25 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Firefox is the way to go.

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I don't exactly recall when or where I heard/read this quote, but man it is dope

  • "it should not be a concern when people pirate your content, it should be when people don't even want to pirate your content"
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Excuse me - if I bought your product and paid for it, in what universe am I not investing into you, and instead you are investing into me??

HP is a steaming pile of shit.

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Reddit, Xwitter, Unity..what next in the queue of "let me fuck myself" ?

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That lawsuit simply says : "acquire me, acquire me, O Holy Musk, acquire me..."

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Reputation is a perishable commodity. It is very hard to replenish it once gone.

Xwitter and Reddit understood it the hard way. Even if Unity goes back to exactly where they were before this ruckus - people will think twice before trusting them again.

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Btw our heads are very slowly 3-D printing our hairs...

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Tesla should recall Musk, for good.

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This is how my love for uBlock Origin grows day by day...

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ABP has that stinky practice of marking ads as "acceptable" (basically those companies pay ABP to be on their "allowlist").

As has already been mentioned - stop using ABP, and use uBO instead. It's a lifesaver.

"Hey, I just tried to break into my school principal's room on a weekend to change my exam grade - because, you know, bad grades don't look good on me - BUT WHY IS THIS BEING MADE INTO SUCH A TOPIC ????"

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It depends on the booger itself. If it's a dry one, I just pinch it into a ball and flick it across the room. If it's one of those wet, sticky, semi-solid ones, I rub it between my thumb and index finger until most of the moisture is removed and the booger is determined to be flickable without being a little bastard and just sticking to one of my nails.

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Logically yes, downloading or a sharing a digital file is a "lost sale" - but as Aaron Swartz said - "lost sales" are also caused by Earthquakes, Libraries/DVD Rentals, Negative Yelp reviews, Market Competitors, and so on. Why just blame it on file sharing...

Funnily enough - this article is 3 years old

Sorry if this has already been mentioned in the 224 (so far) comments... but another bad guy worth hating is

Hewlett Packard.


"Hey, you need to have our proprietary ink cartrige in your HP inkjet printer plus scanner to print AND to scan as well. The scanner won't work when you are out of ink"

Is just plain fuckery.

Sir, you are a Buddha.

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"..Why must I register my car? A license and insruance should be all I need. I don't register my shoes. I don't register my computers. A car is no different..."

You have a very legit question, and I too thought about this.

And I think the reason is just the same as registering your firearms - because in the end your car is a 4,000 lb killing machine.

Everything else you mentioned - I agree 100%

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..worst platform for disinformation..

Is that a double negative, or am I hallucinating ?

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Are there e-readers with very very dim light that still allow comfortable reading?

I have not used any myself, but I have heard that both Kindle e-reader and Kobo support this.

"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool."

  • Mark Twain

Elon Musk is an antisemite. What can anyone do about it?

Make him take off his pants and sit on a lighted Menorah.

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Honestly, before reading this comment I never noticed that BlueSky shortens to BS, lol

I do watch videos from YouTube because of its massive content, but I tend to use invidious or piped links - because I don't want to provide YT any more traffic than they need.

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For a moment I read that as "Defederation", and was thinking by myself - 'Is Amazon next in line after Meta to get defederated...'

I am dumb.

Google needs to be broken up at least as much as the oil and railroad companies did a century ago.

This is probably the biggest truth right now, and applies to almost all the big tech corps.

"Plans to" ? okay...


Yes, literally the owner/mod talking to himself, sometimes to a wall. (sob)

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Musk tried to fix something that was not broken, and it almost always is a bad idea.

I did go through a phase ( late August through early September) when I could not bear the sight of Reddit as a platform / corporation, but couldn't deny the fact either that Reddit is a treasure trove of valuable content.

(Although in the end my hate for Reddit's greed took over, and also the quality of the content there deteriorated slowly due to lack of good moderation - but I digress)

If you are going through such a phase - I might recommend giving Stealth app a try. It's FOSS and available on F-Droid (I am obviously assuming you are an Android user, please ignore if not) , it is one of the most beautiful apps I have ever used, and if someone asks what that app is about, I say "Stealth is to Reddit as NewPipe is to YouTube".

PS : I didn't develop Stealth. I just liked using it when I was still giving Reddit a chance ( but fuck spez )


You sir, are one of those fucking amazing people who profusely apologize for not being a native English speaker and then blurt out 37 paragraphs of perfect English.

You have nothing to be ashamed of - your English is better than a lot of them native speakers ! And always remember this :

"You are speaking English because that is the only language you know; I am speaking English because that is the only language you know. We are not the same."

And as to your original question - if I ever ask them "what evidence did you see which proves X happens?", I have almost always been hit with the reply, "Oh yeah? What proof do you have that says X does not happen???". And then I tell them the anecdote of the Invisible Dragon by Carl Sagan. Look it up if this is new to you, and for a more formal treatment, check out Karl Popper's theory of Falsifiability.

I have personally converted at least one conspiracy theorist to being an Agnostic. So I know it works. Try them out, it's fun.

And I also am not a native English speaker to be honest :-)

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I am also a former Jerboa user and although I kinda liked it - the sole reason that I moved away from it was the lack of a proper search feature (It is already well-known that the Search bar in Jerboa is basically only for communities; Jerboa can't search for posts, comments or users.

I have lately been using Eternity - and the main reason is that Eternity is a fork of Infinity for Reddit, and Infinity was a complete app by its own merit - so although Eternity is not updated frequently, it is very unlikely that I will miss any essential feature in Eternity for Lemmy.

Just my 0.02.

New England resident here. I find Aldi to be alright. The lower price point is definitely noticeable, especially when you compare with other big players in the area like ShopRite and Stop&Shop.

I switched over to Aldi since 2020, they are quite decent when it comes to the basics.

Good to know they are expanding. Aldi's Sister concern Trader Joe's is already heavily present in the New England region, although I suspect they have a more 'niche' group of customers.

I do. Almost always. And there are three main reasons for it.

(A) Hassle free prep. Hot water and stirrer, bam!

(B) No waste/by-products (e.g. filter, brewed coffee granules residue, blah blah) - so much less carbon footprint.

(C) A cup of instant coffee has slightly less caffeine content than the same cup of freshly brewed coffee. Good for me, because I have been a caffeine-addict, and trying to cut down now.

So I always try to go for Freeze-dried instant coffee ( especially Colombian, like Juan Valdez ), and not the Spray-dried shit.

Edit : I thank max and the OP for enlightening me about the instant coffee manufacture process. It surely appear that Instant coffee has a lot more environmental impact than simple ground coffee because of more processes involved. I have always consumed instant coffee, but were totally ignorant on this part. Dumb of me.

Thanks to the people directing me to the right way, and I will strike out my second point above.

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Another victim of Reddit's greed..

I'm using Mullvad.

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You probably have the box checked in "Settings" --> "Look and Feel" --> "Use Custom tabs".

Try unchecking that box.

Whenever I hear this argument

"Most people are not interesting enough to profile, so they don't need this XYZ privacy tool.."

I always have this ready as a counter argument

"Only a stupid person would not care about pickpockets just because his wallet does not have much cash - a pickpocket will not ask you how much cash you have before picking your wallet, and even if your wallet turns up to be empty, the pickpocket is not going to be a gentleman and return that to you.

Tracking/profiling for Ads on the internet happen en masse; you are just one of a million data points that build a profile - it doesn't care whether you as an individual are interesting or not".


Thanks ! This is it.