
2 Post – 1290 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

What the hell is going on with that hand bottom right

Yeah he sure murdered him by spewing insane lies meanwhile Biden tiredly gave good answers the majority of the time. Give me a goddamn break, also fuck off with the bee

She physically could not.

ouch... for the entire planet

lmao and here I keep hearing about how MKBHD is SOOOOOO unbiased and has a following because he doesn't give easy reviews

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fuck that, you're missing the forest for the trees - we need RIGHT TO REPAIR LEGISLATION.

An absolute endless embarrassment. It'd be funny if it weren't our fucking collective futures being sold off part and parcel

oh okay

Fuck brave, built on chromium

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SEC hurts because the SEC has been stepping up regulatory changes to increase transparency and fairness in an inherently unfair market (by design!). No surprise all of the big hedge fund terrorists like Ken Griffin donate almost exclusively to republicans. What a coincidence!!!!

They will give him full immunity, there is no doubt in my mind. They will also word it in such a way that it gives trump the break he needs without granting SHIT to biden

If trump takes the pres again, it's all over. Seriously. He's already packed the court to be a viciously biased conservative one that follows the whims of the federalist society, and you know what will happen next? He'll pack in EVEN MORE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTO-FACISTS. That is something a new pres can't fix, as we've already seen.

We are fighting for the life of this nation and its democracy. God fucking damnit, we're fucked.

thus they can use the do-nothing republican fascists to shoot things down. fuck this goddamn country

Fuck Russia and their welcoming of hackers, constantly hacking and ransoming shit.

Over and over, fucking scum: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-28/cdk-hackers-have-ties-to-notorious-russia-based-cyber-gang?srnd=technology-vp

from companies to city infrastructure to fucking hospitals: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/cybersecurity/us-hospitals-paid-100m-to-russian-ransomware-hackers.html


74% of ransomware revenue goes to Russia-linked hackers


Russia continues to offer safe harbor for cybercriminals where groups such as LockBit are free to launch ransomware attacks against the United States, its allies, and partners. These ransomware attacks have targeted critical infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and financial institutions.

These Russian fucking ransomware hackers are out of control. Companies, hospitals, city infra, anything and everything

The article talks about it a little and links this:


The games industry in general has proven vulnerable to cyberattacks in the past. Rockstar Games and Insomniac are among the studios to be heavily impacted by ransomware attacks, resulting in the release of a large amount of confidential data. A recent report on Wired detailed why ransomware attacks are "more brutal than ever" in 2024.

from companies to city infrastructure to fucking hospitals: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/cybersecurity/us-hospitals-paid-100m-to-russian-ransomware-hackers.html


74% of ransomware revenue goes to Russia-linked hackers


Russia continues to offer safe harbor for cybercriminals where groups such as LockBit are free to launch ransomware attacks against the United States, its allies, and partners. These ransomware attacks have targeted critical infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, and financial institutions.

I've only had this issue with clicking on reddit links from google and all it takes is choosing another server, many times no need to even change the location.

That said it's annoying as FUCK, thankfully I don't use reddit

if Biden loses and Trump takes office, yes I agree. Trump will help Bibi finish the job https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/us/politics/trump-israel-conservative.html

MEANWHILE Biden has been working hard on a 3-step peace plan that includes giving up remaining hostages for ceasefire and then continued ceasefire with more conditions resulting in the end of the goddamn war.

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Every youtube reviewer’s goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It’s money they’re after, not your praises.


There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up.

Prop them up? Occam's razor would imply that it is more-so people following trends than it is apple paying shills to get in the trenches and push lies.

they just have same pattern.

Why this isn’t obvious is just idk.

if it's so obvious, surely you can provide some tangible proof? Like I'm confident apple and every other company does this but the way you framed this take it seems to imply that is the main driver and the majority of positive sentiment is just bots or scripts, which is just absurd.

You think Apple is paying all the kids to clown on non-imessage bubble colors? Or is it more reasonable that there is something closer to a hive-mind in regards to what is trendy and popular/a status symbol?

Dude has it all and threw it away for a chance of sex with a minor

They not like us

Great, no. Better, undoubtedly.

won't get better either way

jesus fucking christ.

if Biden loses and Trump takes office, he will help Bibi finish the job https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/us/politics/trump-israel-conservative.html

MEANWHILE Biden has been working hard on a 3-step peace plan that includes giving up remaining hostages for ceasefire and then continued ceasefire with more conditions resulting in the end of the goddamn war.

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it won't move the needle

tech has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit, he's not even a technical person it's just the hat he like to wear. Are all the other car OEM CEOs tech bros too?

How dare you talk shit about the T

ordering young religious men to enlist for military service.

GET FUCKED, you live there so suffer along with everyone else.

Unlikely. People keep pointing to the two times it has happened in the past but they NEVER say anything about how THEY FAILED BOTH TIMES lmao

These fucking monsters are selling our fucking future for some post-ruling gifts/rewards (totally legal!!!!)

how about euthanize the entire planet? Just put us out of our fucking misery already goddamn

Can't say I'm surprised, but holy fuck these scumbags... THIS is why every job seeker has to submit a billion fuckin applications.

somethings people don't care about quality. An example, the one time I checked out Temu way back when it first made its splash I bought some targets for shooting... Hard to fuck that up and got em cheap as fuck with that promo deal they do to hook you. Uninstalled it right after, probably not worth it but I feel like that is a common experience. There are items where you just simply can't fuck up so the ultra cheapness works out.

With that said, an obligatory FUCK temu and those like it.

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Are you implying that by spending more money they are blocking you from seeing the opposition? That's absolutely not the case.

It would be more like people raising hands around you and you see mostly green hands and only a few blue hands and thus less-informed people will be more likely to lean towards the majority.

YES we are. Humanity is a cancer and WILL kill itself

yo what the FUCK

Ah yes, the tax payers have come to pay the bill of their abuser once again

Thankfully steam just put out a new beta for built in game recording


classic emotional response disconnected from reality. AIPAC is not Israel. Take your crying about Jews and apply it to Citizens United please.

Oh damn that one lady changed votes (totally believable she walked away from Trump but THIS pushed her back into his hands)?

It’s aLl OvEr!!!!!

I hate people who do this, you are scum.

fuck moderates, we're fighting for our goddamn lives and the life of American democracy. We got no room for both-siders.

I agree, for both send and receive since ios can send messages differently (text vs imessage)