‘Trump Is Again Confused’: Trump Mixes Up Who Is President During Speech

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 476 points –
Trump Forgets Who Is President AGAIN — Media Calls Him Out

But the head of Hungary. Very tough, strong guy. Viktor Orban, did anybody ever hear him? Probably, you know, considered very powerful, very powerful within his country and outside of his country, not exactly loved by some of the European nations, because he does this thing. He didn’t allow millions of people to invade his country. He allowed nobody to invade the zero zero. He had nobody. So he doesn’t have crime and he doesn’t have the problems that they’re having in other countries where millions of people who are allowed to go in.

But they were interviewing him two weeks ago and they said, “What would you advise President Obama? The whole world seems to be exploding and imploding.”.

And he said “It’s very simple. He should immediately resign and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.”

I didn't vote for Trump in either 2016 or 2020 but if he runs against President Barack Obama? I don't know, I'll have to think about it.


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"Flubs" I think are the absolutely least interesting thing* in politics, that people just love to focus on.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt

But this isn’t just a simple flub, it’s a non-small collection of examples that speaks to his mental stability. Furthermore he and his morons have been attacking Biden for being old and unfit, so it’s apt to take that and turn it around on him because it’s always projection.

Boiling this down to simple flubs is reductive and harmful in this context

Got your reply and had to scroll back up to remember if this post was about Biden or Trump...

Honestly I can't remember an election cycle in the last 20 years where somebody didn't say something stupid and people tried to turn it into a question about their mental fitness. It's part of the excruciating minutia of examining every mole and freckle on the body of political candidates to see if they're qualified for a job that shouldn't even exist in the first place. The blind fixations of American politics on the personality of candidates who are basically universally betraying them years before they even get into office.

It's very boring, but also I think reasonably important to share. His followers don't really care about ideas or events. You can be as high minded as you want, but you won't change their minds with it. It's the reason why Trump, and then his followers, use nicknames for everyone. It's the lowest level of engagement, but you have to engage them where they're at, not where you'd like them to be.

There's also the small matter of the trump camp, for some unfathomable reason, deciding to call attention to mental sharpness and clarity of speech/articulation of ideas as a barometer of a good president.

Of course they do this because they want to show how lacking Biden is in that area and criticize his age.

But I guess none of them have bothered to see how their own, vaunted champion stacks up in that department.

The higher minded you are, the more you anger them actually. They don't like to hear ideas. They don't like to consider they might be wrong.

They'll just shut down and call you a socialist or something.

Highlight the mistakes Trump makes that Biden has made. A lot of them are pretty similar, and it'll cause some dissonance.

I think you're going to be dealing with them on that level of engagement as long as you don't correct it. And as long as they are, they're gonna be subject to the same kinds of manipulation that they are now.

You can't really change someone who is unwilling to change.

I don't think that's true. Our mentalities change throughout our entire lives because of events and information we never anticipated.

That's true for those of us willing to change. If you refuse to admit anything you've done is wrong and refuse to accept that any thought you've had is incorrect, how are you going to change? Those people exist, and their opinions won't be swayed to academic arguments, but their votes still count as much as anyone's.

It doesn't matter if you're willing to change, the world changes you anyway, that's what I'm saying. If you're talking about persuading people, that's a question of technique. I'm not gonna pretend I'm great at that, I have a pretty short temper, but there are ways.

I thought we were back on the issue where he was ostensibly unaware that he lost the 2020 election and thought he was still president. Fortunately that's been cleared up for him now, right?
