3 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe... Maaaaaayyyyyyybeeeee the Democrats need to nominate someone who is actually worth getting excited about instead of just being not-Trump.

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So much for the free market, huh?

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Someone told me that if I wanted to be a history teacher I should get a degree in special Ed to "make myself more marketable." It took 14 years to get out of special education and land a job teaching history

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Social studies teacher here. Aside from the obvious church/state problems with this, there might be an easy way around it for teachers: put up a poster with a dollar bill on it. Less conspicuous, still follows the letter of the shitty law.

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Teacher here. I'm fucking speechless. What kind of people remove a library and claim it as a win? The only people who do that are shooting for authoritarian regimes where the people are kept stupid.

"Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day." ~Thomas Jefferson

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I doubt that he is. His supporters, on the other hand...

Now, I may just be a man, but the woman's arms on that last one don't look quite right. Is someone else holding the swords for her?

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Teacher here. Kids want the quick dopamine hit from their phones and their school-supplied chromebooks. They do not want to take the time to try something that might be hard, and they do not want to stretch their brains at all

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Feds: "We have money that you can give to families so kids can eat over the summer."

MO politicians: "That seems like it would be a lot of hard work for us, so nah."

Wow. The argument against trans women in sports is already unscientific enough. Why is chess even split into gendered categories? This just makes zero sense.

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There are, in fact, no products in that empty drawer. I promise I'm not hiding them from you, ma'am.

History teacher here. If this was turned in to me, rhe first thing I'd do is laugh, then have a conversation with the student. If s/he says they'd be ok with me emailing a copy of this to their parents (I'm assuming the parents speak Chinese), then I'd just give them an A for pure gall. If the kid isn't from a Chinese-speaking family, I'd probably still give him/her kudos and then make them turn in whatever they put into Google translate to begin with. But really, this is the kind of malicious compliance I wish my students had the creativity to pull off.

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I really want to live in the technologically-advanced, socialist utopia conservatives think mainstream Democrats are trying to produce

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Social studies teacher here. You know why we don't teach the "classical" education model anymore? Because it relies on memorization and lacks any real critical thinking or analysis. It whitewashes history and devalues the contributions of anyone outside the white, European mainstream.

Just looking at the available sample questions for the grade 8 test, there is no real analysis beyond simple textual understanding ("what it says in the text"). There are no sample questions that actually require a student to write. The writing questions are almost entirely correcting grammatical mistakes. On a complexity scale, there are generally 4 "levels" of questions, with 4 being the most complex, which typically would require an essay response. None of the questions asked go above a complexity of level 2.

And don't get me started on the inherent biases of the texts chosen. The "literature," "historical/founding documents" and "philosophy/religion" texts chosen are all by dead white men: Kipling, Plato, Cicero, Jefferson, Kempis, Eisenhower. The only author who wasn't a dead white man is a dead white woman: George Eliot.

Both science passages have to do with modern medicine, the contents of which are far from controversial: antivenom and cardiovascular health. That isn't to say that there is anything wrong with this, but again, there is nothing that even allows for critical analysis here.

So... yeah... definitely glad I'm not in Florida

Although you are correct from a historical perspective, you are not from a foreign policy perspective.

With the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the United States considered the Russian Federation as the successor state of the USSR.

Via The US State Department

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Why does Stephanie as a pet name gross you out? Am I missing something?

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This article is a few days old and looks like someone drinking spez's kool-aid wrote it. I'd be interested to see what things look like in a month.

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Really, it was more of a "The Nazis are doing this. We need to get this done before the Nazis so we can prevent the Nazis using it because we will retaliate." The fact that the war in Europe was over before either side had actually finished the bomb made that part irrelevant.

Unfortunately for science, once discoveries are made and turned over to the military, scientsts' morality gets shoved into a corner.

I've used "Joe's roadside cafe, you kill em, we grill em" before

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Jesus. It's articles like this that make me both be thankful for Doctorow and his ability to put tech shit in terms is non-techies can understand.

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The son who is not part of his father's administration? Not every president leans heavily into nepotism, you know.

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Me: it hasn't been that long! It started with Nixon!

Also me: Nixon was president in 1973, which was 50 years ago, dumbass.

Also also me: Now you're going to tell me that the 90s were more than 10 years ago, aren't you?

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Was this in the 2000s? After the Columbine shooting, a lot of schools banned big trench coats and other long jackets because you could have hIdDeN wEaPoNs under them

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Teaching as a profession sucks ass in general right now... but at least a lot of the special educator-specific bullshit is not my problem anymore. But thank you.

With posts like this, you can never quite tell if it's real or fake...

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I've been teaching for almost 20 years at this point. Malicious compliance has a better chance of working than arguing with people who either don't have the power or the will to change anything or stand up for what is right.

Destroyer of dream houses

Oh come on. Hot dog filler serves a purpose and can be quite tasty. Don't bring it down to the Ted Cruz level.

👍🏻 ok there bud.

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No, what's worse is that DeSantis isn't ignorant. He knows exactly what he's doing.

We all know they're in Mississippi, but there are chapters in some good states, too.

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No, the law is against "distributing food without a permit" ... which does essentially bar people from giving food to homeless people outside of a soup kitchen or something. But yeah, it's still a shitty law.

Death by snu-snu it is, then

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Oh yeah? Then why doesn't the ref award anyone 10 yards on the play? /s

Porn is the lifeblood of a free internet, and the foundation of human inventiveness and drive for innovation.

I'll take "true things they'll never teach in school" for $200, Alex.

Back to the Future. It has been my "watch when I'm sick at home" go-to since I was 12.

Uhhhhh... poop knife?

But seriously, I was a kid who had to go through DARE in school, and I did not know how much outright lying was part of that program. And because I was a goody-two-shoes, I believed everything DARE told me.

I was in my late 30s before Reddit presented me with facts that showed me that LSD does not, in fact, pool at the base of your spine and cause you to trip randomly for the rest of your life.

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I agree with you 100%. What they are latching on to is the fact that SOMETIMES, in EXTREMELY LIMITED AND SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES, some enslaved people were able to "hire themselves out" as craftsmen when they had done whatever work the enslaver had required of them. An even more limited number of those enslaved people were paid for their work and got to keep their pay.

But the percentage of people we are talking about here is tiny ... but it is nonzero. The standard therefore isn't completely wrong, but it absolutely gives the impression that these cases were waaaay more common than they actually were.

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*gills gills gills