
1 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think you'd have prostitution in a currencyless society. They wouldn't be prostitutes at that point.

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It's something some schools do. It's not mandated by the government.

The judge compared Littlejohn’s actions to those of the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, noting that, “your actions were also a threat to our democracy.”

Because stealing and releasing tax documents is the same thing as attempting to violently overthrow the government.

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Reading all these comments it's clear that a lot of people have unrealistic ideas regarding what Lemmy and the Fediverse are supposed to be (or maybe it's me with weird ideas).

The Fediverse is just a bunch of apps that can all communicate with each other through a shared protocol. There is no requirement for them to be free speech platforms or host everything. The whole purpose of defederation supports the idea that instances are free to associate or disassociate with whichever instances they want. Furthermore, nearly every guide I read on joining Lemmy state that you should choose instances to join based on shared ideals/beliefs.

For everyone saying "I'm leaving lemmy.world" I say "Good. That's what you're supposed to do." When the instance you join no longer aligns with what you want, you go to another instance and then you'll be back to viewing all the communities you want to see. That is what the Fediverse is all about and how it's designed.

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From what I've read previously, I'm not sure that's enough.

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This question pops up every now and then on social media and it always blows my mind that there are people who wipe standing up. I just don't understand the logistics of it and it seems like it would make things more difficult.

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I saw a comment on another post by a European explaining American politics to another European.

"Their left is our right, their right is our far right, and their far right are literal flag waving Nazis."

Obama really did open the floodgates on all the racists. I guess I was really naive, but I had no idea there were so many racist everywhere.

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"See you next Tuesday" is a derogatory euphemism?

Edit: I would have never figured out what it was supposed to mean on my own. I had never heard of that before and judging by all the quick replies it's a more well known insult then I would have guessed.

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I'm dying laughing at the image in my head about your scenario.

Gay Waiter: And what do you want?

You: I want some pasta fag.

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The difference this time is that my computer literally can't run Win 11. I'm not throwing away a perfectly good PC just because of Win 11's hardware requirements.

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Sometimes it feels like I'm the only person who legitimately liked the first Super Mario Bros movie. I would regularly rewatch it when I would see it come on tv before I eventually recorded it so I could watch it whenever.

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They could have saved time by just saying "Everything"

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Huh. I've never heard that phrase used in that context before.

Why don't they just raise their prices a bit? Adding a "not" tip to the bill just seems odd.

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It's worse than Idiocracy. In Idiocracy, the president recognized there was a problem and hired the smartest man to fix the problem. Later on he even stepped down as president and appointed the smart guy to take his place.

We could only wish the Republicans had someone with that much integrity.

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Win 11 is going to push me to Linux for my main PC. My current PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements for Win 11 so I couldn't run it even if I wanted to.

The only question is if I'll need a separate windows machine for gaming.

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Dystopian fiction was not supposed to be a guide on what to do.

They did screw it up completely and needed to be saved though so that part was accurate.

Reading this article made me wonder if a satellite can be turned off and then back on. I've never really thought about how satellites are maintained and serviced. You can't exactly send IT up there to fix things.

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These articles pop up occasionally about people losing their jobs because it was revealed they have and OnlyFans account and I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. This guy thinks he can't be arrested because he saw her having sex with her husband!?! At least the Mayor seems to have a bit of common sense regarding this.

I generally upvote everything I read whether it's a post or a comment (unless it's something offensive).

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These sorts of comics have been captioned like this for decades. I'm not sure if they were ever not captioned.

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Now I'm curious how that would taste.

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I feel like the best way to handle the situation with similar/same communities on different instances is to allow communities to automatically federated with other communities. That way subscribing to one community will show you its posts and all the posts to its linked communities.

It would be especially helpful for these general purpose communities like Technology or News since I would imagine most communities are going to have one.

If that happens then we wouldn't need to hunt down and follow every single instance of the same community. Let the mods handle it on their end to save the rest of us the effort.

The houses are so close together and have so little yard I don't see why they didn't just turn them into townhouses.

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Singular they sometimes works and sometimes it sounds odd. It usually sounds off when used by itself without following something explicitly singular.

"The customer forgot their wallet. Can you bring it to them?" sounds correct but if you just do

"They forgot to pay their bill" it sounds like you're referring to multiple people instead of a singular person.

Edit: Changed to a better example.

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I read an article not too long ago about a guy who started a worker owned restaurant. Everyone got a really good salary and any profits would be split evenly between all the workers. The article reveals that the business hasn't actually turned a profit but it didn't matter to the employees because the business made enough to cover it's expenses and all the workers were paid really well (IIRC they were making something like $30 an hour).

The concept really blew my mind: a business didn't need to be profitable to be successful.

Capitalism really does seem to be the problem.

It has to do with old abstinence laws which stated that meat comes from "land animals" and classified fish as a separate category of creature.

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Unity really messed up this time.

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participate in programs that don’t align with their assigned sex

What exactly does that mean? Which school activities are gendered? Are they going to report male students that want to take home ec to their parents?

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Well. That's some fucked up shit. These past 10+ years have been real eye opening to just how much racism is still around.

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Mine Bitcoin when it comes out because they actually will become valuable in the future.

I'm holding out as long as I can on Win10 for gaming. It's my hope that Linux gaming will be compatible with most of my games by the time I have to choose between Win11 and Linux. Last time I checked there were a few games I was interested in that weren't completely compatible with SteamOS.

Of course they know what an OS is. There's only two of them: Apple and Microsoft.

This is great news. I'm really hoping to switch to full Linux for my gaming PC because I really don't want Windows 11.

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Yup. There's a reason they start every conversation with "Don't be scared".

The description I remember described the angel as several flaming wheels covered in eyes and wings.

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It's the circle of meme life.

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Maybe the supreme Court should be like jury duty. Randomly select from a pool of judges from around the country to fill the position for a certain period of time.

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I would consider squatting a form of sitting not standing but if that's what people mean then it at least makes more sense to me.

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