
5 Post – 415 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We're just doing the whole routine with the underground railroad and civil war all over again, aren't we. This country is so stupid.

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Takes one to know one

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Go to twitter.com, it goes "X" and then "Sign in to Twitter".

You missed a spot there Elon. You know what we industry professionals do - it's called a "design process". You:

  • Mock up the way you want it to look
  • Make it look that way
  • Then you push it live.
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More war crimes

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Spilling the beans on a mass surveillance program to the public is immoral?

Genocide unfolding.

Having gone through the code a bit, the NSFW handling looks very baked in, so it's not a small ask. The smart approach would be to add an arbitrary tag system and handle it that way.

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The real pro tip is to segregate the core system and anything on your system that eats up disk space into separate partitions, along with alerting, log rotation, etc. And also to not have a single point of failure in general. Hard to say exact what went wrong w/ Toyota but they probably could have planned better for it in a general way.

Reminds me of the persecution complex people have about vegans. Like, they're actually right and you kind of have your head up your ass.

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I'll tell you one thing - I've been on reddit just trying to provide some counters to the (extremely genocidal) conversation going on over there, but the censorship is just out of control. /r/worldnews mods will straight up permaban you for a comment like "I just wish everyone would try to resolve this peacefully". You look at the front of /r/worldnews any day, it's 60% articles from Israeli newspapers and the comments are just 75% "[removed]".

One of the biggest discussion sites on the internet and they've basically weaponized it into a propaganda tool. Shameful time we live in.

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Just pick someone who isn't completely fucking insane. And then vote for him. Problem solved.

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Honestly, the whole truth of the situation is that the subjugation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was a direct byproduct/prerequisite of the creation of the Israeli state. We will get nowhere if nobody addresses this fundamental aggravant at the heart of this conflict, that formed the basis for the militarized apartheid system that exists there today. These are just pithy quips about "nobody's perfect" coming from somebody with olympic swimming pools of blood on his hands.

The reality's that the only people with the real vision to create peace in this situation have long been sidelined from the political discussion. I'm really encouraged looking at stuff like https://www.odsi.co/en/ that actually understands the fundamental problems going on here. We'll get absolutely nowhere listening to the political establishment in the U.S. or Israel that spent most of the last century manufacturing this situation.

Archival is extremely important and one of the side effects of copyright schemes is that they limit its viability. The less access people have, the more likely some work becomes lost forever. I've seen it a few times already, with recent work, but in one or two hundred years we're talking about libraries of art that could have been preserved but are just gone.

Closed source software, that's actually distributed to people, has all kinds of problems beyond that too. Tons has been written about that, but from an artistic perspective, I think the biggest loss is that people can't legally expand the original work. Giant franchises with a central cultural presence get walled off and usually just go through a huge creative decline, which is crazy because there's millions of people preoccupied with the concepts from the franchise who are barred from using them to express themselves. With software in specific, if it's open source you can modify it, fix it, expand it, maintain it, whatever - there's all these great resources they could use, but we won't let them.

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People have a real way of finding the single most negatively-portrayable thing about a person and using it to smear their entire legacy. Post-humously. That page was written Dec 2002 according to the archive, which would make him a month over 16 years old when he wrote it. In the context of an argument in favor of having unlimited free speech, not a dedicated page on his website to "I want child pornography".

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When you do a job for someone and they only pay you in "exposure"

I've gotten so much recruitment crap from Amazon. This kind of crap is why none of those worked out for them.

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Honestly, not to blame the public, but people were sitting here for the last decade going, don't like being censored? Don't use Google/Facebook/whatever. Don't like being tracked across the internet? Don't use Google/Facebook/whatever. And everyone kept using it. As for streaming services, I mean, if you don't want monopolistic pricing power, abolish copyright/DMCA. We complain constantly about the consequences of these big corps but society keeps religiously buying shit from them or participating in their services. Just like complaining constantly about global warming but driving your car 3 miles to the store to get a 1L bottle of water. We set up these structures and put people in these positions where they can exploit you, then act surprised when they do, and we have an excuse for why we think every individual part of it needs to stay exactly the same.

OK, maybe to blame the public a little.

Do you consent to our use of intrusive browser detection, anti-cheat, rootkit usage and invasive brain implants to bombard you with ads?

Yes | Also yes but more annoying to click through

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Go look up articles that explain why this qualifies as genocide instead of trying to incorrectly nitpick what qualifies as genocide.

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You added some LOTR keywords, am I wrong? Also love the dual McDonald's-Burger-King on the left.

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The more I read up on the history, the more I understand Israel's "right to exist" took a huge bite out of Palestine's "right to exist". The Nakba in 1948 most prominently, and annexations in Gaza, Sinai, West Bank and Golan Heights ever since (some temporary - Sinai and former settlements in Gaza - and the rest very much permanent).

It's one thing to say an annexation of land is ancient history, but there are people alive who were displaced by Israel 75 years ago and are still living in refugee camps. We have two very incompatible things going on right now - Israel is basically screaming for blood because of Oct 7, and they are also living on recently stolen land that calls for reparations to be made to the Palestinian people - if you brought up the latter in this environment, you'd probably be accused of "supporting Hamas", but it's something that's been true for decades. Really exhausting dynamic.

It's not even funny.

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Chinese companies love the ACKOOO type names. LPOWERB, SUPERQ, FKPHONE, that kind of thing.

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"Flubs" I think are the absolutely least interesting thing* in politics, that people just love to focus on.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Well, they are historical primary sources. Should be read, yes, not as go-to-advice for how to run society, but as a study in dictatorial manipulation tactics. Those who ignore history doomed to repeat it, etc.

Price gouging coincidentally at the same time across the entire economy, soon after an enormous increase in the monetary supply.

A---Aurora Borealis? At this time of year! At this time of day! In this part of the country! Localized entirely within your kitchen?!?

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If you couldn't prove it, things probably wouldn't go well for you.

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Does anyone else feel like the core concept of Twitter is not really that interesting in the first place

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Notice how this is coupled with every bit of propaganda, true or false, that the Israeli government can muster against UNRWA, and Israel's stream of condemnations of the UN HRC, UN Secretary General, all the resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly (representing nearly every nation on Earth) over Israel's entire existence as a state, condemning their numerous and ongoing violations of international law - and even resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, where the US, UK and France all hold (and abuse) the ability to unilaterally veto resolutions, alongside Russia and China.

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We wouldn't be ever hearing any of that if SOME PEOPLE weren't actually paying for them

I think that's usually done with capacitive sensing.

Alt-righters calling Zelenskyy corrupt and so on all day long. Look how stressed his face looks. He's aged like 30 years since the war started.

What are the best FOSS options for Android keyboard apps? I've been struggling with this lately.

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I got special Stylish CSS blocking half the shit on Fandom. IDK about any politics about them but the site is borderline unusable.

There's an ethical consideration when you sell a company. Dorsey and co. took a big payout and this is the result. I was thinking earlier about how this probably wouldn't have been happened if you had an even equity split across the company's employees.

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The horrible reality is that Bing has actually become a competitor to Google, simply by Google getting worse and worse. Microsoft used to be the main bad guy, but these days they practically seem benign compared to the others. Not open source like you're saying, of course.

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Imagine cementing yourself into history as such a complete asshole that you were a critical catalyst for a movement towards decentralization.

Many of the weak and vulnerable are responsible for putting the rich and powerful into power though. Power is entirely a social construct. Bit of a paradox but that's the way it is.

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Honestly, the fact that Lemmy displays upvote and downvote counts (like reddit, at least with RES, used to) makes it a lot friendlier. If you say something unpopular, better to see +10/-4 than just -6 - if you're saying something unpopular but true, at least you're seeing some positive reaction.

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People view relationships as too disposable, therefore the government should lock them into relationships that aren't working, for any reason from drifting apart to not being able to demonstrate the legal standard for physical abuse. Got it, sounds totally reasonable and not at all like you're a fucking lunatic.