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To be fair, a lot of research had been held up by it being federally illegal.

I think enough people have used it for long enough that we can assume it's relatively harmless but we can't say it's completely harmless just because the studies haven't been done.

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I can believe it's free, coming from professional cad software it's basically un-usable.

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60deg in Spain was ground surface temp not air temp, air temp was like 40deg.

Exactly, corporation and individual behavior is predominantly emergent of the system. Theres some blame that can be passed on to the consumer or the corporation but only so much, it's not my fault I can't afford an electric car. It's not my fault installing solar panels on my house won't recoup the cost by the time I leave/sell.

If you want people to eat less meat you need to make it worth people's while to eat less meat. You don't need to outlaw meat, you just need to make it less attractive from a financial perspective.

If you want people to use less gas you don't need to outlaw gas cars you need to make it less attractive.

You could write individual incentives and disincentives but a carbon tax is simple and hits at the crux of the problem. Remove beef, oil, gas, solar, wind, hydro subsidies and implement a carbon tax. Boom, meat alternatives are now cost comparable. Green energy is now handily cheaper than oil and gas. Theres also a sizable amount of conservatives who are for a carbon tax since it's a "free market" solution instead of picking winners and losers.

You're gonna have to cite a source on that one, you can't just say one of the leading launch providers that has both nasa and defence customers is cutting corners without any proof.

Have you ever works with the airforce on space related stuff? Cause I have, and they are not the kinda people to just hand wave away stuff.

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I laughed soooo hard when he said they plan on selling and then repeating the process every 2 years. How on earth is he a realtor but also thinks that 250k-500k gains on property over the course of 2 years is normal.

The housing market is in a huge bubble right now, my home is up ~50k since I bought in late 21 without me doing a damn thing.

I really wanna follow up with the guy in 2 years when he's complaining he's stuck with a 1million dollar how financed at 6% and he's 400k underwater and he should have just stayed at his previous home probably financed at 3%.

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You should add in toe touches, everyone should be able to touch their toes without bending at the knees. I recommend bending you're knees, touch your toes, straighten your knees out till you feel the stretch, hold for a few seconds, do like 10 times.

Nope, they test launched an experimental rocket from an experimental launch pad.

The pad actually survived and only needed minor repairs (completed within 3 months when it took well over a year to build) and going foreward a new suppression system will be used.

The only rocket that blew up recently was the experimental one but that was expected, they have 2 more test rockets built out, it was time to launch and get some real life data for future development. As long as the launch tower wasn't destroyed the test was going to be considered a success.

They have only lost 2 rockets in actual commercial operations and that rocket holds the title of most reliable in the world currently.

That sounds like BS.

I mean think about it logically, if I only eat several kg of trans fats a day I'll die of starvation? That doesn't pass the sniff test.

"They basically sit in your liver until you die" - so if I eat 1lb of trans fats a week at the end of a year I'll be 52lbs heavier and my liver will be the size of a toddler?

Maybe the body can't efficiently use them like it does other fats for hormone production and such but they definitely count as calories and they're definitely not just chilling anywhere in your body till you die.

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I've only used Jerboa so I can't compare BUT it reminds me a lot of RIF which is what I've used for the last like 7+ years?

  1. They arnt banning coal/wood fired pizza ovens.

  2. They are restricting particulate emissions not Co2 emissions. It's not a climate change thing it's an air quality thing. The pizzareias need to filter out the particulate, not get rid of their pizza ovens.

  3. Even if they were banning coal/wood fired pizza ovens it wouldn't effect pizza. Pizza ovens get up to 900f and the pizza cooks in 90 seconds. There is no time for any smoke flavor to penitrate the pizza. A natural gas or electric oven is going to yield the same result so long as they hit that 900f temp.

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Even at +4c there will still be plenty of "nice" places for billionaires to fuck off to and build a nice little rich people commune. Hell, a +6c world is still the garden of eden in comparison to Mars.

Yes there's a lot of interest in Mars right now, but it's really is just mega rich nerds. Hell, if I was mega rich, I'd make an aerospace company too, space is cool.

The rich peppers are buying up land and building compounds in climate safe havens, like New Zealand.

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Also has saved tax payers loads of money by being super cheap to lauch nasa and defense satellites

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Im disabled!

I like to plant my leafy greens inside an arch trellis, that way the squash and cucumbers shade the greens. My arugula is still trying to bolt but I can keep it pretty decent by topping it when I see it look like it's heading that way.

He can't, that's an amendment so he'd need another amendment to get rid of it. Hed need to get 38 state lesiglatures on board and there's only 27 states with republican controlled legislatiures.

Russia's ammendment was passed via popular vote. If we passed amendments the same way I'd be concerned, but our current method makes it highly unlikely.

"You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did" - All Eyes on Me

They're illegal because people ballooned up to hundreds of pounds all stored in the liver??? How'd I miss that??

Come on, they're unhealthy and not considered safe anymore but the stuff you said just isn't true.

Do you drink hot coffee or tea or soup? Cause hot beverages are considered more likely to cause cancer than this designation for aspartame.

Do you eat meat? Cause that's two levels higher than this designation for aspartame.

Also the studies this ruling is based on indicates you would have to drink ~30 aspartame sweetened sodas a day to be at any risk.

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Same, I'm petty as fuck, I've held grudges for a lot less than what this court has done.

Soup! Every fall/winter my fiance and I along with her father do Soup Sundays. We make a list of all the soups we want to do that year and then work through the list. Pretty much always make the stock from scratch so soup Sundays is usually me starting to boil down some bones around 10am and then going all day long.

There's alway more opportunity and money to be made in new emerging markets, just not by the current top dogs.

That's why cigarette companies fought against e-cigs while buying those companies out.

That's why power companies for the longest time poo pooed solar while quietly investing in solar capacity.

The big guys block and depress these new markets while they get their ducks in a row cause if these new markets just exploded uncontrolled they'd miss out on getting in cheap.

It is, in my opinion, Ted Lasso is probably one of the best tv shows ever, like in the entire history of TV.

Undercook fish, Jail.

Co2 is released when those trees rot. If they're cut down for construction material then they don't release their carbon it's actually stored away.

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That's fair, hopefully bolsonaro out and Silva back will lead to more sustainable logging practices in the vast majority if the Amazon.

Honestly one of the reasons that longevity treatments could actually turn out to be a good thing.

All of a sudden a bunch of rich fucks who were sooo sure that climate change wouldn't effect them but rather their great great grandkids have a good reason to pour a lot of money into the problem so they don't die of heat or starvation at the young age of 150 when they could have lived 200? 300? Who knows, at a certain point you get a longevity tech run away effect.

I believe, and I'd have to go find the quote, but he meant/said simple. Simple =/= easy, just that there are a few things you can do that have a huge impact. Like you could bombard the polar caps and release a shit ton of Co2 and water which would thicken the atmosphere, trap some heat, and start a rain cycle. That's conceptually simple but practically hard. To keep on with Musk, he's also been quoted multiple times saying that living on Mars is gonna suck for a long long time.

I guess in the same way climate change is conceptually simple but practically hard. Cutting out 90% of Co2 emissions pulling existing Co2 out is simple, most of the tech is already developed, it just would cost hugely insane amounts of money to do it quickly. We have direct air capture, we could build dedicated nuclear power air capture plants above existing limestone/granite deposits and pump them full. It just would cost $$$$/kg.

"I dig music... I'm on drugs!"

My fiance and I needed something to put on in the background that wouldn't distract us while we worked late during a very busy week. We picked a random episode in season 2 and ended up re-watching the whole show over the course of 3 weeks.

🤮 Freecad is a barely functioning mess, fusion360 is a professional level cad that's free for hobbiest and infinitely more usable.

I spend most of my day doing cad work, I can jump between Catia, NX, Solidworks, Fusion360 with no problems but Freecad is just horrible. I want to like Freecad but the simplest things are the hugest pains in the ass, it's feature set is huge but none of the features are actually polished.

Unless lasik has significantly changed, last I looked it lasts ~10 years and you can only do it twice, so it doesn't really make sense to do it from prepper reasons unless you think collapse is within 6 months. Otherwise, get the timing wrong and you could need another round of lasik just after the beginning of the appocolypes or worse you could need a new round but have already done two right before everything collapses.

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The Roman's used to add lead acetate to their wines to make them sweet. There's records of people at the time noting that drinking to much of this lead sweented wine seems to cause issues. So humanity has known that lead isn't necessarily a good thing for the human body for a very long time.

Ive been buying no added sugar cranberry juice (5 cal/serving so low sugar even including the natural sugars) I pour it into a massive dispenser and water it down, basically 6 parts water to 1 part juice with the intent being it make slightly fruit flavored water - it still taste like juice! I can't imagine drinking it straight, we as a society are addicted to sweetness.

That's not the point I was trying to raise.

My point was that people love to pile on anything artificial because they see it as unnatural and they claim it's cause they just want to be aware of the risks, but those same people usually don't know and don't care that things they partake of everyday are also cancer risks and much higher ones than the artificial stuff.

My point in asking OP was because id wager (and wanted to see) they didn't know those were cancer risks and won't change their habits or they did know but hadn't changed their habits.