3 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I think this is a greater problem with games that are technically aimed at children. There is so little respect for your time generally, but I think it's especially egregious when it comes to menus, dialog, and animations. Additionally, there are many things that are in sequence (with large unneeded gaps between) that could happen more or less simultaneously.

Conspiratorially, I think this is to pad play time, and for kids the animations and what not are jingling keys that keep then occupied enough they don't care or notice.

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Daily reminder that no individual action is lawful or chaotic.

This city is a monument to man's arrogance.

  • Peggy Hill

You should look into VFIO. I was in the same place where I wanted to have a Linux desktop but I don't want to dual boot to play games because that shit is CRAZY annoying. However, there's a way to virtualize Windows inside of you Linux desktop and get 99% of your GPU's performance due to VFIO. I think if you use Kubuntu specifically there's a really strong guide for setting it up, although admittedly it's not trivial. Good luck!

For phones, Pinephone is very nearly this. The only thing is that GPS and cell service are on the same switch (because they're handled by the same chip on the board)

Maybe they could add wildcard domain level blocking? Then you can block for now and or whatever it gets changed to later.

Another user posted about photoprism, which has AI powered features like facial recognition. Might be worth checking out.

maybe 5G or wifi 6

This is why we need phones with swappable modules. I'm pretty sure my current phone could last for decades if I could replace it's radio equipment to keep up with modern standards.

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You pretty much nailed it. The Republicans can just collectively decide, "he doesn't represent us", and field a different candidate. Strategically though, doing so would be an incredible blunder so they'll never do that.

It's important to note that for this specific situation/question, percentages (i.e. "half of all wealth") aren't actually useful. Depending on what the actual flat numbers are, it would still be possible for "half of all wealth" evenly distributed to the entire population of the planet to not be a lot of money per person.

That being said, I looked at your linked article which actually includes the flat numbers which means you can do the math and see what an even distribution of wealth amounts to for each and every person.

That article claims that in 2022, total global wealth was 418.3 trillion. Looking elsewhere for total global population in 2022, I'm finding ~8 billion. Those numbers give us a per person wealth value of ~52K. It's important to note that this isn't a yearly salary - it represents the sum total of all assets each person would have. Also important to note that the population number includes children - something like global adult population would likely be more useful but I couldn't easily find that number.

So 52K is our answer, but interpreting it is I think a very complex question all on it's own. I have no idea if this amounts to a "modest" living or even what "modest" really means (PCs? Air Conditioning? Year round access to global fruit supplies?). I thought for a long time that if we could evenly distribute wealth that everyone could live a "good" life - but the numbers might literally not shake out for that. I still hope they do. I want them to. But I've never seen a clear answer. Also, this isn't an argument against an even distribution of wealth. I think it's ethically correct to evenly distribute wealth basically no matter what. I just don't know if anyone knows what the lives of people would really look like in that scenario.

For phones, Pinephone is very nearly this. The only thing is that GPS and cell service are on the same switch (because they're handled by the same chip on the board)

So, I understand what approval voting is, but I'm not sure I follow with "fiver member districts". Is this referring to something like congressional districts, but instead of electing one person they elect five? Or maybe it means breaking a constituency into a huge number of tiny 5 voter districts?

EDIT: Seems like maybe combining districts that only have 1 representative into larger districts that elect 5 representatives?

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The Shavian Alphabet!

Huge soda fan so picking just one is super hard but I'd say:

Oronamin C or Sweet Blossom's Rose soda

Oronamin C is a Japanese soft drink with a taste that is often described as "drinking (American) Smarties". It's incredibly refreshing and delicious. Sweet Blossom is I think an eastern European beverage company and they make a rose flavored soda that is to die for. It has far and away my favorite quality of carbonation (very fine, soft bubbles).

Other honorable mentions include Ocean Bomb: Sailor Mercury (i.e. pear flavor), and as a big fan of cherry colas, Bawls Guarana Cherry Cola and Fentiman's Cherry Tree Cola.

Seconding Ergo Proxy!

Hell yeah another fan of Darwin!

I've recently started putting together a home studio and made the mistake of asking online what I should consider before painting my monitors. Nearly half of the people who responded said, "Don't do it, it'll ruin the resale value." Like dude, I'm not here to be on a god damned gear treadmill. I'm here to make music. Gear is just a necessary evil to me and if I never have to buy monitors again I would be so happy. So, If I can get some extra joy out of them and make them mine, I'm gonna.

With all of the time I have, I am an insult to the dead.

In context, the person is saying they feel like they are wasting their life and that innumerable people in the past would've killed to have the kind of free time or life they have.

It reminds me to be grateful for both the time I have alive and the quality of that time.

I find it extremely motivating in pursuing my various personal pursuits. I should seem like a Renaissance master to the people of the past and anything less is insulting.

I've never been able to get a calendar to reliably trigger alarms :(

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Apprise is interesting. One of the many things it talks to might be what I'm looking for. I've seen multiple instances on the Internet of people using some kind of notification to trigger an automation software on the phone which actually sets the alarm. That might be the route to go.

With all of the time I have, I am an insult to the dead.

In context, the person is saying they feel like they are wasting their life and that innumerable people in the past would've killed to have the kind of free time or life they have.

It reminds me to be grateful for both the time I have alive and the quality of that time.

I find it extremely motivating in pursuing my various personal pursuits. I should seem like a Renaissance master to the people of the past and anything less is insulting.

Since I haven't seen any of the comments mention this yet...

I think the big reason is storage/bandwidth.

Digital audio is an interesting form of media because the size of an audio file is determined almost entirely by 1) how long it is and 2) the bitrate/quality and has a lot less to do with what the actual content is. Therefore, an audio track of a video that contains dialogue and music is pretty much the same size as one that only contains music. So, if you were to, for example, separate dialogue and music of a video into two tracks to allow a user adjust the volume of either independently of the other (an amazing user experience IMO) the storage size (and bandwidth usage) of the audio virtually doubles despite no "additional" content being added.

Multiple audio track is actually something I've wanted for forever, especially for watching stream on Twitch. But I think it's a pretty hefty burden to place on the service, especially if a lot of people aren't even going to use or notice it.

In a similar vein to deadcade's comment, Ripcord also exists also an alternative. If this exchange had happened a few months ago I would've recommended it above anything - but unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a very long time at this point and it's starting to cause some core functionality to not work.

EDIT: It's pretty much exclusively the Slack functionality that doesn't work anymore. The Discord side is great and is IMO has a much more useful UI, ex: you can group arbitrary channels from any number of servers into a single group which is presented in the UI pretty much as a new server. No more server hopping to check out all of your favorite channels!

Thank you so much for saying this! One time there was a Twitter thread that started with someone asking, "What are some things that people believe/accept without having liked into it further." Someone responded with this "the original phrase is... covenant...womb" and the OP replied with someone like, "yeah people are such sheep". I wanted to explode.

But to back your point, you can go and read for yourself the very first instance of this phrase in context as the very old book it comes from has been digitally scanned. It's old enough to be in middle English, but I still thought it was fairly easy to make out the original phrase as we know it today.

I wholly agree with your initial sentiment, although I envision it being structured differently. I think it makes sense for a person to have a name when they are growing, especially one given to you by your parents since they are (typically) a huge part of who you are at that point in your life.

But, no one stays who they are when they were 7, or 12, or 16. By the time they're not a minor I would argue that they're hardly the same person. Thus, I think it should be expected and tradition for people to change their name once they truly become individuals.

And I think it doesn't even have to be a legal thing. Parents can just be like, "think about and pick your new name" and once the person decides, they (and everyone else they inform) just starts calling them that name.

Haven't seen these mentioned yet:

  1. Terror In Resonance

This is one of the newer shows made by Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo). Follows the crew of a small terrorist organization as they implement their various plots - lots of intrigue that makes you want to keep watching.

  1. Megalobox

Follows a boxer's journey in a semi-dystopian future. Very mature and themes of adulthood, especially season 2. And I mean real life mature, not gore and titties. I've never watched an anime that I found so relatable as an adult human being. Music is also extremely top tier and I'm personally a huge fan of it's animation style.

Those are some sour ass looking grapes.

This is not correct. English is simply not phonetic and therefore it's impossible to spell any English word phonetically.

Home Assistant is an interesting idea. I only learned about it recently but I know it's hella dense and I feel like figuring out how to get it to do this one thing might be a huge task. I'll keep it in mind though if nothing else pops up.

Hey, this is definitely getting really close. However, I think for this to work our phones would need to be connected to my Wireguard all the time, right?

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Link to image? I can't seem to find it.

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Goodnight Harada~

So it does had custom gestures but it's on the now playing screen. I didn't make it clear in the original post, but I'm looking for gesture control in "listing" views.

If it's the Metro available on F-Droid, it doesn't have any swiping config as far as I can tell.

If it's the Metro available on F-Droid, it doesn't have any swiping config as far as I can tell.

Moscow Mule hold the Moscow. Been making these a lot lately. Not decided on what my preferred ginger beer for it is though.

Thanks for mentioning your donating. Reminded me to go and get that set up!