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Joined 1 years ago

Due to health protection laws, the flag is made of natural fibers and paints that are non-carcinogenic

Universal law of tradesmen: They come when you least expect them, and when you expect them they don't come.

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Windows user folders are nearly unusable in my opinion, too many programs throw in random folders and files everywhere. Especially the Documents folder, too many games putting incoherent stuff in there

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First time hearing o7 as 'nazi salute', I only know it as a 'military/captain's salute' out of Eve Online, Elite and some milsim games

It's known as the 'Brazil nut effect', technically apparently Granular Convection: It's apparently not fully explained, but theories suggest things like buoyancy, or that larger particles are blocked from sinking by smaller particles, which on the other hand can slip below the larger ones.

Does it have a hardware RAID card? You may have to flash it to IT mode. The 'lost' drive may be just a parity drive?

I think I read something about there being timeouts for slow jobs, which backups definitely are. Really unsure though, it has been a while. Try spawning independent worker programs!

Just kill middle click pasting already, it's so annoying

Somebody deliberately had to code something different for this

Did you try copying it with dd/ddrescue?

Change it to 'let him cook'

I just walk in and say 'Good Morning' in passing, no need for an answer or waiting for them to stop talking. Then I go settle in for the work and if they want to chat they will probably talk to you then. If you were there first I guess you can take the initiative.

It's a small step to correlate locations and thoughts with minimal processing.

You're at home when your network starts connecting to 4chan? - You're a deviant.

You frequent a bar that is a known gay meet up? - You're a deviant

You visited a location where a(n opposing) political rally was held? - You're a deviant and now you're also on the watch list.

Today, my nixos took 50gb of drive space to update itself. I allocated 60gb for my root partition and nixos itself takes 20 already. Nixos is hot garbage in that regard. Nixos is stable but bloaty, arch is sleek but wonky.

An equivalent arch install took only 8gb.

Personally, I just looked at my firewall's logs on the WG port and the handshake info. Once you have a handshake I don't think there's much that can go wrong on the WG side, maybe there's a problem with lost packets or network roaming?

just this month I had multiple wayland issues forcing me to switch to an x11 session

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While maybe sometimes buggy, at least things run. I'm all for modernization, but if there are compatibility problems with recent software, I'm not OK with it being declared "the better, mature standard thing everybody should now use".