Big Duck Energy

@Big Duck
3 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I absolutely loved Dragon Age: Inquisition, don't hate me.

15 more...

I believe Funkwhale is the federated version of this.

I don’t want Meta to harvest my data, so I would never make an account there

The nature of federation means that you don't have to make an account there for them to harvest your data. They probably do it already.

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Man, I hope that doesn't catch on.

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I thought it was satire at first 😂

How did you pick between Coke and Pepsi? You picked the one you liked. Choice is a good thing, I think you're making this harder than it needs to be.

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I like FediLab.

2 more... is pretty great

Weird question - if you change your email address, is the change you made, and the old and new email address now federated out to all the other instances, meaning in a hypothetical leak, both email addresses get leaked? Or would only the newest one be saved and federated, and therefore leaked?

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Buffy for sure. I've watched it through several times.

Does anyone know if there's a way to get an image direct link from Pixelfed with it being a file name with 200 characters in it? I would use Pixelfed more, but the image URLs are just ridiculous. They aren't bad if you use the link from the sharing menu, but that links to the album and I'm wanting a. Link just to the image.

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You mean like one app to rule them all, something that can access all corners of the Fediverse? That would take an awful lot of work, but there's already Fedilab, which can access multiple accounts on Mastodon, Peertube, and Pleroma. I don't know if they intend to integrate more though.

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Admins on Lemmy can see it all too if the want. It all gets federated between instances.

A lot of people are fresh off of Reddit and are looking for an exact clone of Reddit, which is fair enough. They don't understand Federation and think Lemmy needs to stop doing it, lol. Like, Squables is that way - - - >

It's like... is he doing this on purpose?

Okey doke.

I buy strawberry shampoo, but I also like citrus smells.

I'm probably using the wrong word. The medical ones here have "thc from full spectrum oil and terpene", and I think there's a little cbd in there as well. They aren't super strong, but it's definitely thc. They're from Batch Extracts.

No, sadly.

My favorites from a mechanical standpoint are typically 3rd person shooters or action games. Games with perspective like the Arkham Games or the Resident Evil remakes.

As for genre, that's a tough call. It's easier to say what I don't like. I don't typically like jrpgs or anything with an anine art esthetics, although there's a lot of exceptions.

I also like old-style 2D Zelda games and those like them. Also twin stick shooters.

As for the settings, I like a good horror over pretty much anything else.

I like my games to have a story. I can enjoy any game mechanic if the story is good enough.

Well good, maybe they'll stay on Reddit.

Thank you! I appreciate this conversation and upvoted OP, but I have no desire to click a link that goes back to Reddit, lol.

It's my favorite Mastodon client. Would be really cool if you could just swap over to a Lemmy account.

That's just the way the Federation federates.

I deleted all my past content and deleted the accounts. Tbh, I'm pretty disappointed in the very verbal dick riders who refused to join rhe protest. The whole attitude from those who remained of "I got mine so fuck everybody else" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Its at the core of so many problems across society. Maybe this is just a fast way of filtering out a whole ton of garbage users at once, by leaving them behind.

I quit visiting Reddit.

Wow... That seems like it doesn't bode well for the users fleeing Reddit. Less rhan one day after the blackout, and the major intances of Lemmy are already infighting, fragmenting, and walling each other out.

Use Lemmy, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

That's exactly what I meant, they don't need Threads, it's all public (except possibly email addresses?) , but commented to me and said it doesn't work that way, so now I'm secend guessing myself.

Either way, they can scoop all that post data up anyway, to me the data is almost becoming a red herring. IMHO, Facebook's history of being a platform of hate-fueled content, violence, trolling, social manipulation, etc. is of greater concern.

I'm also wary of the day that Facebook is the driving force of the Fediverse due to it's sheer size. All those users come along with a great deal of inertia, and Facebook could end up being the mega-Corp who decides all the protocol standards forcing others to keep up with their "contributions" or get left behind.