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I don't. But the person I replied to said they were having trouble with Linux on a surface.
So, that's a project dedicated to Linux on surfaces. I would presume they had tried the usual distros and found them lacking

I always figured the role of president was more of a figure head.
I get the buck stops with them, they can do their veto and special powers thing, and I'm sure there are other "ultimately this is your decision" type things.
But it's the administration you are voting on.

I'm sure it feels amazing to have "that one guy" steering your country. But, I'm sure they mostly do what their advisors tell them to

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I remember during COVID, trying to reduce my bills. Called my mobile operator. For £200 fee I could buy out early, and pay £15 per month. Or I could continue paying something ridiculous like £60 per month.
Absolute no-brainer, and I would never get a contract phone again.

Are you 100% sure it was a form from a bank?
Everything stinks of a scammers phishing form, leading to scammer calls.

I expect the only time a bank is going to want your phone number is when you initially sign up with them. After that, they should know who you are and your contact details.

I almost got caught out by a "sorry we missed you" delivery message, until it was asking for my date of birth.
Some of these random emails and SMS can catch you off-guard and seem legit

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The cheap Chinese stuff often uses knock-off ICs tho.
They can be fairly difficult to detect, and will work for a short time or under very light loads. But they will be nowhere near the spec of the data sheets.
They might massively overheat, not provide the correct currents or voltages, run at lower speeds. All sorts of corners being cut to turn a $2 IC into a 50¢ IC. Or a 50¢ ic into a 5¢ one

So yeh, might be the same PCB layout inside, it might visually look the same (or very very close) but the parts are likely to be counterfeit.

Of course, it's also probable that name brands might be hit with counterfeit parts inside as well. Hopefully their QA picks that up

USB-C is also ridiculously future proof and flexible, because it's just a connector.
We are already doing 200w power and 40gbps data transfer rates, using various standards.

Now, standardising on a standard would be neat. But that isn't going to happen

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Any good RPG has a solid fishing mini game tbh

Larger sites cater towards scriptless web for accessibility requirements.
Smaller sites don't need SPA, so will most likely work to some degree.
The better (not necessarily bigger) blog systems will use scripting for fancy things, but will have fallbacks and will still work.

It's the middle tier web-app (and sites that want to be a web app but have no reason to be) that will run SPA without any fallback. You know, the ones that want to send notifications and know your location and all that fun stuff.

When metrics become targets they fail to be metrics any more

You can do reverse proxy on the VPS and use SNI routing (because the requested domain is in clear text over HTTPS), then use Proxy Protocol to attach the real source IP to the TCP packets.
This way, you don't have to terminate HTTPS on the VPS, and you can load balance between a couple wireguard peers so you have redundancy (or direct them to different reverse proxies or whatever).
On your home servers, you will need an additional frontend(s) that accepts Proxy Protocol from the VPS (as Proxy Protocol packets aren't standard HTTP/S packets, so standard HTTPS reverse proxies will drop them as unknown/broken/etc).
This way, your home reverse proxy knows the original IP and can attach it to the decrypted http requests as x-forward-for. Or you can do ACLs based on original client IP. Or whatever.

I haven't found a way to get a firewall that pays attention to Proxy Protocol TCP headers, but I haven't found that to really be an issue. I don't really have a use case

Yikes, that's rough!

Even spacex had delays for return on their first crew dragon. I'm pretty sure shuttles have had delays as well.
Granted, Boeing seems to have had more trouble overall.

Anyway, seems like these things happen.

Im pretty sure an incel blames women for not being able to get a relationship.
Its the change in mental framing from "maybe i should work on myself" or "i just havent had the right opportunity" to more of a "women hold too much power over me and are playing with me" or "ive done everything right, women owe me this"

Wikipedia sums it up better than i can:

::: spoiler Description of incels

The subculture is often characterized by deep resentment, hatred, hostility, sexual objectification, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, blaming of women and the sexually successful for their situation (which is often seen as predetermined due to biological determinism, evolutionary genetics or a rigged game), a sense of futility and nihilism, rape culture, and the endorsement of sexual and nonsexual violence against women and sexually active people.


So, unless you find yourself blaming/resenting women, then you arent an incel. Your still just figuring things out like tge rest of us!

Trackpads and touchscreens get the phone way of scrolling.
These feel like you are interacting with a piece of paper, so you move the paper around.

Mousewheels get the traditional way of scrolling.
Mice are more like controlling something.
It just is. Like F1-F12 keys are always F1-F12 keys, not the alt-function (like media/brightness etc).

I hate that Apple has called it "natural" Vs "reverse" in some psychological reconfiguring that you are going against the grain if you don't agree with them (as opposed to them changing the established standard).

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What makes this even more sneaky is that JetBrains has a theme called "Darcula".

So, with a wider generic theme called Dracula and themes that duplicate JetBrains Darcula theme, it is no surprise that "Darcula Official" is being installed.
It's more than just a typosquat

But why can a theme make web requests?!

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Yeh, but the late fees are good for people. Free market and free market. Drain the swamp etc. Just pay your debt on time. Or something, both side the same, yada yada.

A great example of the current presidency trying to do something good for a lot of people.

I have finally stopped using Spotify.
Now using TIDAL and absolutely loving it. It's like what Spotify used to be, loads of great recommendations, much better audio quality, a bit cheaper, and I believe the artists get a better cut.
It's too good to last, but I'm going to enjoy it while it does

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I report them as spam.
Its nothing i signed up for, and consider it marketing. And there is no unsubscribe link in the email, and its from an unmonitored inbox.
That makes it spam, and i hope it trashes their mailer IP's reputation

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I guess this is approaching the "find out" phase.
VW/Audi group fucked around with emission tests, and they found out.

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steps vs stepCount

God, this fucking API is untennable. Im out!

// increase the dynamically allocated memory space of a word sized integer stored at the memory address represented by the symbol "x" by the integer 1 and terminate the instruction

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I guess the obvious one is "holding spacebar for control key"

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Postgres has a useful extension, pg_safeupdate

It helps reduce these possibilities by requiring a where clause for updates or deletes.
I guess if you get into a habit of adding where 1=1 to the end of your SQL, it kind of defeats the purpose.

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In addition to the expansion loops, the straight sections of pipes are probably not even attached to the supports to allow large sections of the pipes to move, transferring the movement to the expansion loops.

The trans-alaska pipeline has whole sections built on special skates to reduce the chance of damage from earthquakes (see "Construction" section).
It also merely rests on its supports to allow for expansion (see "Technical Details" sections).
In fact, the trans-alaska pipeline changes in length by 5 miles over the course of the year, and was built 11 miles too long to account for this.

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I guess the options are:
Put them out and fix them.
Leave them alone.
Kill them more quickly.

Nobody is going to stand and watch (or even speed up) something like that without suffering massive trauma themselves.
Right or wrong, they were doing what they thought best and what I imagine most think is best.
Anything else is academical

This is one of those strange terms where "recalling" is somehow the official term for a software update that can be sent over the air and applied remotely.
Not physically recalled

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FML, I've had to try to color matching by eye before between different screens by the same manufacturer.
For whatever reason I wasn't provided with any calibration tools. I had some vague software tools to try and get them to align.
I spent like 8 hours trying to match these for the corporate brand colors, while still looking decent for everything else.
Shit is near impossible. If the manufacturer couldn't do it, how am I supposed to?! And with awful interfaces and no concrete way of measuring.
Like, I was taking pictures of the screens, then trying to figure out offsets and how they might relate to gamma triangles.

Client was appreciative of my (and fellow techs) efforts, but ultimately wasn't happy, and it looked shit.
That was awkward as fuck.

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Welp, good luck.
GDPR can be painful for developers, but it is excellent for people.
I hope your government and laws are for the people and by the people (or whatever the phrasing is).

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Oh, that's not new tech.
Programs used to be on standard audio cassettes.
In fact, there were even radio shows that would broadcast games. Listeners could then record the audio onto a cassette and play it on their zx spectrum or commodore 64

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::: spoiler nasty things people do with AI [trigger warning]

"I went on to this stream because somebody gave me a heads up and I went on and heard my own voice reading rape porn. That's the level of stuff we've had to deal with since this game came out and it's been horrible, honestly."

Amelia Tyler.


I cannot imagine going into a stream of someone playing a game you have poured your heart and soul into for years, and hear you own voice reading stuff like that

Edit: fixing spoiler tag.

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This seems like a XY problem. You are asking how to do X, when actually you need to be doing Y.

Your description is either too vague, or something I have never encountered.
It seems like what you have is Service A, Service B, and a client.
Service B doesn't have access to user credentials stored in Service A, but Service B has to know that the client has provided valid credentials for Service A.
At no point can the client make a request to Service A.
The client only makes requests to Service B.
And this has to be a username/password combination.

Is that right?

Implementing security tech from 2003 that is deprecated, especially considering it's SHA1 (which was deprecated 10 years ago) is not a good idea. Like, just store the password plaintext level of bad idea.
You either have to reasses what you actually want to do to ensure it is actually secure, or you are not describing your goal well (XY problem : "how do I implement WSSE on SOAP" instead of "I'm trying to do Y")

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An M.2 makes it really difficult for a kid to pop the card out, plug it into a computer and flash it.
I think RPI Foundation is still holding onto its education-targeted roots.

I think the compute models are more targeted at the industrial/commercial side of requirements.
And any homelab enthusiast would probably be better buying a cheap used/refurbished thin-client

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Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Edit: tbh, the article is fairly light around the edges, so feel free to give them a visit if you want to support them.
If not, saved you a click

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Yeh, that's how the scientific method works.
Observations don't support a model, or a model doesn't support observations.
Think of a reason why.
Test that hypothesis.
Repeat until you think it's correct. Hopefully other people agree with you.

People are also working on modifying General Relativity and Newtonian Dynamics to try and fix the model, while other people are working on observing dark matter directly (instead of it's effects) to further prove the existing models.

We are in the "testing hypothesis" stage. And have been for 50ish years

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Tbh, POE isn't a feature most people need. And it's quite expensive, takes up a lot of room, and generates quite a bit of heat.
You can get inline POE extractors that spit out 5v usb/jack or 12 jack. I use them quite a lot, and they are much cheaper than PoE hats

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Actually, it highlights the importance of a proper distributed backup strategy and disaster recovery plan.
The same can probably happen on AWS, Azure, any data center really

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It takes 2-3 weeks to get from base camp to camp 4. So thats at least 3-4 days between camps.
I know lemmy has a thing about not pooping for 3 days, but to maintain a 3-day bowel movement cycle for 2 weeks is a bit far fetched.

The final ascent from camp 4 to summit is 10-20 hours, plus descent. Normally done in a single stretch, but likely still gonna need a shit.

So, Im going to say everyone that goes up it is gonna shit on the mountain

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The only counterpoint i can see is that god is (honestly, at best WAS) infallible.
So god made 2 perfect humans who cannot inbreed as there are no defective genes.
At some point down the line, mutations came in and introduced possible genes that could combine/dominate to produce inbreeding.

If we are accepting the premise of 2 original humans, why not 2 perfect original humans.
If God made eve from adams rib, why not have them be genetically perfect.
But Im sure there is some science i am missing where a huge genome analysis has shown that "perfect" genes have never or could not ever exist.

And, tbh, this might as well be all science fiction based on a bunch of made up stories.

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Oh man.
To be able to have a long running project and decide to truncate years worth of data...
Just, drop it like you never need it again.

Apart from working at Reddit, sounds like a dream