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Joined 11 months ago


The hype leading up to its reveal was wild.

You may need a bigger house, or less cats.


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Why tf do out of touch executives and managers always think that we want to make friends at work?

Because it's the type of people they are, and they think everyone is just like them. I worked a corporate job for 10 years and saw a lot of people who made the company their whole identity. Their whole friend group was their co-workers.

My favorite quote: "I would call you a cunt, but you have neither the warmth nor the depth."

Then who would we sell gas to?

Do you know how many times I install and uninstall a game before I even play it? I could probably destroy a small game company on my own with this fee structure, and I'm sure I'm not alone with the constant installing and uninstalling.

OP clearly just wanted an excuse to show off their vast collection of response images....

"Congratulations on reaching a billion dollars! Here is your reward, a one way trip to the Sun!"

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This is the exact same thing Digg did when they released 4.0, which caused the huge Reddit migration almost 15 years ago.

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They also can't explain what exactly "wokeness" is.

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I bought a Herman Miller chair 12 years ago when I started working from home full time. It was close to $1,000 and I was hesitant to spend that much, but I'm sure I would have gone through at least 3 office chairs by now had I bought cheap ones. This chair will probably still be solid until I retire. Definitely worth the investment.

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I just watched all the "Final Destination" movies and the 4th one is called "The Final Destination". Then the went on to make a 5th, and a 6th is in production.

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Because it's not releasing on PC?

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Seriously! So many terrible adaptations. It's refreshing to see really good shows based on games. It also doesn't hurt that shows like "The Last of Us" and "Fallout" are based on story driven games so there is already a lot of good story to build off.

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Swapping the tabs would move them out of alphabetical order which would just end up annoying someone else.

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BTW, this was a knife attack.

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One admitted it, and one has been convicted of it, so both.

My best guess is safety, if you had a heavy load in there the momentum could keep the drum spinning much longer than normal. I'm sure they could add a sensor to check, but that's just an extra cost. So rather than allowing you to open the machine while it's still spinning and possibly injure yourself reaching in, they keep it locked for a few more minutes.

You can select the whole table and copy/paste it into a spreadsheet program. Then you have all the spreadsheet tools to use. I just tested in excel and Google sheets and both loaded the data correctly.

edit: Here is that spreadsheet in google sheets.

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This is some exciting news! Years ago I got interested in making my own game and went through many of his tutorials to get a handle on Unity. Eventually I lost interest and stopped working on it. After hearing about Godot I had gotten interested in trying again but never got around to even installing the software. Maybe this will finally get me motivated to get back into it!

In case you did want to buy some of his art:


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Some of the water is evaporated so it doesn't leave as a liquid.

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And the opposite where it was something so stupid you're embarrassed to tell anyone it took so long to solve. The 30hr ticket with a 1 line change.

Oh yeah, I love edging.

My dog reacts very poorly to "Okay, Google". I'm not sure if it's because of the response from a person that he can't see, or that in the past I've yelled at the phone to stop when it won't stop listing. But every time I say "Okay, Google" now he gets up and goes into his crate. He does the same when I talk into my Google TV remote too, so I assume it's the response from the Google Assistant that he finds so troublesome.

Pretty sure the people glorifying it are the same ones screaming about taxes are theft.

Interesting. I come from a family that wasn't very physically affectionate, and I hug most of my friends every time I see them.

So glad I took the recommendation to go into this game blind. Really wish I could wipe my memory and play it again for the first time.

I know it's not, but that totally looks like the domain of a porn site.

I was a pretty heavy Twitch user for a while, even streamed for a couple years myself. The biggest draw for me was the community. Most of the time I couldn't care less what the person was playing, I was there to interact with them and their communities. It was about the only social/entertainment outlet I had at the time.

It's a lot more paperwork to charge someone with a crime.

Washed a tent.

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Same for me, went to watch it on Independence Day and it was a wild ride! Some guy jumped up and yelled "FUCK YEAH, GET SOME!" when Will punched that alien. By far the greatest movie experience I've ever had.

"Old man fucks a whole country"

Incorrect, bananas grow from the stem upwards making the stem end, where most people open them, the bottom, OP opens their bananas from the other end.


Straight to jail.

Half of the population has below average intelligence.