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Joined 12 months ago

Same judge also made a ruling blocking student loan debt relief 2 years ago.

Brought to you by these child labor profiteers

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And elon's current mood.

Also in the US regular 120v outlets are fed from 1 of 2 transformer legs. If you back fed power through a 120v outlet, roughly half of the circuits in your home would function and the others would be dead.

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To sell new hardware with new OEM windows licenses

I visit around once a day on both mobile and desktop Firefox.

If you had a pitch perfect butt, you could pulse different frequencies to make the transmission faster. Ideally 8 tones, so just 4 pulses each time.

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Gotta appreciate all they do for our elderly community.

A little over 200 people lost their jobs when this plant closed, I doubt this was a large portion of the population.

SDA - software defined automobile

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You could also buy citric acid, relatively inexpensive and safe as vinegar.

Yeah and this is a single spot in front of a convenience store. Sounds like a safety issue where people walk into traffic trying to take pictures.

My 4 year old loves making this joke

I have a Samsung "smart" TV. I keep it disconnected from the Internet entirely. If it connects it's horribly slow to use, not to mention the data collection, etc... switching inputs would take 30 seconds. Infuriating.


Obvious choice here. Anyone with bread fighting experience knows size matters.

Put a glass plate on top. Bam! Solar sous vide

Sounds identical to my experience. In a former qwest service area.

Unless it's an argument in the reply.

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20 minutes isn't enough if you ask me

Red lobster was sold off from the olive garden parent company 10 years ago

Faux-Latin seems to be the goal here

Free (and) Open Source Software

We sometimes got chopped hotdogs in ours. True love.

My local grocery store does it with their smartphone app. I shop this way almost every time. Bag as I go, then stop at a special self checkout at the end to pay.

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We are all senators on this blessed day.

Too bad plugin hybrids are not more available. My family uses a 10 year old Chevy Volt as our main vehicle. It gets 38 miles/60km on battery which covers most of our driving. Only longer trips on the weekends or the occasional road trip uses any gas. The dehumidifier I run to keep the basement dry uses more electricity than the car. It does ok in snow with winter tires, as long as the snow isn't too deep. I'm in rural great lakes region in a snow belt.

These states are building online filing systems as well. I think that is why they are included.

I've had issues with fi, like having strong 5G signal but extremely slow data rates. Only thing that keeps me from switching is the $50 month for 2 lines.

I'm also concerned that dialing 911 may not work. Once I tried calling the state patrol hotline (*CSP in Colorado)to report an aggressive driver and the call would not connect. I contacted Fi support and they were not helpful and suggested I try "testing" a call to 911.

I have no exposure to dnd but am loving the game. I like turn based games in general though.

Don't sneeze accidentally

I have fond memories of using dillo running on DSL live cd.

"Meet me in the Confidential Documents Bathroom if you wanna see my big 10 inch"

Billy Mays?

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I've had this same dream but with an old clock radio I used as an alarm. Not even removing the 9v battery would shut it off in my dream.

They have wifi! The cell service is crap though.

I've got to see this binder. It must be enormous! The largest I see for sale online claim to hold 1000 pages

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Damn you must have had a good school. I didn't learn about MIMAL until 6th grade social studies.

The American dream (sans avocado toast)