3 Post – 1405 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Stork's foot or crocodile's?

Get a job in building construction.

You work hard, you work together with people, you start your day early and you get tired in the evening.


different there too?

Of course, because psi exists only inside Usa. The real world does not use body parts for measurement anymore ;-)

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The one with the 4 holes in it (one at the top, one at the bottom, two at the sides). I find it rather convenient.

We all feel like it was our fault

No. I feel like it was all YOUR fault.

There wasn't so much boredom, because there were no smartphones.

You explained it all. What is your question.

they've created the least adopted version of Windows in the history

could be tough to beat "Windows ME"... ;-)

Hint: try another USB port.

USB is like a network, and it could be a jungle of cables and ports and switches and bridges and whatnot. But the closer you get to the mainboard, the better are your chances to escape such a problem.

tl;dr ?

Hydrogen is definitely interesting for the future

Hardly, since Methanol does most things better.

I can’t remember the name

No problem. Here at Lemmy, we are quite good at guessing.

I start: "Aaa"

Next one, please.

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But Linus was very likeable among the computer nerds of his own generation. These eccentricities that are criticized today have actually added a lot to his fame.

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He acted like a huge asshole

Not at all. I can't remember anything like that.

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need hydrogen powered vehicles just to spite this guy

No need. Tesla is history. All the big carmakers can offer better electric models, either now or very soon.

Cloned even?

Maybe they were open source projects?

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have a small backup battery

As far as I understand, that 12V battery was that backup...

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party with sufficient power to stop any country's bullshit

No. That would not be a solution for anything! That would just be an even bigger threat to humanity.

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inept and childish

I can't help the impression that it is just part of the show. Like a fine-tuned act of weaponized incompetence.

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After you have cleaned it all (as the other comments explained already) and put a new battery in there, it is possible that the electric contacts are still not clean enough (especially the left one with that deep rust) and it doesn't work with the new battery.

Then you have to go at the contacts with a small file or a small piece of sanding paper and scratch them very good, so that they get really very shiny right there in the middle, where it counts. Then it will work again.

defence of companies


"Let us defend our parasites who suck our blood, because they are ours!"

Oh, well, then, ...

gave me only "complex" answers

It is a complex question, even if you try so hard to deny that :-)

One sender only? Or how many possible senders?

How many Receivers?

Do they need to talk back or send back anything?

How far away are they (in terms of network)?

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own and operate our own local open source LLMs away from the corpos

LLM's LOL but you do understand that you can have only that little wooden cart while they are driving all the Ferraris and Porsches, don't you?

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arguing that it’s not real consent if the only alternative is shelling out yet another monthly subscription fee

Very true, and hopefully many other verdicts will follow, like "It’s not real consent if....this or that.

This dark pattern has started to spread everywhere already.

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What short, catchy username did Musk's company change Hwang's handle to? @x12345678998765.

It could have been worse.

They could have named him "X Æ A-12" 😵‍💫

"AGI is going to create tremendous wealth. And if that wealth is distributed—even if it’s not equitably distributed, but the closer it is to equitable distribution, it’s going to make everyone incredibly wealthy.”

So delusional.

Do they think that their AI will actually dig the cobalt from the mines, or will the AI simply be the one who sends the children in there to do the digging?

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Amazon, SpaceX, TwitterX, TeslaX, Uber, Nestlé, Google, Micro$oft

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Wait until the EU tells them (funny enough that their own lawyers didn't tell them?) that they are required to name each party specifically and together with the specific purpose of their data sharing.

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What the heck...? My CPU is none of their business.

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Musk has said that unless the ADL acts unlawfully, he won't ban the ADL from X.

I predict that he's going to ban them on, let's say, Friday this week.

Seems like a pretty clear case.

Praise the GDPR.

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This story is so full of red flags of internet scam. Let me emphasize: Well-known red flags.

🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

🚩🚩🚩 He is a scammer.

My suggestion is: Make her suspicious. Make her google for all these well-known schemes. She needs to read about it herself, because she won't listen to you. Or maybe hear these stories on YouTube from the people who have fallen before.

A Tesla engineer said the test was done wrong because the frunk increases in pressure every time.

"You are holding it wrong!" 🤣

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Nowadays satire can never be as good as reality is.

So, what should she do?

She should ask her company to provide the neccessary tools to do the work.

... and he believed, I mean, really believed, that would be some kind of threat!


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Bad title.

They caught him not simply for creating pics, but also for trading such pics etc.

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Didn't we all learn it long ago? They never delete.

Harddisks are cheap. Data are gold.

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The city will pretty much grant all permits

Yes, and they have to, because of your free speech.

so it's more of a polite agreement in most cases

No, it is meant for serious. If there are cases where they don't give a permit, they need to have very serious reason.

(For example, if the place where you want to go is very inappropriate, the would tell you to choose a different place)

But there is more: you asking for the permit is important in itself, so the administration can take the needed action for public order, e.g traffic regulation etc. So you have to tell them where you want to do it and how many people you expect to participate.

And when you want to demonstrate about controversial topics, they have to send even more police there for your safety. At least in my country that is legally required. The police helps to protect your right of free speech.

You're giving the government a tool they could expand later to oppress you further

I don't know why you think so. That would be a state without free speech then.

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