
1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Random list but I am told I am a unpaid ambassador for:

  • Vitamix
  • Zero inbox for work
  • Stoic mindfulness / negative visualizations / Momento Mori
  • Birkenstocks , even if they went a bit downhill
  • Star Trek
  • Chimes peanut butter ginger candy
  • Tea…in general
  • Merino wool socks
  • Lemmy

Agreed. I find myself using Siri on walks via AirPods quite a bit. Siri what’s the weather going to be like tonight . Siri what’s in my calendar tomorrow. Siri what’s the latest news. (That opens up podcast app and plays local news I love it. ). Siri let me know when it’s 12:30. I just wish it got better at answering simple questions. A few articles mentioned Apple started looking at incorporating a GPT style AI with Siri.

Symbiosis in nature….it always brings up feelings of awe and wonder for me. Especially in forests. The "wood-wide web" or "mycorrhizal network" being my latest obsession . The fact that the fungi joins the trees together through the roots to allow for exchange of nutrients, water, and chemical signals between plants. And then there’s the forest canopy, and the role it plays in keeping the forest healthy.

Trees are awesome.

I prefer pull vs push media. Less intrusive. I have a feeling lemmy users may also like RSS feeds for the control it provides. I know in mastodon you decide who to follow, but the whole culture to encourage re-blogging means a lot of potential unwanted crap in our feeds.

TikTok reposts.

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Similar but different : tea! You go from cheap bagged tea to going down the rabbit hole of loose leaf variations, temp control kettles, brewing vessels and brewing styles.

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I was one of three women in my year who graduated in CS at my university. I did most of my course work at home…trying to be one of the guys and make sure kindness wouldn’t be considered flirting made for a weird 4 years. No horror stories to tell though , just plenty of awkwardness.

This handy aspirin holder. Could save the life of someone having a heart attack. https://www.saveaheart.ca/

The natural world. Both at the micro level of looking at the symbiosis between tiny insects and plants, to the macro of untouched natural landscapes. Also clouds! We forget to look up and see how cool clouds are.

I was a big LucasArts graphic adventure game fan. Maniac mansion, Zak McKracken, Indiana Jones, Loom, Monkey Island Then all the Sierra games: leisure Suits Larry, Police Quest, King’s Quest, Camelot…. Good times.

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Non-English subs. They are starting but it will take a while to catch up.

I mix them. Not sure if this is weird or common. Honey Nut Cheerios and Rice Krispies are a good combo. Vectors with Rice Krispies too. Alone: Golden Grahams.

It’s great for quinoa, farro and couscous too. Love our tiger rice cooker, it’s a work horse!

Chat GPT to the rescue:

On a plate, golden and round, Beans on toast, a comforting sound. The bread toasted, warm and crisp, Beans piled high, a hearty bliss.

The aroma dances, fills the air, A simple dish, beyond compare. Tangy beans, a savory delight, With each bite, pure culinary might.

From humble ingredients it’s made, A classic meal, never to fade. A satisfying symphony, flavor divine, Beans on toast, forever in my rhyme.

Little things that make solo hikes even more enjoyable:

  • Merlin Bird Sound ID app.
  • Bringing one piece of hard candy with you
  • If you must listen to something, get earphones with a transparency setting where you can still hear birds and leaves crunching under your feet
  • A dog

Yessssss. With a tiny splash of Worcestershire sauce.

Me too! Did you give The Great North a try? Same vibe.

Same! Only reason I still use it is for Community events, and neighbour groups. Super useful for that. Wish there was a way to do that without being peppered by ads and reels.

Marketplace is a Kijiji replica so it could die with little consequence IMO.

Same with great results! Especially if you have hard water.

You raise good points. The expensive part for me was the discovery aspect. Once you know what you like it’s not bad but the learning part…trying all the different greens and oolongs and pu’er and black teas - that was a little nuts at the beginning.

Now I have about 10 varieties that I like for different occasions and I stick to those and it’s not too bad.

Biggest splurge for me was an ember mug. Im a little embarrassed by how expensive it was, but honestly no regrets. Perfect temp tea for hours.

I have! …then full circle back to grandpa style. I still use a gaiwan from time to time on the weekend but I like bringing a container up with me at my desk without needing to refill constantly.

There are daily news podcasts if you like consuming information that way. Apple News , AP News and Ground News are good news aggregates. Reuters has a cool app where you get to pick the amount of time you have (5 minutes to 30 minutes I think ) and it shows you the top stories in video format. RSS feeds of your favourite news sites with a RSS app like Feedly.

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News apps, RSS feeds and online communities.

Apple News is decent in that you can pick and choose your interests and hide certain news sources. Associated Press AP News app is great too. I’m in Canada so I also have the CBC and CTV apps. For RSS, I use Feedly app. It has a good discovery mechanism but most the time I manually add urls of sites I want to follow.

Other than that, I get shared links in different slack workspaces and discord servers.

Whenever I smell asphalt, I think of Maureen.

I went down the rabbit hole of stoicism 15 years ago when I had a lot of existential anxiety and while it didn’t miraculously help, it really did nudge me into a new path over time.

Small things like not focussing on happiness as a goal, having a momento mori around and taking the time to stop and think about its meaning when I’m overthinking. Doing the negative visualizations on rough days.

It’s more than a philosophy. It’s a good self help tool to have in your tool belt.

I interpreted that as broil in the oven? Under the element?

Fresh cheddar (bonus if in curd form) , warmed in microwave with maple syrup. Sweet, salty, fatty.

It’s an art form. https://youtu.be/jI4J89a1kxY

I’m using the free version and not missing the paid features!

Not sure if it’s just in Canada, but that describes Big Turk chocolate bars! They are indeed delicious.

Kids in the Hall Spaced Stark Trek Next Gen and Voyager Stargate SG-1 Bob’s burgers

Love Libby!

I’m not sure what you mean by the source. In this case Ground News is an app.


Hidden Brain, Search Engine, The Knowledge Project

European expansion is worth it! I like the round end goals!

I had to create a “if you add one, you sell one” rule after running out of shelf space.

Second this! It was great hearing the different treatments people tried, doctor recommendations… having that safe space to feel sorry for oneself about the side effects or symptoms. I could see it happening here when Lemmy grows in numbers a bit.

I use AppleMusic and love it….but I’m super invested in the Apple ecosystem. It’s part of a monthly subscription bundle that includes Arcade, AppleTV and cloud space so….perfect for me. Can’t see it making much sense for android users.