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I worked for a furniture store. They used to buy mattresses and furniture sets for like $200-300 and arbitrarily sell them for around $700-1000. I used to be able to haggle with people and still sell them for like double what they cost. I hated that job for so many reasons

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Even though I don’t 100% agree with the defederation, it’s a bit alarming how quick commenters are to chastise their decision. Why risk being federated with a community that will allow or seek “childlike” NSFW content? That’s just asking for trouble, so I can understand why an instance would avoid being associate with that. That’s a huge risk for someone hosting a fairly large instance, especially with the criticism and accusations the LGBTQ+ community has been subject to recently

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My pattern is I’ll find something new that I want and I’ll order it, but before it arrives I’ll research absolutely everything about it—specs, reviews, unboxing videos—that I’ll squeeze every drop of joy out of the purchase before I even have it..

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I’m certain that I am some degree of polyamorous. But I’m in a 10-year monogamous relationship and feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place

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The idea of time. It’s insane to me to think about events happening at different times in different places. Or for the same event to take different amounts of time depending on your reference points.

The sun is 8 minutes away from us, so we are looking at it 8 minutes in the past. If it were to suddenly disappear, it would take 8 minutes for us to find out. That’s mine-blowing to me! It’s like the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.

Nobody cares to humor me when I bring the topic up lol

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my palms are sweaty

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Rupaul’s Drag Race. I was super turned off by the idea of watching a show about drag queens. I mean, what can be so great about a bunch of men dressing up like women, right?

And during the earlier seasons there were clips and memes circulating online that were, frankly, entertaining and really made me curious so I decided to give the show a try. And wow, I could not believe how easily it made me realize how much internalized homophobia and transphobia I had even as a gay man! The show really opened my eyes to the side of a community that I claimed to be a part but knew absolutely nothing about. Even my partner who refused to watch the show with me for the longest time and finally gave in expressed the same thoughts and realizations that I had.

It also helped me understand how easy it is for someone who is LGBT-phobic to remain so prejudiced and hateful if there is no exposure or education about the communities and cultures we’re not a part of.

I honestly found peace as a gay man that I didn’t know I was missing. And that may sound a little dramatic but it completely changed how I live my life

When I’m eating a meal with different sides I’ll eat a little of everything with each bite. As I get towards the end of my meal I’ll plan out my last 4-5 bites and make little piles of food that contain everything so that I don’t run out of any particular side.

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I was just thinking about dial up last night while downloading a game update. My wifi was downloading like 1GB/min and I sat there absolutely amazed at how fast that was, thinking about how the younger me would’ve been mind-blown with that speed.

I don’t miss not knowing things. If I am unsure of something today I can pull out my phone and Google it. Although I do wish I had more of a reason to go to the library now

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Living as an openly gay man. It felt like I was finally able to breathe

It’s because some women squat on the seat instead of sitting on it. Which gets the seat dirty which makes women squat so they don’t touch the dirty seat, which gets it dirty, ad infinitum.

The good: I’m a very curious person and will always look up answers to virtually any question I have. I’m excited to learn new things, I’m an excellent problem-solver, and I’ll share what I can with anyone who asks, particularly at work.

The bad: I’m content with being alone most of the time. People love being around me and having me company, but I don’t make an effort to maintain friendships and the relationships I do have feel like such a struggle to keep up with.

The ugly: I’m severely unmotivated. I’ll do what I need to keep my job and survive, but I don’t have the drive to want to be super successful. I love starting new hobbies but I’ll become hyper-obsessed and suck literally all the joy out of them until I’m no longer interested.

I used to have costochondritis which was an inflammation of the cartilage in my sternum. It would feel like a pressure on my chest that wouldn’t be relieved until I bent backwards to stretch and “pop” my chest. So occasionally friends and family would see me stretching and wonder wtf I was doing

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Avocado! As a kid I hated the slimy texture and practically bland taste, but now I love how creamy it makes many dishes and how it can mellow out very bold flavors

How it’s happened to me is if you’re semi-hard or not holding your dick down, when you piss it’ll go through the space between the seat and the bowl.

I don’t play much any more but I used to love Picross

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Any unexpected texture when I eat chicken. I literally only eat white meat because I can’t stand anything chewy, hard, stringy, etc when I chew.

That keeping in touch with people gives me anxiety and I don’t know why. Even calling my family once in a while feels like such a battle. I haven’t seen one of my sisters in 10 years, and I love her with absolutely no bad feelings! But for some reason it’s so difficult for me to have frequent contact with them

Now I need to take up smoking so I can vote

I plan out every bite of my meal. If I have different items/sides I’ll make sure that I have enough for one last bite of everything together

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It tastes a little less sweet and little more something else

I stopped giving them presents when they were around 20-22 years old. I transitioned to cash for a couple years then we just changed our gift-giving to a secret Santa type process instead

People who don’t use their turn signal when driving. It’s literally the least you can do to help avoid an accident and some people can’t be bothered. I find it so selfish and gets me in such a bad mood

iPhone says that the translation to English is “Grains of rainbow chrysanthemum flower seeds”

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Scratch it! What kind of masochist just endures the itch until it goes away‽

I grew up the youngest of 5 children—with all siblings >10 years older—with immigrant parents who were mostly working. So, yea, at times it does feel like the internet raised me

Me when I have to make calls at work 😭

Monterey Jack cheese or pepper jack.

If you don’t mind, how did you two even start that conversation? I’m afraid to bring it up because I know the knee-jerk reaction will probably be a lot of hurt feelings and misunderstandings

Kingdom Hearts

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Got in a relationship in HS. My life would’ve head in a different trajectory if I had just focused on friends and school instead of devoting most of my time and effort to that relationship

I agree 100%. I know that there are a lot of people who didn’t like it, but I’m so glad that the film had an impact on others like it did to me. It became an instant favorite and helped me come to terms with a lot of the thoughts and emotions I struggle with

Start lifting weights and eating more

And then the guilt when they ask how (blank) is coming along..

Anyone who basically wants to make the world a better place

Werk bitch

That too! Imagine taking a 256 GB micro SD card to the past?

I could’ve sworn I heard of a Hannah Montana-type show/character years before the show came out..

I’ve always heard that but also been told to wait for some time after eating before brushing to not hurt your enamel? Not sure how true that is

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