0 Post – 460 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Nothing tankie about this. Do conservatives just use it as a kind of slur because they heard progressives using it?

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Read the entire error message very carefully before asking for help, or even searching for a solution.

For folks in tech this means reading and understanding the stack trace, too.

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I feel bad for people who have never licked a Himalayan Salt Lamp.

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Yeah hitting "save file" and not actually hearing the sound of the file being written to disk was enough to give you a chill

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Oh boy wait until you hear about breathing.

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These cannot be the comments of real people.

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Wine nine you say? šŸ§

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CEOs like this are aiming to indirectly rule/control others with their money

It breaks their little heads that they can have all this money and power, and yet still a random poor person has the legal right to say "no" to them.

They don't understand why the state doesn't work 100% just for them.

There's really zero reason for Europeans to be smug about this.

So I can see that you don't really understand the European mindset

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ā€œWeā€™ve replaced some pieces of that political machineā€”specifically, we have parallel media now with Elonā€™s Twitter, or X,ā€ crowed Tan during a presentation at the 2023 Network State Conference. ā€œGetting a parallel media was a key piece, and it wasnā€™t through voting. It was done by building.ā€¦ [...]

Got it so parallel means privatised. He's a privatisation hawk.

What a tool. A cat would not even sit on his lap.

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I think people miss an important point in these selloffs. It's not just the raw text that's valuable, but the minute interactions between networks of users people.

Like the timings between replies and how vote counts affect not just engagement, but the tone of replies, and their conversion rate.

I've could imagine a sort of "script" running for months, haunting your every move across the internet, constantly running personalised little a/b tests, until a tactic is found to part you from your money.

I mean this tech exists now, but it's fairly "dumb." But it's not hard to see how AI will make it much more pernicious.

Yeah if investors can't make cartoonish returns for doing literally nothing what's even the point of gouging customers??

Click-SLAP click-SLAP, click-SLAP click-SLAP

Yeah I'm feeling less like a participant, and more like a consumer on the "greater internet" (five big), compared to the early days when corporate presence was minimal, and not remotely slick or subtle. It was like dorky and obvious, and didn't seem remotely like a threat.

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They ripped off Stanley Parable!

*Reneged :)

The connection is that they both require workers, but don't want to pay them

That's cool I like how it overlaps with the other traits, and I never got the hate for comic sans when it's used to convey the appropriate tone (break room notice board vs official comms)

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Hell the house I live in was also made to be temporary, for factory workers almos 100 years ago

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Yeah you could have not bought like 5 xboxes instead

This but with perl compatible regular expressions

It like to save the "big swears" for when I really fucking mean it

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They get traffic and unless someone comments otherwise, a slight boost in perceived respectability

You're not making that up? That sounds, like... evil

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Wtf this is like dark souls pantomime shit. You drivers really need a better way to communicate

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"pirate friendly" meaning not snitching on their own paying customers? Wow

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Agree with the article (and the 10 other ones I've already read on the topic) but Paul Graham's website looks like ass on mobile as of 2024. I couldn't even figure out how to get to the content, at least on cursory examination.

Good point about solo/team or simple/scalable though. Right tool for the job and all that. Good stuff

Yeah that goes down as keep paying it and can be leveraged against your debt, and is designed so you don't have to pay rent when you're retired

What sucks is that stuff ends up in the landfill most of the time instead of being recycled.

Yeah that's the sad part. It's such a colossal waste.

it shouldn't bother you to destroy it.

I disagree. I think it should, and probably does, bother everyone involved. Why damage it further, when it could be sold or even just given to a refurb/repair outfit?

I mean I know why, it's because there's no immediate profit motive there. Maybe even the opposite. Which again, is sad.

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They feel threatened because they think they'll be forced to drive a small hybrid one day. Which bothers then because, yeah... their fragile egos

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Ah, argument from nature. Word to the wise: I used to find that fallacy compelling too, until I realized I with picking and choosing which parts of "nature" sounded right to me.

Kropotkin did it, and so do the momfluencers, and manosphere talking heads,. Even though they have widely contradictory takes.

It's not a good pillar for reason. It's another misty ideology, that only obscures your sources.

Wow thank you for sharing. I grew up poor and grubby too, but my folks were health food nuts, so I think I got spared the worst of it compared to some people I've seen.

I'm so glad things have got better for you.

Pita = Pain in the ass

Also just good for butt dexterity because you never know

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The back of my jacket caught fire once around a firepit. Can confirm that "stop drop and roll" fixes that situation really quickly.

Probably only time I'll need that reflex though šŸ¤žšŸ»

It's like this weirdly stifled cry for help, because they feel the need to be seen as hard while also REALLY wanting people to know that they've been through a LOT and a normal person would be hurting BAD but not them because they're so TOUGH but please please also recognize how hard just existing is for them.

It's a hedged cry for help.

Like drop the macho act and ask for help, buddy. It's ok.

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It's a good way to get comfortable with reinstalling your os!

Is the German Shepard a rescue? Anyway that and the camcorder. I'm making cute dog videos

Why are there so many people in the comments staning YouTube?

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Thank you for your service