4 Post – 334 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He's a successful businessman, he does indeed run the country exactly like he runs his businesses: stiff the people doing the work for him, divert the funds towards his nepotism clique, bleed the company dry until bankruptcy, and move on to do the exact same thing again because when you're a star, they let you do it.

That whole right side is just quitter talk.

A dylsexic man walks into a bra-

You're putting words into his mouth again. He would totally absolutely 100% declassify them right after publishing his tax returns and presenting his healthcare plan.

Gotta milk any remaining goodwill while it's still there.

Well, in his defense, it wasn't about him.

Trump sues mirror for making him look ugly.

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Because it's too expensive to crunch up a whole iPhone just for one cone.

Oh yeah? But would Ozzy Osbourne put Trump's family members in positions of power, funnel as much booty - I mean national wealth as imaginable into Trump's personal pockets and benefit Trump's corrupt cronies? Sorry, I mean make America great again?

"Okay, but I don't see why we can't revisit my suggestion to send the Pinkertons to all owners of the original version and have them break their kneecaps if they don't give us all the money they have."

"With all due respect sir, that is... Have you read the brief that Legal sent you on that matter?"

"I skimmed it... but I'm not convinced."

The next tesla model will have a coal oven inside it. Will still run on electricity, the oven is just in there so you can do some pollution too. The main factor in making the electric part palpable to republicans will be telling them how brown people are being exploited to get the materials for the batteries out of the ground.

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"Wouldn't it be great if everybody gave my AI company money?"

"For doing what?"

"... I don't follow."

They're instead letting an AI generate their stock price. It is a number now.

Sacre bleu! It's almost like the free speech warrior does not know that the other aspect of free speech besides speaking freely is being able to choose whom to listen to! Does he think free speech means being forced to listen to specific people speak?

Surprised. Pikachu. Face.

Combine it with the semi-adjustable GAMER wrist-proximity-fixation devices (also available in plush) as well as the the GAMER lumination-induced eye strain block face-covering mask device for best results.

I am sorry that kicking the Eurotrash invaders and their descendants off your continent didn't work out for you and in the end you were jammed into special reservations without being reimbursed for all the land theft after all.

It's especially important to get all the children, women and elderly people who have literally zero influence on anything and to then extinguish the entire basis for their livelihoods wholesale. In fact, they're the easiest to punish for whatever someone else has done or is doing or will do -doesn't matter, excuses will be made up- because they can't defend themselves when you take everything they own. Galaxy brain material here, truly.

You forgot your /s tag btw.

Completely failed? That is just not true. For Johnson's co-conspirators, who lied and swindled to profit from Brexit, it absolutely caused the desired shifts in wealth - that is from everybody else into their own pockets.

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BREAKING: group of people whose only chance of getting elected is relying on the Electoral College not thrilled about the idea of abandoning the Electoral College

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Yeah, once you've given the app permission to snoop out all your data, they have what they came for and don't need you to keep it any longer.

3 questions:

  1. Does reddit think their users are complete morons?
  2. Are they right?
  3. Where can I get checked if I have accidentally consumed at least ten times the daily recommended dose of buzzwords?
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No, obviously not the guns of real people, just the ones who get stopped and frisked by the police. Y'know... the ones you can tell are evil because they're... y'know, wink wink nudge nudge "urban".

One plus is that it takes more than one autocratic greedy wannabe tyrant to enshittify your entire experience by forcing ads upon you while taking away all the good but not ad-delivery-optimised tools.

Every. Single. Time.

Sorry, but no compassion from me: shouldn't have built the road right under a lava stream. Stupid decision, really.

It may be the most successful example of indoctrination of parts of the populace of a supposedly developed nation by the ruling class though.

"Your delivery will arrive on a day between a point in time and a different point in time. You better be there when the driver pretends to check if someone's at home and leaves without ringing anyway - not like you have anything better to do you lazy fuck."

Translation: "The legal system isn't sufficiently stacked in my favour anymore like all the previous hearings were, so somebody move to illegal means of nudging the results while I hide behind plausible deniability in saying that I did not mean that at all."

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"These are my talking points. Go forth and parrot them."


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Boy, he's really trickling it down on all those families' heads...

Why would he? In his fantasy world, Biden is his easy opponent, he's perfectly innocent and not a convicted criminal at all, he is actually the smartest person alive, instead of just the smartest person he's ever been. Why would he join us in reality when his imaginary happy place that's shared by millions of FOX viewers is so much more attractive?

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That's not the "gotcha" it should be. If anything results in future generations becoming ignorant, gullible and uncritically docile towards authorities, that's just the system working as intended.

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Smash&Grab tactics with... do I smell a hint of Scorched Earth in the mix there?

"Yeah, well, but having no mods is actually great, we don't even need no mods and these grapes are too sour anyway." - not an alt account of spez at all

"Aww, surely he didn't mean it exactly like he said it. We must give him the benefit of the doubt since he is a rich and respectable person who wouldn't say something like that."

"No, please. Do not give me the benefit of the doubt. I mean it - I WILL literally kill you if I get elected again."

"That could mean anything, surely he wouldn't imply that he would kill us if he got elected. He must have misspoken or meant something else."

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They forgot the third option: don't use it.

"Dammit, Taylor Swift shat my pants again."

What? Now you can't even turn the country into an absolutist dictatorship anymore? I thought this was AMERICA! Political correctness gone overboard!

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