The electrician was appointed to come here today. Now I am waiting. Why isn't he here yet? to No Stupid – 18 points –

The electrician was appointed to come here today. Now I am waiting. Why isn't he here yet?


Universal law of tradesmen: They come when you least expect them, and when you expect them they don't come.

You final get someone, but they don't want the work so they quote far too high

They won't come until you go run a 10 minute errand.

Well, I’m not an electrician, but, I work in a similar trade. Generally when customers ask this question the answer is because I had 4 customers before you, and one of them talked the entire time I was trying to work, and another I did a complete renovation of the system. Often times, it makes way more sense to finish what you started than to stay “on schedule”. Which is why there are appointment windows generally. Trust me, all we want to do is go home and your appointment is what’s between me and that goal. We don’t want to take anymore time than we have to.

Call and ask

This elaborate 2 step strategy in your proposal... You must be a consultant!

If he was a consultant it would look like this:

  1. Evaluate a method for information gathering that meets all requirements and has the highest probability rate of success:
  • This method shall be encompassing and have a modular scheme where further information gathering is possible while happening under the actual time frame.

I just feel dirty now.

Let me assure you that I have a proven track record of delivering results for clients who have found themselves in similar situations. My approach is both strategic and tactical; I don't just throw darts at a board and hope something sticks. Instead, I take the time to understand the nuances of your unique situation and develop a tailored plan of action that will navigate through these choppy waters with ease and grace.

[Edit: It's been 3h now, OP, did they show up? We need to know...]

Edit: It's been 3h now, OP, did they show up? We need to know...

Not yet. We need to continue this fruitful debate...

Oh my.... doing a bad George Takei impression

I don't know what to say. I better stop. I feel you. Wish you the best.

He knows there are no other electricians in your area, supply of tradesmen is below demand and will go lower, he should charge double as well.

You see, during one of his earlier appointments, he found himself wrapped up in some intriguing circumstances with a lady client, and now he's running late for everything else.

This is a very good question and I would like to see a tradesman respond.

Rakyat might be the tradesman in question here. he seems to have suspiciously specific knowledge.

Happened to use some time ago. A technician was scheduled on us for between 8am and 6pm to replace a meter. Guess who didn't come? So we called and asked what had happened. "Oh, he called in sick this morning, but we didn't have your telephone number to inform you!" Funny how they had called us a week before to tell us about the technician, though.