AI text detectors tend to flag text from non-native speakers as AI generated to – 275 points –
AI’s Dirty Little Secret: Stanford Researchers Expose Flaws in Text Detectors

In a study recently published in the journal Patterns, researchers demonstrate that computer algorithms often used to identify AI-generated text frequently falsely label articles written by non-native language speakers as being created by artificial intelligence. The researchers warn that the unreliable performance of these AI text-detection programs could adversely affect many individuals, including students and job applicants.


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Not OC but you forgot the “I” before “am”. I should be capitalized twice. It should say in a row. It’s also a bit weird that you used 4 and then five. Plus it really should be non-native I guess. And since you didn’t specify what you aren’t native to/of, it can only be assumed at this point that you are not a native human. The reason for that? Definitely a bot.

Also honestly don’t worry about any minor errors in your writing. Especially on the internet. Just blame autocorrect.

I didn't specify what I'am not native to because it can be understood from the context. Capitalizing the 'I' feels weird and I juste saw the "in a row" mistake.

In English, I is always capitalized when referring to the self. The “not specifying” comment was me making a joke and calling you a bot. It was just tying the context of the post into my comment.

I usually see mistakes in comments as being caused by crappy phone keyboards, as mine seems to be extra trash recently.