Windows 10 is the last version of Windows to Mildly – 364 points –

Raising this dead article as Microsoft now delivers extended support pricing details for those who choose not to migrate to the newer version of Windows. The one they were told they'd not ever have to migrate to


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The difference this time is that my computer literally can't run Win 11. I'm not throwing away a perfectly good PC just because of Win 11's hardware requirements.

Especially not for such enragingly artificial hardware requirements. Any computer able to run 64-Bit Win XP would probably run Windows 11 just fine if Microsoft hadn't decided to build instructions that only work on recent CPUs into the kernel specifically to make it not run on older hardware.

Assuming Microsoft is acting nefarious here, what would there motivation be to lock out older hardware?

To sell new hardware with new OEM windows licenses

Or in future be able to block programs they don't like or that are modified in a way they don't like. Or be like android and lock it down so you can't be admin without losing ability to use applications

They could probably reduce the support needed for drivers that support said older hardware. I would imagine some of those drivers are probably hard to maintain. That’s my guess anyway.

So I WAS on 11 until all of the sudden my computer refused to boot with the special hardware thing enabled. Had to downgrade to Windows 10 and the mobo manufacturer's response was 'try replacing every other part in your PC'...sorry I don't have the money to have spare parts of everything just lying around. 10 works perfectly fine, and it'll give me an excuse to upgrade my mobo in Oct 2025. :-)

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