nanny being the one to lead the charge vs Skynet is the exact shit I expect from this current clown timeline.

And I'm fine with it. Fran Drescher is awesome.

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"Down here, Woke is a way of life." "Obviously the environment down here is all woke. The ceiling is woke, the floor is woke, the walls are woke, and to an extent the air is woke. And you breathe that in, and you constantly taste the woke."

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Like, were nerds and we fuck with our computers n stuff. But most people are lucky to know what a power cord is.

Honestly if Linux with a good DE like KDE or Cinnamon was already on their PC at boot they would figure it out. Most people just use a web browser anyways.

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Yeah no you can't just rewrite history like that we have the receipts.

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Yeah when I hear about mUh pHySiCaL games I smell a console user. PC hasn't had physical in over a decade. Unless you like Hidden Object games.

No, our defense isn't physical it's just DRM free cracking or a GOG library.

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You must be going to one of those Heresy churches like Unitarian or something.

Cuz lemme tell you I'm from "da souf" and love and acceptable are curse words in the typical southern church. All fire all brimstone and the gays gonna get ya as well as the blue hair demon rats.

You had your more lib churches there and goddamn you might as well went to the Satanic Temple cuz theyd probably treat you better (misguided vs absolute heretic).

Tbh everything good about religion can be replaced with the simple golden rule and idk spirits n shit.

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LOL idiots BG3 is DRM Free just get the GOG installer, surely people mirror that shit, I've seent it before.

Landlords are the first ones getting roped up.

If that was me I was trying to help you lol.

Next time just accept your Bank Error in your Favor card. Corpos ain't hurting lol

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Confederacy lasted 4 years. Star Trek lasted more than 50.

The United Federation of Planets is more my heritage than some slack jaw redneck slavers.

Also I know some people rep the confed flag cuz "I'm a rebel" well um maybe use the flag of the OG rebels aka The United States? Or the black flag🏴‍☠️ that's cooler.


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The Moskva is mighty lonely there on the sea floor.

Nothing more based than fucking up rich people shit.

If only.

In my experience, no matter how you spell it out doesn't work. You can get them to agree (common example a few years back was EMT workers making 15/hr) that EMT needs to make more. You can get em to agree that if McD upped their pay EMT be tempted to change jobs to something easier.. but then when you finally try to close the deal and get em to say "yes more pay!" They instantly melt back into their Fox/Facebook programming loop.

People whom I respected all my life fail this concept no matter how much I can make em agree on some details. Problem is they already made up their mind (shitty jobs get shitty pay) and will not budge.

Also if you wanna crack the simulation ask em who's gonna Flip Borger during school hours (it's a job for teens!!!) They've never came up with a response to that but can't agree with it either.

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rm -rf /women

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Just added it to the massive Google graveyard next to Stadia, wave, hangouts, plus, music, etc etc

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And don't have kids.

Don't want em to suffer worse shit down the road.

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Look you say "X user" and im thinking X11 Windowing system. Stop trying to make X happen.

Lemmy world goes down more than your mother.

Less centralized than it is now. Miss that.

Less ads.

Otoh web design was very childish back then. Peak was Starfield background with bright color text with some animated gifs plastered all over.

I think I miss most is online gaming where voice chat wasn't an option. Things were a tad more civilized when you had to type in what you wanted to say. Or just efficient. I actually learned to type fast cuz of this. Plus I can read the shorthand better than understand most people's accents.

A Musk (or Trump) Never pays his debts.

Old Spice F-35 is my favorite scent.

Ladies love the smell of jet exhaust in the morning.

IME a very quick way to turn something you enjoy into something you loathe.

My Steam Deck plays most everything the system specs can run minus stupid anti cheat.

I'm surprised when games that run like shit on Windows like Descent 3 can run great there. Proton (+ the rest) is black magic.

Put some camers there and the road to it and you got yourself a nice sting OP. So many assholes are gonna wanna vandalize it.

Dead Internet theory

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And that's just the shit on Nexus. There is another...

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Flags are typically easy to draw.

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"Yes I'm gay. Gay for dat pussy!"


I would love to see a centrist argue against right wing policies. Once.

Not even to me just in general. Surely there is a library of video / audio / text examples out there that for some reason hasn't crossed my path, and a whole lotta shit has in almost 30 years of internet.

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No sub-launchers on GOG. I think that would violate their no DRM stance.

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Problem is humanity can't help but simp for ambitious men. Genghis Khan would have been nothing but a drunk horse rider if people didn't go "yeah let's do that".

Look around how we simp for the billionaires now. This shit is genetic. Those who think differently tend to get themselves purged from the genepool too. "Heretic" n shit.

Let us relieve them of their burdens.

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Felt this way with Reddit.

Example: post anything remotely not so friendly towards capitalism and every damn time you get like a minimum of 3 nearly identical what are you some kind of commie? responses.

And identical ish responses might as well be AI NPCs even if it's just actual people repeating jokes.

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