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Facebook the product is still Facebook. The only name that changed was that of the company that owns Facebook, which makes sense as that holding company also runs other products like Instagram.

Google made a similar move in 2015 when it created Alphabet to hold the non Google parts of Google.

In both cases the renaming was on the coorporate side. They made no effort to loose the old trademark, and continue to operate under it today.

The only high profile case that comes to mind that is simmilar to Twitter is when Comcast rebranded itself as Xfinity in 2010. In that case, it worked because: A) Comcasts reputation was way worse than Twitters and B) people don't have that much of an option anyway. In the otherhand, the rebranding failed in the sense that everyone still knows them as Comcast.

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I want to see the ensuing trademark lawsuit from the owners of xvideo.com

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There is only one country whose national religion is Judaism, but it is practiced in plenty of other places.

More to the point, the fact that there are other Islamic countries is of little comfort to the Palestinians. They do not live in those countries and those countries do not want them.

Some of those countries do provide varying levels of support for Hamas because they (accurately) see it as an indirect way to attack Israel.

By the same token, any blame you want to place on Israel for this conflict reflects on Isreal as whole, and not every individual living within it.

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I, for one, fully support Israel because it seems like you get in less trouble for that.

Some may call me a coward for this decision. To this, I can only say the following: If a coward is a person who avoids taking a difficult stance on topics for personal expediency, then “coward” is a badge I will gladly wear, again and again and again.


Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and OSX have all already switched to 64 bit time.

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Regarding insurance, the CDC has a program to provide free vacinations to those who are not covered by insurance. All you need to do is go to a participating pharmacy. They will bill the CDC program if they cannot bill insurance.

To find a participating pharmacy, go to https://www.vaccines.gov/ and select the Bridge Access Program filter after making the search.


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Let me share a passage from the dissent in a Supreme court case known as Plessy v Furguson. The majority of the court had just ruled that it was OK to force blacks to use seperate railcars from whites. Not only that, but it was OK for for the government to force railway companies to have such a rule. With this backdrop Justice Harlan spoke in dissent, arguing for true equality under the law. In the screed for justice, he wrote:

There is a race so different from our own that we do not permit those belonging to it to become citizens of the United States. Persons belonging to it are, with few exceptions, absolutely excluded from our country. I allude to the Chinese race. But, by the statute in question, a Chinaman can ride in the same passenger coach with white citizens of the United States, while citizens of the black race in Louisiana, many of whom, perhaps, risked their lives for the preservation of the Union, who are entitled, by law, to participate in the political control of the State and nation, who are not excluded, by law or by reason of their race, from public stations of any kind, and who have all the legal rights that belong to white citizens, are yet declared to be criminals, liable to imprisonment, if they ride in a public coach occupied by citizens of the white race.

Thats right folks. There was a period of us history where even your pro equality arguments were steeped in racism

More to the point. Even if you (for some reason) set asside the hole issue of slavery; there is still the whole Jim Crow era, where we litterally codified rasism into law.

Not sex related, but I learned it in sex ed. Most males do not have a big depression in their chest. Turns out that the males in my family happened to have a condition known as Pectus Excavatum.

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They are a loud rounding error that gets amplified by the current media landscape.

US Jews aren't that closely alligned to Israel; particularly if you are talking about the current Israeli leadership (which a significant portion of Israelis also aren't alligned with). Further, the preferences of US Jews is pretty corralated to their political party; where Jewish Republicans are far more pro Israel than Jewish democrats.


The above survey is old, but I don't think the story has fundamentally changed.

Across all US Jews (as of the time the survey was conducted)

40% rate Netenyahus leadership as good or excellent (25% of Democratic Jews, 80% of Republican Jews)

34% Strongly oppose the BDS (anti Israel Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement. (28% Democratic Jews, 54% Republican Jews)

33% Thought that Israel was making a sincere effort to peace. (20% Democratic Jews, 66% Republican Jews)

32% Thought that God gave Israel to the Jews. (22% Democratic Jews, 60% Republican Jews).

When people talk about the "Jewish" position for Israel in thr context of US politics, they are really talking about the Republican position.

I actually read the 7 page opinion, because normally there is at least some shred of reasonableness in these crazy opinions. But this one ... those 7 pages have nothing.

I'll just leave this little nugget from the end:

The points we have made above provide some clarity about the legal standards and framework for this sensitive area of Texas law. The courts cannot go further by entering into the medical-judgment arena.

The really telling part of all of this is that there was no reason for this to be a thing. The state attorney general chose to fight this specific case. Then chose to send a letter to every hospital saying the injunction did not actually protect them, and chose to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court.

None of that had to happen. He could have let the extreme cases go through while fighting to remove women's rights on the more "controversial" cases, but instead chose to make a test case out the most extreme interpretation of his extremist ideology.

Despite this, the court seems willfully blind to the fact that the reason for needing an injunction is that the state is acting in demonstorable bad faith.

Side note. Remember when the US SC ruled that this law could not be challenged because the state was not going to be the one enforcing it?

That might be the point. Deploy the military in a low stakes situation to see who listens. Kick all the defactors out of the military. Then, when you actually need them, you are left with a military full of loyalists.

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No. The CDC Bridge Access Program is set to run through December 2024. As long as you go to a participating pharmacy, the Covid vaccine is free regardless of insurance status.

You can search on vaccines.gov for participating pharmacies.

The UK is not supporting Hamas, so their is no point in protesting their support for Hamas. If you want to fly to Iran and protest their support of Hamas, that would make sense.

Vaccinations are one of the most cost effective public health interventions.

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It's not just Christians. I've been called anti semetic by some right wing extened family at holiday meals; and by some teachers at the Jewish day school I attended.

I can't see how option 3 happens. Different states have ruled in different ways; and this is a very important mattered. I can't imagine any Supreme Court declining to hear this case; let alone a Supreme Court that is as obsessed with judicial supremecy as this one is.

Propoganda + Time = history.

The statue doesn't say much about the civil war. But it does say alot about the Jim Crow era in which it was built. Personally I think this is even more important because the Jim Crow era is far less well understood by most Americans, and far more relevant to the race issues we see today.

Israel and Palestine are both countries. Private ownership does not factor into the equation. If you get into the weeds, part of the dispute is a claim of private property rights that predate Israel. But even that duspute could be viewed through the lense of collective rights.

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In theory, concurrent sentences are an acknowledgement that it is not fair to give multiple punishments for the same crime. However, it is often desirable to charge someone with multiple offences fir the same crime, as they might be found innocent of the more serious offense (or have some of the convuctions overturned on appeal).

For example, in the case of a homicide, you often see the defendent charged with both murder and manslaughter for the same act. In such a case the defendent would likely get a concurrent sentence because they were only convicted of a single act.

In many cases, the line between multiple convictions being a single "act" is blurry, the judge can exersise discretion.

Neutral and Israel alligned countries have been calling for a humanatarian pause on purely humanitarian grounds. Even if you don't care about the hostages, that Hamas was willing to offer them means that they had an interest in such a pause as well; making Israel the only obstacle to it happening. That is to say, the severity of the humanitarian disaster in Gaza is squarly on Israel's shoulders. The most charitable reading of the situation is that they have determined that the tactical advantage of blocking a humanitarian pause outways the civilian lives they put at risk by doing so.

Those services are scams. At least in my state, the court's website includes a boilerplate form to fill out free of charge.

Having said that, even if there is no dispute, if you have sizable co-mingled assets/liabilities (such as a house and mortgage, effectively comingled retirement savings, etc), you should probably still get professional help even if you agree in principle how to divide them.

Beyond just 'not ok', Israel's response is playing out exactly how the terrorist's playbook says the terrorized country should respond: terrorist launches a terrorist attack, terrorized country responds with forced, civilians hit in the crossfire blame the terrorized country and move towards the terrorists.

In the past few days, we have been hering Israeli officials refer to this as their 9/11. What they do not seem to appreciate with their comparison is that the emotion ladden responce the US engaged in after 9/11 proved to be one of the greatest military blunders in the countries history.

If they want to learn a lesson from 9/11, they should address the immediate military threat, fix the security and intelligence failures that allowed the attack to be so successful (such as diverting soldiers away from the Gaza border; and (allegedly) ignoring warnings that Hamas was planning an attack). Once the immediate concerns are addressed, they should back off and allow time for cooler heads to think through what a strategically effective response would look like and implement that.

Unfortunately, such a response is politically difficult in the best of circumstances. Given that the current ruling coalition is almost the definition of hotter heads, built itself up on the promise of "security", and was already on shaky ground domestically, I don't think they have many options other than a rash response.

Hopefully they constrain themselves to just responding in Gaza. If they decide to respond by going after Hamas's supporters in, say Iran, we are looking at a major regional war.

This is a civil case, not a criminal one. His 5th amendment protections are much weaker. If he says that his testimony may support criminal charges, then he is allowed to take the 5th. However, in a civil trial, the fact finder is allowed to draw a negative inference from that.

Having said that, none if this is relevent. He already testified during the State's case, which is the only time he would need to invoke privilege. Since this is the defense case, they get to simply not call him.

Unless one of his co-defendants subpoenaed him, which is also not the case.

In the days after after 10/7, we heard Israeli diplomats talk about how it was their 9/11. On the one hand, I get the comparison and how it explains the shock 10/7 has had on the Israeli phsyce. On the other hand, I get the 9/11 comparison and how it explains the emotional response of launching an impossible military canpaign that will result in a generation defining 20 year quagmire.

Seriously. Any time someone uses a 9/11 comparison to justify Israel's response, the immediate followup should be "how did the American response work out"?

The allagation is that Panera did not adequately communicate the contents of the lemonade.

I had the good fortune of meeting a couple of board game nerds before getting into the hobby myself. They had a seperate insurance policy specifically for their games.

Calling a fetus a child makes as much sense as calling a bee a fish. Incidentally, bees are known to the state of California to be a type of fish (for the purpose of California's endangered species act).

It is easier to expand an existing program than it is to create a new one.

It depends on how the blur is done. A lot of the simple blurring teqniques have publicly available tools for reversing. If you need to hide information by blurring, make sure the blur you are using was designed with that in mind (as opposed to being an artsy feature)

It is standard in the US. Adjustable rate mortgages are available as well, but they have not been popular since the 2008 crisis.

Ah, the endless 8 approach.

Usually have good takes on everything

Unacceptable. I demand an immediate vote of no confidence whenever a good take is made.

And yet Jewish law considers birds to be meat despite having a completely different category for sky animal.

You can read their filing here: https://www.jnj.com/_document/janssen-lit?id=00000189-6a3c-daed-a5bd-fb7fc2a60000

Constitutional argument spelled out starting on paragraph 83:

  1. The Program violates Janssen’s constitutional rights in at least three respects.
  1. First, the Program will appropriate Janssen’s patented Xarelto® products for third-party use without providing adequate compensation, a clear physical taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment.
  1. Second, the Program will violate the First Amendment by compelling Janssen to make false and misleading statements through the Manufacturer Agreement, including that the Program will involve “negotiating” a “fair” price for Xarelto® products.
  1. Third, the Act would violate Janssen’s constitutional rights even if participation in the Program were voluntary (it is not), by impermissibly conditioning Janssen’s ability to participate in Medicare and Medicaid on Janssen’s relinquishing its speech and property rights.

Notably, the US is not responding with overwhelming force. There was a relatively small attack on US bases, and the US responded with a few targeted attacks on the militia bases. Proportionate responce. Deterence is maintained.

A single ticket to my local movie theater costs $16.50 for an adult ticket to a typical movie. That is already more expensive than a month of unlimited Youtube premium, even at the inflated price.

Video streaming is a consumable product. What model would you prefer. Ad supported is still available. A la carte is reasonable in theory, but doesn't seem like it would work well for a site like youtube (even though youtube does have some a-la-carte offerings such as movies)

We used to have a movie subscription service around here. It failed because it was essentially sellings dimes for nickels.

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Admit that the project of establishing a democratic Jewish state has failed, and try to salvage a democratic state out of the rubble.

No. The alternative is to not use a float. Testing if a float is even simply does not make sense.

Even testing two floats for equality rarely makes sense.

What is the correct output of isEven((.2 + .4) ×10)

Hint: (.2 + .4) x 10 != 6

My orthodontist had a teeth brushing station with disposable toothbrushes (that come pre-loaded with toothpaste). I've never seen that at a dentist though. Mine have always given out toothbrushes at the end of an appointment. Probably because otherwise people would keep using the same one for years.