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I used to work at Microcenter for awhile. The best time to buy was always back to school. Holiday deals start at the beginning of November and are the exact same as Black Friday minus a few small door buster deals and maybe a special on a few models of pc. During back to school, pretty much everything is heavily discounted.

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I’d rather read the docs than just about anything. I love good documentation. I wanna know how and why things work.

The problem is that basically nobody has good docs. They are almost all either incomplete or unreadable.

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Nothing is new here.

This isn’t that different from when I was a kid twenty years ago. Only instead of phones (though we all had phones back then too, even if they weren’t smart), it was game consoles, or Pokémon cards, or beanie babies or whatever.

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Lawmakers and judges should not be allowed to make decisions on something they know nothing about. This is a huge problem with people not even wanting to educate themselves, and then deciding how the rest of us get to interact with the internet.

That being said, Firefox is only popular with tech folk. They have just over a 3% market share. I’m a developer and I don’t know anyone but myself that uses it. My mother would think I was talking about a cartoon if I brought it up. A lot of lemmings use it, but o would not call it a popular example.

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They didn’t. Epic sued Apple in 2021. They lost. They’ve already filed for appeal. They are targeting Apple and Google for the same infraction. It’s not about the App Store, it’s mostly about the 30% commission both companies take on app sales AND in app purchases.

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I just miss when you could search for things on search engines and find what you were looking for. I miss when putting operators, quotes, and parentheses actually changed the search results.

I miss when AI wasn’t shoved into EVERYTHING. I miss when the internet was usable to be honest.

I’m a literal wizard. I spend hours writing in an esoteric language known only by those who study it in order to bend the world to my will and make things happen as I wish it.

The structure of my magic spells determine what the outcomes will be, and things can get really strange if you mess up the syntax.

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It’s also sensationalist bs. The actual charges were for performing an abortion without being a doctor and for concealing the death.

It was her daughter that she gave abortion pills to, and then helped dispose of the fetus. The daughter was 29 weeks pregnant and the law (since 2010 btw) is abortions can only be performed up to 20 weeks. The daughter also only got the charge for hiding the body.

But yeah 29 weeks is well past viability. At that point it’s more like inducing still birth. Nobody pleaded guilty to abortion. We need to fight for our rights, but we also need to do it while educated.

All of these rage bait titles are getting ridiculous.

Epic games decided they don’t want to pay 30% of every transaction to Google or Apple. They sued Apple already and lost. They’ve filed an appeal, so we will hear more on that soon ish. I’m not an epic fan at all, but 30% of all sales is ridiculous. Epic themselves take 12% on the epic store. Valve, Apple, Google—none of these companies should get a third of the sale price for everything sold through an app downloaded from there store. Not just the price of the app, but all app revenue. Every in app purchase. All of it.

The $25 registration fee is just for the account. That’s negligible considering Apple charges $100 a year. It’s the commission these companies take that epic is suing over.

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I actually like it lol. I guess I’m in the super minority.

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Actually yes. Around 2010 Firefox still had like 60% market share. Now, chrome dominates the market and Firefox is in single digits. Chrome gives you so many conveniences, and only a small amount of people care about what you give up for those conveniences. “My data isn’t important. Who cares about what I do?” Is a common response to data mining and sharing.

Most people don’t want to put the time and effort into researching these things. Most people just don’t have the energy.

But again if you don’t know anything about a topic you are asked to make a decision on, you should recuse yourself. It’s unfortunate that most people making decisions about tech know very little about it.

I’ve had illness that broke my swallowing. Soylent is relatively good tasting, has the nutrients you need, and goes down fast and easy. It isn’t pleasant to live on, but I did it for almost two months and it was way better than only eating soggy bread. I definitely recommend Soylent.

Edit: there’s also (I’m sorry I don’t remember the brand) a really good cinnabon breakfast shake that tastes good and helps break up the monotony of a meal replacement shake only diet.

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That’s a fair point. This case is even more complicated, as either the author of the article doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or a word was missing. The article says the judge wasn’t sure if mozilla was a browser or search engine, and Mozilla is neither.

I still hate the confidently incorrect assertions people in charge are making to negatively impact the way the largest and most complete telecommunications and information system works. Just look at facebooks trial where zuck had to explain how the internet works to the people who were deciding if his company was doing something wrong.

I gotta disagree here. Our goal of we want cars to be around should be to replace ALL human drivers. Especially on highways. Cars can communicate with other cars, which would almost completely remove congestion and traffic from people who’ve never heard of zipper merging and people who refuse to let anyone in front of them ever because they need to save that three seconds.

People drive like assholes. Road rage incidents are not infrequent. People speed, drive drunk, cut people off, forget their exit and do incredibly stupid and dangerous things to get back instead of getting off on the next one, and overall should not be trusted piloting a 2,000 pound missile around other folks.

If every car was self driving, then safety on the road would skyrocket. Travel time would drop drastically. There would be no downsides (other than it won’t solve the US’s car-centric design). Am I saying we are ready? No.

I’m saying “they need to aid the driver and not replace them” is way off base. Idk what your commute is like, but I’d feel a million times safer if asshole A didnt drive around blaring his horn and brake checking me because I’m only going ten mph over the speed limit and not the 20 everyone else is, while asshole B is riding my ass trying to get me to speed up, leaving me 0 space to brake in an emergency.

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Yeah you’re not wrong about that. Although some people went hard into the beanie babies. And the Pokémon cards actually.

If you were into warhammer you resigned yourself at a young age to never having money. Those things eat up an ungodly amount of money.

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Or a junior dev implemented it and somehow it passed code review. Then when it was tested by the dev on localhost, it ran great. Then when (if) it hit qa, it was ran on local servers and worked fine.

A lot of things slip through the cracks. That’s what hot fixes and patches are for. It happens.

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My dad works at Nintendo!

Gen X is not boomers. Gen X is the “lost generation” which is ironic considering the context here. They were between boomers and millennials, and are typically the parents of millennials and some gen z.

Epic is suing Google with claims that Google has a monopoly on their App Store. It will likely not be successful.

Epic already sued Apple 2 years ago with an incredibly similar trial. Epic lost that trial, but has filed an appeal, so they may get their day in court again for that one.

The complaint is that epic started allowing its Epic Direct Payment service through Fortnite on mobile. Google and Apple both take a 30% cut from any sales through their App Store. Apple pulled Fortnite from the App Store basically immediately. Google followed suit several hours later.

Epic expressed their intent to sue both companies immediately. They likely were prepared to litigate, knowing the two would not be happy. I do think personally that 30% is a ridiculous amount. Valve also takes a 30% cut from games sold on steam. I think that is criminal for all of these app stores.

I’m not an epic fan, but they only take a 12% cut on their store, so I have to applaud them for that.

My issue was with my swallowing. So actual toast was too crunchy to reliably get down. When the butter melted in the microwave, it sort of “set” into the bread. So it was super soggy and easily “dissolved” in my throat. So I personally couldn’t really eat “solid” foods. Microwaved cinnamon toast was the best way I found to get carbs.

Edit: could to couldnt

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Not OC but you forgot the “I” before “am”. I should be capitalized twice. It should say in a row. It’s also a bit weird that you used 4 and then five. Plus it really should be non-native I guess. And since you didn’t specify what you aren’t native to/of, it can only be assumed at this point that you are not a native human. The reason for that? Definitely a bot.

Also honestly don’t worry about any minor errors in your writing. Especially on the internet. Just blame autocorrect.

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Yeah, I tried it toasted. I dealt with this for over two months. I tried just about everything. I know everyone is coming from a good place with these suggestions. I’m trying not to come across unpleasant, but it feels like it has the same energy as asking a depressed person if they’d tried being happy before.

I promise, I tried it. I put effort into putting food into my body that wouldn’t get caught in my throat and make me feel like I was going to choke and die. At one point I had 7 appointments with 6 different doctors in a two and a half week span. I really genuinely put effort into finding something I could eat. Soylent and mashed potatoes and soggy bread got me through it. I got sick of people telling me how much weight I’d lost like I didn’t own a mirror. I got sick of people telling me I’m just not cooking things right.

I went through something I think is similar to op, and I offered my suggestions. I’m not saying this is what op or anyone needs to do.

I’m just saying this is what helped me when I couldn’t eat, give it a shot if you want.

Epic sued Apple in 2021. Google and Apple removed Fortnite from their respective app stores within hours of each other. Epic was ready with lawyers and announced they were going to court. They lost the case against Apple. They’ve already filed an appeal.

In English, I is always capitalized when referring to the self. The “not specifying” comment was me making a joke and calling you a bot. It was just tying the context of the post into my comment.

I usually see mistakes in comments as being caused by crappy phone keyboards, as mine seems to be extra trash recently.

Mostly phishing. Passkeys can’t be phished. And really, passwords are awful in general for security purposes. You don’t have to use your phone or google or apple or whatever.

I actually have a physical usb key that I use as a passkey. Its just a more secure login implementation and will likely be the only option in the future.

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I use coffee grounds for D&D terrain. They simulate dirt nicely by themselves, but with a wash and some flocking they look great.

This is patently false, and I don’t understand how this rumor is going around still. This started because people found code in windows 11 previews for subscription based windows. That was related to windows 11 enterprise iot. Not windows 12. Not windows 11. The iot version of windows.

Idk why anybody would use windows on embedded systems, but I also don’t know how this rumor is still going around.

Definitely Psych. I think I’ve watched it 8 times at last count. Currently rewatching it again because my wife has only seen it once lol.

A lot of services now accept physical security keys for logging in. These keys use FIDO similar to how a phone-based passkey works. You just plug the dude in and then you are good to go.

Obviously not every company works with these just yet, but a lot of major companies do. Honestly most of the big tech companies support them.

GitHub and Bitwarden are the two I’m immediately thinking of, but that’s likely because I just used my passkey for those lol.

It’s way more secure than SMS MFA, and I prefer it to a phone app because I don’t have to look at then enter a code while hoping the time doesn’t run out for that code, forcing me to wait for a new one.

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This article isn’t even relevant to anything. It’s just quotes from like… 5 people who posted on twitter that they were disappointed. That’s not a useful sample size, and who cares about some strangers opinion on something that isn’t for them? It’s just weird how many of these articles are coming out saying “these users” think this.

In reality, it’s more like “these cherry picked tweets match my narrative for this click bait article that will spur divisive discussion”.

Yeah a lot of people drive selfishly and dangerously. Until we get alternative transportation, however, more stringent licensing will just condemn poorer folks to worse poverty and possibly being cast to the streets.

We need better public transportation before we can cripple people’s ability to get where they need to be. Including work.

Where are you located? I don’t know any programmer who is afraid of 9. Not even in releases.

We had a year of iterations of X.900, X.910, etc etc. None of us thought that was bad luck. And honestly we implemented some fun features to write.

Versioning is usually done with three numbers, often separated by a period. So Major.Minor.Patch/Hotfix. So we would have X.900 for the first minor version of X.9. If (when) there is a hotfix, that becomes X.901. For a lot of other software it would be X.9.1. Either way, skipping 9 would just cause confusion. I’ve never heard of this superstition and I’ve never seen a software company skip 9 in their versioning.

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Might I recommend getting into the budgeting space?

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There’s a difference between “society couldn’t function” and “companies are too greedy”. One of them is wrong and the other needs to change.

Epic and Apple have already had this battle two years ago. Epic lost. They’ve filed an appeal already. They served Apple and Google at the same time. Google removed Fortnite within hours of Apple doing so. Epic will battle Google, and if they lose here, they will likely appeal this too.

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People with different skills than you are not stupid. It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to learn this kind of thing if you’re not interested in it.

We should be kind to others, and not assume superiority because we have skills or knowledge in one area they do not.

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It is cel. It’s a specific shading process named after celluloid film that was briefly used for animation a lifetime ago. It’s pretty neat actually.

And self driving cars don’t generally do that either? Humans have done this. Self driving cars have done this. If the ambulance and car were self driver, cross vehicle communication could prevent any car from refusing to follow the law and get over, improving EMS response times.

One example does not make generally. Self driving cars are not ready yet. But I don’t understand why anybody WOULDNT want safer, faster, more enjoyable commutes.

Humans are way less safe than self driving cars. Our biggest concern with self driving cars should be the absolute massive amount of data the car companies would be able to mine, and the fact that regulation in this country will obviously never be in place to protect us from that.

That’s not quite accurate. The EU doesn’t want anything, but the people involved in this decision absolutely wanted to regulate this. It’s been an issue for decades at this point.

It’s also not because of “well, Apple”. This law doesn’t apply to phones alone, it’s pretty much any mobile device.

It also, and this is one of the big and important parts, requires manufacturers to offer the option to NOT have chargers included. The goal here is to reduce the MASSIVE amount of e waste generated by tablets, phones, cameras, and even (especially in my mind, as these are often not compatible even amongst single manufacturers) laptop chargers. That’s an awesome part of the rule, even if it has a larger compliance window.

Lastly, while the law itself doesn’t require USB C, the legal annex absolutely and quite explicitly DOES state that manufacturers must use USB C. There is a provision that reports must be made every 5 years or so, and consideration will be made concerning the required standards (wireless is mentioned as not being able to effectively be regulated in this way as of yet).

This is a huge win in terms of the reduction in e waste, and the option to not receive a charger is, in my opinion, one of the best parts. I have way too many USB C cables that I can’t find a place to use them all, and I’ve got them in every room.

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My sister, my mother, and my brother all have laptop-exclusive households. Most people these days don’t see a need for a standalone pc when they have a laptop they can take from room to room and costs the same as a desktop.

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