
1 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Everyone acts like this is hurting reddit. It doesn't make a fuck what they write on that board, every person who places a dot helps Reddit by being a added number on the user board.

18 more...

If you are a dude sit down to pee when you are home.... feels weird for like a day but it is fantastic. No more trying to aim on the middle of the night while trying to close your eyes, no more rouge pee stream, just a like moment to sit and relax.

16 more...

Thank God you censored the word SHIT so we didn't all need a group hug meeting .

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You'd be first in line bitching that your TV fell over if they moved them in 6". Wall mounts are $18.... buy one

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Oooor how bout we just fucking stop talking about and using Twitter

You should make this a game by making one panel a Alex Jones quote and see who can guess it.


See that's why you gotta think ahead and brand one of them with the hot safety pin.

Let them have it. We don't need this place turning into that shit hole, just enjoy what we have here. I swear every 10th post is either bitching about reddit or twitter, just move on.

I'll give up 5g and a middle toe if I could just have 3g back. I live in the middle of no where and 3g worked great, we got rid of that and now phone loves to say it has 5g while fucking off and not loading anything.

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Sketchy fast math says a 32" TV will be roughly 30" wide .... Feet appear to be 3" in on each side which would put them at 24" on center... What kind of umpa lumpa ass table do you have? If that is your only option you can get a treated 8' decking board for like $8, have Lowe's cut it in half and throw it on top of the table to extend it.

I'll set a alarm this time so I remember.... no I don't need to title the alarm so I remember what it's for, no way I will forget what it's for..... 6hrs later why the fuck is my alarm going of

The tv will pull out or the frame will pull out with a good tug. Make it happen don't be afraid, worst case you just tell them it fell off and hurt your foot and you get a upgrade

My entire county used to be dry on sundays,..... but I live 2 min from the wv state line and they give no fucks if you Wana get hammered at 7am Sunday so it was pointless. Now we have Sunday sales after like 10 or so I believe, maybe earlier.

I got a permaban for posting a link to Trevor Moore's song time for guillotines in response to a guy asking for song recommendations for some random mandatory work bullshit where they are force to chose a song to play.... apparently the word "guillotine" is the reddit equivalent to running over a baby with a lawn mower. I had no warnings or anything on that account, just poof permaban.

3 more...

It's already getting infested with the worst of the reddit fuckers, I've been on here for probably 2 months and the first month was great, but it has quickly gotten reddioter and therefore shittier.

6 more...

"appeal" just means you are gonna waste time typing a message to a smelly incel dog walker on a power trip that isn't gonna read it. Fuck that place.

Pretty sure if any employees of oceangate are on here they will win this one. Their boy Stockton speedran that shit.

Found the Samsung fuck boy

That's what it was like for the past year because the mods felt a need to lock and delete comments on 1/4 of all posts on the front page for "reasons". Fuck that shit hole. Let it die.

Had Mr sunshine on his goddamn shoulders ever visited wv he would have changed the lyrics..... Ain't nobody Wana go the the shithole that is wv

4 more...

Not Like they will pay it anyway.

You can tell it's robots by the way it is.

Haven't tried it yet 2*s

Pretty sure Alex Jones invented that method

I've watch scrubs and king of the hill clear through probably 20 time each. I have a hard time finding new shows I like.

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There is no way something I like doing is good for me, that just can't be a thing.

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3rd set of teeth added

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I think getting rid of the karma system would make a world of difference. Keep votes visible on comments and posts but no total tally. All it does is bring tons of bots to farm it, and the kind of people who obsess over fake internet points... Which are always miserable assholes that we don't need. I've really been enjoying how laid back every has been on here in the few days I've been here. I still have no clue how a decent portion of it works but I like figuring it out and seeing everyone actually being pleasnt in the comments.

I remember as a kid really being into eating drained.can beets soaked in vinegar..... I ate enough in a day it turned.my pee slightly pink.

Why you gotta try to impress people with all your dumb book learnin? Just use Normal people colors.

Edit: no trailer Park boys fans here apparently

I really like to imagine one dude just pulling out a lighter, lighting the paper, dropping it, and leaving.


That's engineerings problem.

My parents have several peacreatures...... a refer to them as shut the fuck up.... they are the donkeys of birds and should be exterminated.

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Sooo your average news site now.

What's the problem here? That unit will do all your floppy disc needs until the end of time

They aren't going for long term as they have show the last few years and more so the last few months.... They are pulling a sears and it's working as planned.

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On antiwork a while back a Guy asked for a song to play at a mandatory company picnic because they were forced to pick a song to play at it... I recommended Trevor Moore time for guillotines. Boom permaban. Apparently guillotines is a no no word of reddit. Fuck that place.

Lpt: of you have At&t service you get free HBO max... Atleast you used to and mine still works so I assume that's still a thing.

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