1 Post – 251 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

So wait, bit-shifting some integers is now considered being malicious? Is that really the defense here? Using that definition just about all software in existence is malicious.

What's absolutely scummy is that "laws are changing in your region" is not what happened. The law hasn't significantly changed. What has changes is that the regulator is finally enforcing the law.

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My employer is the same. I was almost fired for attending a (unpaid!) hackathon during a weekend. A colleague was fired for doing volunteer work in weekends.

Yes, I'm looking for a new job.

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Knowing how to swim. Basic life skill in a water-rich country, but many expats can't.

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Google needs to be broken up. It needs to separate in at least 5 different companies:

  1. Admob/Adsense
  2. Ads/Adwords
  3. Search
  4. Android
  5. Chrome
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Advertisers, probably.

To all the naysayers: if the claims hold up this will be super useful for some industries. Example, I worked at a human genomics lab for diagnostics. By law we were supposed to retain raw data for a whopping 120 years. With a couple terabyte per individual for a WGS, the storage and backup costs were very much non-trivial.

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This sounds like a very dangerous design.

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Why did this take the IRS so long where other nations have been doing this for decades?

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Sigh. Our latest TV is an LG precisely because LG did not have ads in its OS whereas its main competitors do. Once they introduce ads, they'll have completely lost me as a potential repeat customer.

Guess our next TV will just be a large monitor, with no "smart" shenanigans whatsoever.

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What a tantrum-throwing manchild.

Flat design. I don't know what a button is anymore. Often I randomly click through an UI to see if it's a clickable element or just a text box. Please give me back skeuomorphic design.

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Is there a way to disable the ads, news and recommendations yet? Until then I'm not upgrading.

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I'm pretty sure they pay effectively zero tax because they found some interesting ways to make their profit appear 0 on paper.

I've found that basically every topic I'm knowledgeable in is usually portrayed badly in most media. I imagine it's the same most basically all fields.

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Cars have gotten bigger externally, but internally it seems storage space is actually going down. My 2014 Nissan Note has a 10% larger storage capacity than a 2023 Renault Espace, even tho the latter is 50cm larger in all three dimensions and is literally called 'spatious'.

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I am so glad I ditched twitter when Musk took over. Blocking abusive people is a critical function on that cesspool of a social medium.

We have these breaking news tv screens all over the lunch room. I absolutely hate it, can I please enjoy my lunch in peace?

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When the US does it it's just established practise. When a non-US entity does the same thing, it's suddenly a matter of national security.

The anti-Chinese vibe in the US right now is rather absurd. The rise of China should have been viewed as an opportunity, not a threat.

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This is stupid.

Grammarly is basically a keylogger anyway, with every stroke send to their servers. Why ANY business even allows their employees to use this is really beyond me.

Popularity among 18 year olds of > 50%. Christ. A significant chunk of those will become long term users.

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A website where you can download paywalled scientific literature. Most scientific literature is paywalled by publishers, and costs a real significant amount to read (like 30-50$ per article if you don't have a subscription).

Scihub basically just pirates it. And has been shut down several times. But as most scientific studies are already laid with public money, scihub isn't that unethical at all.

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None. The statement is false. The law didn't change. What did change was the enforcement thereof.

While bard got some really bad reviews compared to chatgpt, I've honestly found it better with queries chatgpt struggled with. I have two examples:

  1. "Please write a python function that returns an exact solution to pi" Both come up with gregory-leibnitz formula, which of course is an approximation. When challenged that I want an exact solution instead of an approximation, chatgpt apologizes and then returns yet another approximation. Bard correctly claims that that is impossible as pi is an irrational number.
  2. "What can you tell me about a compound called polysac-active in cough syrups". Chatgpt hallucinates something about a company in Indonesia, which seems to have a product that sounds vaguely similar to one of the brands selling that compound. Bard, on the other hand, correctly surmises it's mostly honey and even gives some examples of real products that feature this ingredient.

In general, Bard in general seems one of the few llms that will tell me it doesn't know something or that something is impossible. IMHO that's better than just coming up with a hallucination.

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Concurrent is not the same as parallel.


So what are the fundamentals in prompt engineering?

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To absolutely no one's surprise.

I used to teach a python scripting course to graduate students in Biology. With each progressing year, the average base computing skills actually went down. A very large fraction these days has trouble with the very concept of files and folders.

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Chitin is not produced by mammals.

Fingernails are composed primarily out of keratin (same as hair and skin).

Interestingly this phone number complaint only shows up among techies and especially Americans. You guys don't get to keep your phone number? I've had the same number now for 20 years here in Europe, it may as well be synonymous with my identity.

In fact, I'd say the phone number requirement, or at least option, actually promotes adoption in parts of the world. I wouldn't have been able to get my mother to use Signal if it didn't work with a phone number, for instance. She's not gonna make an account just for a chat app. Phone number she already has.

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Netherlands. You'd get a glass or cup of hot water, and a box of tea bags to select from. If you want ice tea, you explicitly have to call that out. Just "tea" refers to the hot (original) version without sugar.

France and dystopian copyright laws, name a more typical duo.

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Yeah, huge grain of salt required.

But would be absolutely huge if true, and the recipe in the materials and methods is trivial. Both in equipment and materials. So someone else will try this soon, if people aren't already trying.

That English natives have so much trouble distinguishing effect from affect keeps surprising me.

As for Dutch, the dt-issue is presented as if it is this hugely complicated set of rules. While in reality it is dead simple. Third person in the present time is ALWAYS conjugated as stem+t for regular verbs, except in ONE case: when the stem already ends in t. Dt isn't special, it's just the rule applied to all stems.

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That has been tried with the DoNotTrack header. Turned out servers didn't oblige by it.

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I turn off almost all notifications. I only allow messaging apps, and system notifications. Even then I find it too much to be honest.

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My grandparent's desktop computer. I didn't break the hardware, but i set the default font size in windows 98 to some ludicrously high value. That made it so large the OS became unusable and the dialog to change it back was also unusable. Probably a quick terminal command would have fixed it within a couple seconds but I wasn't old enough to understand that and my parents weren't very tech-savvy.

For me it's back to the pirating era.