Offline Music Player App With Configurable Swipe Actions? to – 24 points –

I've been trying to find an offline music payer with a UI that I don't hate. Yesterday, I downloaded a dozen highly recommended apps and for every single one swiping left or right on a song caused either 1) nothing to happen or 2) tab navigation which is abbbsssoooolllluutteellly useless garbage.

I want something where swiping one way queues the song and swiping the other way triggers "add to playlist". Something like that. Anyone know of a player that does that or has configurable Swipe actions?

Edit: To be more clear, I'm talking about swiping in "listing" views, not in a "now playing" kind of view.


AIMP I believe has configurable swiping action, it's free without ads on Google play, but it's not open source.

So it does had custom gestures but it's on the now playing screen. I didn't make it clear in the original post, but I'm looking for gesture control in "listing" views.

Synfonium has them on list views but I'm not sure how customizable they are.

Maybe try metro if you haven't yet? I just started dabbling in it a few weeks ago on a spare android phone and it seems to be fine

If it's the Metro available on F-Droid, it doesn't have any swiping config as far as I can tell.

If it's the Metro available on F-Droid, it doesn't have any swiping config as far as I can tell.