1 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Those Vaios had a monumental amount of bloatware slowing them down too.

It wasn't really fun, and I could never see properly in it.

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Yeah I have the world's smallest astigmatism in my left eye and even that was annoying for me as a kid using it.

That's actually my favorite parasite! Toxo really wants to live inside a cat's digestive tract, so much so that, when a rodent gets it in their blood, the baby toxos produce cysts in the brain (and liver and muscles) that hypnotize the rat into being attracted to cat poop. This leads to the rat hanging around where cats poop, and therefore getting eaten by the cat, and ending up happily back inside the cat's GI tract.

Tri-omni God problem. The God that we are told is worthy of worship is

  1. Omniscient, and
  2. Omnipresent, and
  3. Omni-benevolent.

The presence of evil in the world demonstrates that no more than two out of those 3 can possibly be true at the same time. Thus if God does exist, he's not all that and a bag of gummy bears.

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I think there's an Arthur Miller quote along the lines of man cannot appreciate sky without earth, nor heaven without hell.

I set up Alpine to read my Gmail last summer, and while the nostalgia hit was nice, the browser version was more responsive and useful, cap I went back to that.

In the old Star Wars Expanded Universe, there was mention of a Shawken Device which, if operable, could destroy the universe.

This has led me to conclude that the universe probably isn't infinite.

In an infinite universe, all possible things should be happening at the same time. This would necessarily mean that someone invented a device/mechanism/reaction that could destroy the universe, and successfully activated it, thus ending the universe.

There are only two possible conclusions that I can draw from this thought experiment, which are not mutually exclusive:

  1. The universe is not infinite, and/or
  2. It is not possible to destroy the universe.
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Smart astrophysics people I've talked to are excited when we see gamma bursters further out in the universe than before, because that means that the universe is bigger than previously known.

That also does not matter. Spinozan Determinism can be summed up as:

"If it could have happened any other way, it would have."

Even if he loses, he will suffer no significant consequences, nor will the lawless movement that supports him.

He could lose all of these cases tomorrow, and it still wouldn't mean a thing. He could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and there still would be no significant consequences.

The GOP are a lawless terrorist movement, but everyone else wants to "take the high road."

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Gentoo. Not an Arch fork, and uses OpenRC by default. I use it and love it. Portage is the best package manager out there, imo.

You can still get binaries of the really annoying things to compile, like Firefox. Otherwise, it's all source-based.

I'd advise installing it in a VM or on a spare computer first to get your hands around what it is.

In your case, you'll want to specify the following flags in you makefile:

OpenRC, -systemd

You'll add a bunch of others in there too depending on architecture and personal priorities.

Follow the handbook.

There's also Calculate Linux, which is basically Gentoo with a graphical front end, but I think it's Intel only. CLI is more fun anyway.

Gentoo is more about the fun of building a Linux distro that is perfectly tailored to your hardware and personal preferences. Sometimes you'll see a performance increase of 0.01%, sometimes 25%+. Just depends on a lot of different things.

The build times are really only a consideration on first or second install of the OS. And even with your first install, you'll probably want to start with the pre-built options, and then gradually move away from that to compiling more and more of your own system.

There are a couple apps like Firefox that also have pre-compiled binaries available for Gentoo, so no waiting there. Of course, there's also Flatpak for desktop-based apps.

Otherwise, you just compile what you want, when you want. And you can tell Portage how much in terms of cores/threads/resources it gets to use when compiling, so that it can just run in the background while you're doing your normal thing (or scheduled for when You're not using your machine).

Portage is also a phenomenal package manager, and can track and satisfy all dependencies for you as-needed. You can also specify what elements of your system to keep on stable, vs testing, etc. It's not like Slackware.

Gentoo is what was used to build ChromeOS, along with many other distros. It's as complex/simple, secure/insecure, private/un-private, latest-and-greatest/LTS as you tell it to be. You can choose to update things continuously in the background, or just once a week overnight, or on any other schedule that you want.

You'll probably learn some new things in the course of installing it, but follow the handbook to the letter, avail yourself of the community, and be patient to start with. It works for me, and I like it, but there are plenty of excellent pre-cooked distros that are also great. I'm just a tinkerer by nature, and enjoy getting increasingly more out of my machines over time.

Your parents suck.

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Alpine is great for VM and containers... Light on resources because of musl.

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I work in music and audio post, and everyone I work with would love to be able to use Reaper (or Logic, or Nuendo) instead of Pro Tools, if Pro Tools didn't have the post industry completely captured in the US.

Reaper is a world-class product, and the team could easily charge 10x as much for the pro licenses, and get it. Stick with Reaper.

There are alternative drum triggers for Linux, I'm sure. Even SPL makes a drum exchanger. There's got to be one out there.

VMR shouldn't be a problem to run, I just don't know what the install process would look like.

I'm pretty sure Airwindows plugs are Linux compatible, probably Audio Obsession too.

In any case, Reaper's stock plugins are awesome. My only real complaint about them is the EQ cramping in the hi-end, which is typical for stock plugins.

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Most of them, but I'm just tired.

Mozart's full baptismal name was

Johannes Chrystostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart

But he went by a few different names, partially because there were so many different languages spoken by the aristocracy in 18th century Central Europe that he adapted his name to suit whatever language he was using at the moment. "Theophilus" is the Greek form of "Amadeus." Sometimes you'll see the German translation of "Gottlieb." Day-to-day, he is reported to have gone by "Wolfgang Amadè."

It wasn't uncommon for people to translate their names freely like this. Beethoven went by "Luigi" in Italian texts, and "Louis" in French.

"Giuseppe Verdi" would today be translated to English as "Joe Green."

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I think she ended up not even going to that school

It's the interest rate hikes. Tech companies relied on limitless free money from VCs before, without the pressure to turn a profit. That tap's been turned off now, so here we are.

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When AIPAC stops buying the US government.

It was great when Ohlmeyer went on Colbert Report and got mocked for saying NBC was going to lose money on the Winter Olympics. Colbert did a fund drive to help, and presented him with a giant check for like $5.08

It's also great that he's been dead since 2017. Conan was right when he called him one of the silverback gorillas running TV.

Therapy (with an MFT or PhD therapist) and a gym membership can do amazing things for you at 21.

No single person will have all the answers. You may find a Yoda to help with your career, but they probably won't have the life answers you're interested in. That's what your 20s are about: figuring yourself out and putting yourself together.

My 20s were about figuring myself out. My 30s were about figuring the system (economy, etc) out. Now I'm in my 40s, I understand the system, and don't like it.

SoCal resident here. Cost of living is much, much higher than many less-desirable places, so as others have said, it's absolutely necessary to have a job to move to before moving here.

Also, the WC states are not homogenous. "Red state California/Oregon/Washington" are as red as Tennessee. There's a big chunk of extreme northern CA that wants to secede. Same with eastern WA/OR.

Coastal communities are, on the whole, not occupied by narrow-minded DeSantis fans, but that's not an absolute. The more rural a place, the redder it is.

Sites like Coos Bay are fairly cheap by coastal standards, but there aren't really any jobs around there, and it isn't exactly West Hollywood for community life and things to do.

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Stay off TikTok.

I received these about once a week when I was a Spectrum customer. Since I dumped them when ATT fiber became available, I now receive them three times a week.

Whatever the most recent one at the moment is.

But seriously, my wife and I watched all of the Marvel movies in release order from Iron Man through Infinity War. I watched a sone of Endgame and turned it off after a bit. Sounds like we made the right choice.

We also stopped Game of Thrones after season 7 episode 4, which appears to be the ideal place to stop to maintain good memories of the show.

It's one of the better -isms currently available.

Workers owning the means of production is the way it should be. Until we can mature further.

I would love to believe that the GOP losing the Senate and White House were likely.

Dead cat bounce before it settles into its long-term valuation

Shit parents, shit grandmother. Hopefully they're not past of your life anymore.

While we're at it, how about cybernetics, too?

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Yeah, way better to stay on Facebook and Nextdoor and deal with actual literal fascists.

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Their bread is buttered by Google, so that seems unlikely.

I've taken to publically shaming my maga family members into temporary Facebook silence. It's cathartic after a particularly frustrating work day.

They always bounce back to their old form after not-too-long, which just provides another opportunity to catharticallly wail on them.

I think ActivityPub's license should prohibit financially profiting from the platform.

EDIT: I mean "should be changed to"

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This is why I have logins on several instances.

That's only like a 2.5% drop. I think McKinsey is soft-pedaling those numbers a bit.

I get the sense that everyone responding to this is completely missing the joke.

They mean laser printers, people.

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