3 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Took some nyquil because I wasn't feeling well, I had stayed up until like 4 and I was too tired to realize that the drowsiness wouldn't wear off before I woke up. Got up feeling almost drunk and drove to work. I feel asleep on the road and woke up with just enough time to slow down before rear ending someone at 50 mph.

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That may sound like not a lot, but Facebook as been hemorraging users for a few years now, if they're losing users at about the same rate as Facebook, that's a big oof.

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Keep it separate, mass de-federate. The biggest lemmy instance has to make a stance.

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Jesus wtf lol, this is one of those posts that's going to become a copypasta

mind blown gif

But you have to choose the instance you're searching, that's the opposite of what I want, I want to search all instances, or at least the top 100 or something, all at once

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Schools in the US were designed to prepare kids for factory jobs initially. A lot of the structure related to that has changed but the amount of time you spend at school hasn't. Realistically you'd want a kid to spend less time at school. But schools are now used to prepare kids for working all day and then giving up their free time to their employer. That may be a little tin hat-ie, but it's at least partially true. However as a kid a few extra hours at school wouldn't have cut it for me. I preferred to do my work at home, I was also super distractible because I had adhd. Additionally as others have said that just wouldn't be feasible for a lot of kids/families.

Trans women conforming to traditional gender norms in order to be more accepted by society/to feel internal validation because those things are they they grew up thinking a woman should be like, is what they mean

I.e. the housewife, traditionally "feminine" activities, having somewhat backwards thoughts about a woman's "purpose"

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I feel like they're going to run into this exact thing again by scraping federated content with threads

I don't think iw oild be unreasonable for someone to make a search engine that is specifically for indexing lemmy posts. Seems like it would be a good addition to the lemmyverse site

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One thing I do to limit my intake of a single type of snack is to pour a serving or two into a bowl and allow myself to eat the whole bowl without thinking about the restraint. I may go back for a second serving but I usually find myself not eating a whole family bag of chips in one sitting that way.

Everything in moderation!

Agreed on all counts, but y'know doesn't look good before an IPO, I hope it gets worse.

I'd love it if he extra fucks up and Jack Dorsey somehow gets the Twitter name back for bluesky

No dude 100% this, this has been an open secret that if you piss off one of the power mods, even if you didn't break rules, you will be mass banned from like 80% of the top subs on reddit

I've found on budget/older phones voice recognition is useless, I recommend something more modern of you can afford it, maybe a flagship from a year or two ago

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There's a difference between politics and hate speech I'd say. Politics sure ok. Ad hominem attacks and hate speech should be removed imo. Additionally, if a thread is becoming too hostile, sometimes locking it down is just a good thing to do before things get worse.

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I agree, but generally a party will back a sitting president of that party, additionally division of the Democratic party is what caused trump's election in the first place.

I wonder if she's being groomed to be the next candidate. I would like that a lot, but what the Democratic needs right now is unity, because the Republican party is very divided.

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My therapist told to try this thing recently where you suck on a candy or snack that you really like, don't allow yourself to crunch it. Suck it until it dissolves.

Resisting giving into the frustration but of not being able to crunchit helps you with emotional regulation, feeling the emotion but not immediately reacting to it

Resisting crunching it because you want to taste that explosion of flavor helps you increase your ability to not only resist temptation but also to increase your ability to have the will to do the things you want to do.

It also interacts with that same oral fixation as eating, so you're helping qualm some of those binging urges.

I do it with sugar free werther's originals, it works surprisingly well

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Please read the rules before posting again, in the future we will remove questions like this

In the future please go over to !support!

Modern frameworks make responsive design easier but yes it is still a lot to wrap your head around. I remember building my hs robotics team website in high school right as responsive design was becoming a thing. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO NEST A CONTAINER IN A CONTAINER I ALREADY HAVE ONE!!!"

Bless those who came up with flexbox

Fuck hasbro for what they've done to WOTC

Yo is that the Hasselhoff??

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Looks like we need a c/sbubby

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Hell yeah man, you cranked that out so quick, I don't know what language you're writing it in, but let me know if you want some help with any features, I'd love to pitch in!

I'm a mid level dev

Considering barbie is a children's franchise I don't see how that's surprising at all tbh

Same thing happened to me, it seemed like it didn't do it when I had just two accounts, but it did do it when I had 3.

Not sure if it has anything to do with certain communities not being federated to the other instances

Reddit development got stale when, unfortunately and tragically, their best dev killed himself in 2013

"Hey guys I'm trying to reduce the cost of my waluigi cosplay, what should I get rid of?"

"Uhhh, the lingerie?"

"Absolutely Not"

Sometimes the correct answer isn't just vote with your wallet, but to vote for the policies/people who will fix the shitty system.

That being said, yes protest with your wallet if nothing else, but it won't change anything usually, unfortunately.

Hardly. Stolen valor is when you impersonate a vet for clout.

You're putting in a code in a checkout menu that you and you alone will see, to get a discount.

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Do you see how he's typing? He's so upset he got drunk lmao

Locking this thread because this question seems to be inviting people to express ideologies of eugenics and that's a big nono.

I've used ha no issues with paypal on Firefox, odd

When you click on a community you can click the "block community" button at the top right-ish part of the screen, it's in the same section as "create post" and "subscribe"

Searching is a little more complicated, to keep it simple you can use the built in search. That will show you communities in the instance you're searching on, and any community that anyone else on your instance has accessed.

To search all(not all but majority of) communities across all instances you can use this:

Each instance is like its own little island. Some islands have a theme, some are general purpose. And the instance you make your account on is where you have your citizenship, but you can view and interact(follow,comment, like, etc) with other islands that allow visitors from your island. If an island(instance) doesn't want to allow visitors another island, or allow their citizens(users) to go another island the mayor of the island(admin) can cut off contact with that particular island(de-federate)

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Not sure how common this is, but I know as a kid this was caused by my ADHD, and it would cause me to take twice as long to read a book

I was not aware this was a thing, that's amazing lmao

I'd say pg-13 is an appropriate rating, its got some mild dirty humor but nothing crazy.

There's definitely some grey area, but mainly we're trying to not have this community be spammed with things like "why can't I view pictures" and "the server is down someone do something"

I feel like I heard the story of the one banned from the internet. Dude in Ireland hosted a loli instance and got his shit raided. Could be a different instance, but I do know that is a thing that happened

Oh wow lol, the 70s were a wild time

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