New Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed School Shootings on the Teaching of Evolution to Mildly – 565 points –

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Nice suit he's wearing there.

I believe according to his own rules you can stone him to death for mixing two different fibres.

I'll bet he's also eaten shellfish, and mixed meat with dairy.

He looks like the kind of guy that would enjoy a lukewarm milk steak.

Isn’t that in the Torah? I have never met a Christian who didn’t mix meat with dairy, that’s Judaism. Imagine Christian America if you told them they can’t eat cheeseburgers lmao. Actually, I think that might be the best way to beat religion in America. Ban cheeseburgers on religious grounds. Fat white balding men the nation over will revolt, once their arteries clear up from not eating burgers, that is.

Well, it's in Leviticus. Which is in the Old Testament in the bible that these fuckheads still espouse. And before anyone comes along and says: "But, Jesus swept all that away!!!" Remember that wingnuts still cite Leviticus (20:13, to be precise) as justification for persecuting homosexuals.

Here's the trick. Jesus swept away the conviction rules but not the sin rules. As in some things aren't bad per se, they're just rules to show your devotion. Jesus made is so you don't have to do those things anymore.

Now, what's bad and what's an arbitrary rule? Who the fuck knows? It's a free pass to have your own rules.

That makes sense, thanks. It’s been a couple decades since I’ve set foot anywhere Christian, and I hope to continue that streak for a few more, so I’d rather ask you than a Christian 😂

Isn’t that in the Torah?

Yes, it's in Exodus. Exodus is part of the Torah, as well as the Old Testament, along with Leviticus. The Torah is the first 5 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)

Leviticus (11:9-12) is where shellfish are banned, mixed seed or fabrics (19:19) It is where modern Christians cherry-pick their justifications on being anti-LGBTQ. (Lev. 18:22, 20:13)

Point is, they cherry-pick from the Old Testament when it suits them, and if you look at the rest of the rules in the books they reference that they ignore (e.g. tattoos, touching pig skin, eating pork, shellfish, etc. etc. ) it's totally fair game to point out the rules they ignore in the same books as the ones they cite.

Just like the constitution, republicans only pay attention to the parts of the bible that they agree with.

It’s all arbitrary and stupid and differentiating between Abrahamic faiths is a waste of breath

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