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I am not an audiophile or anything but for these oems a headphone jack inclusion is probably pennys and wired is just superior sound, it's madness.

That said I use Bluetooth headphones mostly myself but that doesn't change the fact its inferior sound, something extra to charge and can add quite a bit of lag when playing games or other media.

Its a step backwards just to make a few pennys profit on a hundreds of pounds device. I think everyone should have the option to choose what they prefer.

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Does Facebook count because I was once in trouble with the police here for something completely unrelated to the Internet and they asked me several times for my Facebook account which didn't exist anyway

Made me think they were fishing for anything and anything they read on there would have likely ended up twisted against me.

So yeah I refuse to use it.

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I'd buy Facebook and rebrand it as V.

Pretty sure that would kill it.

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It's bearable on smartube next if you have an android TV, firestick or similar

My biggest problem with YouTube is they keep giving me videos I've already watched and it seems they wipe them from the watch list very quickly to try and trick you into clicking it again.

I also hate the fact that if I say I'm not interested In something they take no notice and send it to my recommendations again regardless.

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It's kinda weird I was toying with the bing version just asking silly questions really and asked it who would win between two current wrestlers. Refused to answer saying it was an unfair comparison because they were from different eras.

Pointed out they were both current it said sorry you are right but still refused me an answer and ended the conversation on me trying again.

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Used to love pocket casts but I switched to antennapod after they basically changed the whole app into something that made no sense to me.

Would never pay a subscription to listen to podcasts personally.

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Sony did this to me I'd bought quite a few vita games digitally. Left it alone a few months and then saw an email where they said to keep the account log in now. Tried to log in but they'd already wiped it.

Not falling for digital again.

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I've tried Linux a few times each time would seem to be good apart from gaming but every single time something I Didn't Even realise I did broke it completely. I'd say I've never had linux work for more than a few months.

With windows an install no matter how inconviant and annoying with forced updates has always lasted me years. Don't get me wrong though I hate Microsoft but I need my games and I want reliability.

To me following linux guides has mostly ended in an unbootable system.

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Isn't this how most scifi horror movies begin.

I don't think these cases have even a slight hope they really shouldn't unless it was illegal to read their work in the first place. In which case being an author should be the actual crime.

Just silly imo.

Mtp is an awful protocol I switched to just using WiFi transfers when Google got rid of the normal mass storage.

Pirate by a mile, I don't know why just the freedom or the fact I really enjoyed the Black Flag game.

I feel the same but I've also had reddit mods who do not like anyone having a different opinion. So yeah I was done with reddit quite a while ago.

I once was banned from all of reddit for saying I suspected a love Island contestant acted like he was gay. I didn't even do it maliciously it was just an honest opinion and I stated as much.

Not going to tell you it's safe but if its a keygen they've always been flagged by most antivirus and I wouldn't be surprised if there was an actual patch needed for a keygen to work.

To be fair though I don't know enough about the whole situation and I'd say go with your gut or test it in a vm or similar .

It's possible but eventually you will get banned I remember a torrent client that let me multiply my seeding by 100 I did use it back when file list was a thing.

That said I can't ever remember seeing anything similar since.

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I switched to mull which I think is basically a fork of Firefox when bromite seemed to be dead.

No complaints it works great.

I've been using gpt assist from fdroid and occasionally the bing chat to really just mess about with AI thing.

Wondering if the official app has any advantages over those. I mean I don't really do much but ask it for crossover plots between different shows. Poems, rewriting songs or asking dumb questions.

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Once spilt a drink on a polished wooden floor so I cleaned it up then thought hey furniture polish would definitely get rid of any stickyness.

Worked way too well I slipped on it about a minute later and somehow broke a toe.

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Cringe every single time I see him destroy a new phone. I know the testing serves a purpose but I hate seeing it.

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This is when I'm going to miss reddits revanced sub. I wouldn't even dream of using tiktok without spoofing my device. Unfortunately I've found revanced is very picky over the tiktok versions it works with.

So yeah I'm not updating until I know someone else was successful with a revanced patch

It's a good app especially for free. It did take me a week or so to adjust and customise it how I like things but it does the job pretty well.

I used to use it for Bromite since then I've used it for Mull Browser and Antennapod.

That said I've never found the main app very useful I use foxy droid to browse and update those apps

What I dislike personally about the 3 onscreen button thing is most phones are oled now and I'd rather not have anything permanent on my screen because of potential burn in but that goes for the status bar as well.

Too tough to name one I can only narrow it to three

Xcom UFO Defense

Chrono Trigger

Super Street Fighter 2

I like the idea but the battery life puts me off a lot. Generally if I'm into a pc game be it skyrim, rimworld, stellaris, fallout, GTA or others. A few hours just doesn't cut it.

That said their very impressive and apus might be the best thing to happen in recent years. Really showing potential in my opinion.

I might also be a bit cautious of handhelds in general because my last was the Sony Vita which Sony almost immediately ignored after launch.

That's one point of view but I trust open source over closed everytime and the source is available.


The future is not written. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves.

Yeah it was weird still though because it was answering similar questions beforehand and it actually did a search before acknowledging it was incorrect.

I think it probably can admit it was wrong but is still limited to it's first decision.

I've always had twitter but never really used it at all apart from contacting companies when I couldn't resolve things the normal way.

Think it's time to delete it.

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I had an update this week so they are still coming that said I think the security updates still a month behind.


Phones been very solid overall for me but yeah the glypths are only a party trick at best.

Air conditioning definetly needs to become a thing in the UK some company is going to make a killing if they lock it down.

Electric boats sound like a good idea to me couldn't wind, solar and tidal power all be combined. Making me wonder why supertankers, cargoships etc can't be doing some of that.

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It has an effect but the price for that effect is insane (at least in the UK) . It isn't an instant thing you need to keep taking it for at least a few weeks.

Definitely made me much calmer but like I said not at that price.

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Probably have to many network threads running on the client. I'd suggest halfing them just to see if it makes a difference.

My phone works perfectly until I enable it and I've tried a few different dns options with it and yes even use the longer domains designed for it.

Never had my phone work at all while they are On sadly I think it's been blocked by these isps honestly.

its a nothing phone on Android 13 and here's proof enabling it takes me immediately offline https://ibb.co/t3mpwNS.

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I get that, I use my fire tv cube a lot. If I'm not watching media on it directly I'm probably casting to it using bubble upnp.

One downside is it's pretty picky with audio types and very locked down when it comes to things like setting default apps.

I'm using the Nothing icon set bought it because I also have the Nothing phone 1. It suits the phone obviously but it lacks so many games and things, I couldn't really recommend it at this point I put in icon requests months ago and have seen no difference at all.

Best I can do at an uploaded image as I haven't figured lemmy out yet https://ibb.co/j4PxyFF

I use a Kobo Nia it was pretty cheap and I have no complaints at all about it. You can easily copy epubs over yourself with the cable.

On Android I use moon+ but it's easier using the Kobo.

I've always used SwiftKey recently it got a bing AI/chat button which I know is pointless really but I've had fun with it.

Might be a UK thing maybe but nearly everyone I know has switched to another sms app or turned off Rcs chat in messages.

I've never seen it work most times you'd send a message then be told about a day later it was undelivered. Sms needs to be instant waiting hours before you even know it wasn't even sent is just plain unacceptable especially when nearly everyone has unlimited sms to begin with.

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