
1 Post – 874 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

…also, I don’t like cheesecake.

Are you an alien? Welcome to Earth.

C'mon, you can't ask us to pick just one. Sometimes you feel like something creamy, sometimes you want crunchy, at times even fruity.

Actually, it's cheesecake. This week. Because my wife has banned it from the house.

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Drive-by advertising. When someone joins a forum I'm active on just to let us know about their shiny new product and doesn't participate in any other way. Even if it's relevant, it's still pretty scummy.

People who use drugs may simply be looking for an enjoyable experience, they don't necessarily have mental issues.

On the other hand, everyone I know who admits to using drugs is ANNOYING AS FUCK, so no I don't think they're cool.

I'm a perma-noob and I was able to do it. Had to re-do a couple of steps because I interpreted instructions that were meant to be literal, but the wiki pages are very comprehensive. I just had to pay attention to the details.

I leave the house for work at 6, so I'm in bed at 10. As for when I got to sleep... sometimes the snooze gods are kind, sometimes they aren't.

Billionaire celebrities with millions of fans enabling their narcissism.

I once had a French co-worker tell me that the rest of France would divorce you if they could.

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You sure like watching other people fuck.

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Essential oils. Homeopathy. Chiropractic. Reiki. Juice cleanses. Perineum sunning. Internet accelerator software. Iridology. Faith healing. Organic food. Oil pulling. Gold plated digital audio cables.

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American corporations: "how can we monetize this".

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It's not just you, but it's not just Lemmy either. Anywhere I go, I need to prune subs or else my feed becomes more and more pessimistic.

I think as a species we have a mental bias that focuses on what needs changing and not what's okay as it is.

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Nice suit he's wearing there.

I believe according to his own rules you can stone him to death for mixing two different fibres.

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"Do you mind if I wash these? I'm allergic to pesticides, even in trace amounts."

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The Great Green Wall initiative. They're teaching farming methods that restore water tables and greening arid areas across middle Africa, stopping the advance of the Sahara desert. They supply the expertise and the materials, and locals do the work. In the process they're also reversing the exodus of young people to the cities, because increased/improved agriculture provides jobs for them in their home villages.

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Entire world, how do you feel about being stored in a database by US government agencies like the NSA?

Feels bad, man.

When no-one was looking, Elon Musk lost forty billion. He lost 40 billion. That's as many as four tens billions. And that's terrible.

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You're looking for opinions? I got opinions.

  • The Chosen One who gets dragged around like a sack of potatoes until they Come Into Their Own and go on to Turn The Tide.

  • The Wise Yet Enigmatic Sage.

  • The Sharp-Tongued Princess.

  • The Rogue With A Heart of Gold.

  • Plots based on misunderstanding ancient prophecies that are so vaguely written they could be cookie recipes.

  • Gods that slot into neat roles on a godly table of elements.

  • Magic systems so detailed and prosaic you may as well call them technology.

  • Elves that are exactly like every other elf character you've ever read about except for one glaring but superficial difference which is there to make you think the author's not plagiarising their own favourite author.

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"The right to discuss is a privilege" - someone is very confused about the difference between rights and privileges and also wrong.

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They're easily recognised by their bulging eyes, flicking tongues and leathery scales.

Wait, that's monitor lizards. I've confused autistic people with monitor lizards again.

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"The last man to enter parliament with honest intentions".

Fight me.

Okay, but I'm bringing my power washer.

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OP, please don't take medical advice from strangers on the internet. The most confident voice here could be a 12-year old who heard about the medication you're taking on House MD reruns.

Your country may have a state-organised information line to give you advice about medication. You could call and get an authoritative answer to your question. Or you could ask the staff at any retail chemist. They'll know, or be able to look it up.

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This is very cool apart from the body fluids in your prize thing, because that's fucking stupid.

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You mean like the Great Attractor?

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I think it's because people would rather believe the world is secretly controlled by some truly awful people than acknowledge no-one's steering the bus.

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Following the ancient traditions, I'm here to tell you that you picked the wrong distro. 😉

But welcome aboard.

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Once the socks come off, they go through the laundry before I put them on again. They're just not comfortable unless they're fresh.

Donald Trump... the sovereign citizen of world leaders.

On the one hand I'm sceptical that a company couldn't tell customers ahead of time what fees they might be paying.

On the other hand, I once worked for an ISP that deleted its customer database and all backups to save itself data warehousing fees and literally had no idea how much customers were paying or what services it was providing them. So it does happen.

On the other other hand (yes, I have three), incompetence shouldn't shield you from the consequences of failing your responsibilities.

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I'm also not a programmer but here's why Linux is my daily driver:

I like it.

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"Our billionaires aren't getting richer fast enough!"

"Never give up".

Sometimes you're wasting your time and should give up. Better advice would be "decide how much you're willing to give to this before you start".

Freedom from hayfever.

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Cats, man. I don't know what to tell you.

D&D and RPGs in general. There's a lot of loud opinions on what other people are doing.

Yeah, go ahead Simon - teach me the right way to pretend I'm an elf.

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Okay, but what if...

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One day they'll invent super-economy class where you just get strapped to the wings and released over your destination. Parachutes will cost extra.

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I can wiggle my ears. I used to use it to entertain children, but today's children are jaded and cynical.

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