12 Post – 784 Comments
Joined 13 months ago


You can always cd's nuts

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The guy was going through a suburb at 75 mph blowing through stop lights. Ofcourse he has to pay, im surprised hes not getting jail time. This has nothing to do with the car, thats just gross negligence

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This is actually kind of hilarious, how do you fuck up this bad

The administrator downplayed the report from the teacher and the possibility of a gun, saying — and I quote — ‘Well, he has little pockets,’ ”

Shortly after 1 p.m., another teacher told an administrator that a different student who was “crying and fearful” said the boy showed him the gun during recess and threatened to shoot him if he told anyone. Again, no action was taken, she said.

When another employee who had heard the boy might have a gun asked an administrator to search the boy, he was turned down, Toscano said. “He was told to wait the situation out because the school day was almost over,” she said.

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Didnt russia invade ukraine because there were nazis in the country that need to be fleshed out or something? Is it time russia invades russia?

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My lemmitard in christ it hasnt happened yet. We are only a small .1% of crossovers and the whole fediverse is still less populated than r/malefashion advice.

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Am i on crazy pills? Biden got the federal funds approved and left it up to the states to figure out how to appropriate. Why blame Biden and not the states?

Even in the article it states not even half of the states have made their request for funds. Its unnacceptable that the states get funding and sit on it to posture. Not even California has pulled the trigger and California has the highest use of EVs in the world. This is terrible.

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Who the heck did they survey that had this contradictory thought? 69% of dem and 70% of repub dissaprove of moon mission but 62% overall want more space travel?????? How do they think we plan to have more space travel without a moon base?

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I remember hearing or reading somewhere that Zuckerberg constitutes 2% of all millennial wealth.

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Remember when minimum wage driver work went up for a vote in California under prop 22 and we still voted against it? Im always so mad every election cycle i feel like everyone is a complete moron working against themselves

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Do you even know why it was struck down? Only the state of Missouri really challenged it as they were the only ones with proof of 'standing'. Turns out, MOHELA the federal loan servicer for Missouri didnt even file a suit when they would be the only ones affected. There was no standing for any states and the whole decision is based on and reeks of absolute partisan bullshit.

Dont give this stupid ass a platform. Just dont talk about him. All the negative press is what gave credence to Trump by the anti crowd.

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.>Be me.

.>Reincarnate into a cow.

.>Moo. Moo moo moo.

.>Moo moo moo moo moo.



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Not trying to minimize the bump stock thing but I would wager that having 23 different guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo is why so many people got shot that night. This guy had it all planned out including bipods, red dots, cameras etc. this guy even went as far as to nailing his door shut so in any case someone got to his hotel before he was done, he would have extra time.

Yeah the bump stocks made a difference but I don't think it was by that much.

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I dont know why Biden gets so much hate. He has been a fantastic president so far. Could he have done more? Sure, but I dont understand why the hate. They say "hold my nose" to vote for him... like wtf why?

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So.... i was a student traveling abroad w/gf in hong kong. We decided to check out Macau for a day so we took a ferry. As the story goes, I majorly fucked up and I overspent the ammount needed to get the ferry back (~$100USD i think, only had about $45). So I took a gamble.... seriously. I went to a casino and bet everything we had in 1 go on a roullette table. All on black, we won (@$90 now), still not enough to get back. Again, all on black... we won again(@$180 now).

You would think i stopped here. At this point my GF was no longer pissed at me and more relieved but I said 'fuck it, we missed the ferry so lets pocket 100 and have fun with it... we are sleeping in the street tonight anyways'. So now we start at 50 and decide to try Sic Bo (another card/dice game). We are both pretty good at math so we though lets run this for as long as we can. We ended up leaving with a modest $4k USD or something, stayed in the nicest hotel suite, and just went hog wild until sunrise for us to catch the ferry. Good times.

This is photoshop right? They definitely swapped Dwight's face with a Nicki Minaj

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It's probably the methane leaking from the poles that everyone has been saying will cause unexpected bullshit for decades

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Kids think anyone older than 25 are boomers. I would wager that the average age here on Lemmy is ~30. So by default, we are all boomers here.

With that said, follow my onlyfans account for cat news and all things related cats at


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Drill a hole through both and put a bolt/nut

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Im sure you Biden hating pessimistic losers would love to shit on this one.

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Its almost like theres a new party forming or something

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Asking the chevy dealer AI to write a python code to solve navier stokes problems is actually hilarious.

Why does the CIA have a trove of child porn?

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You dont need to have dealt with mental illness to have that feeling.. you just have to had trauma in the past. I have been jumped 2 times in the past by gang members, and you bet your fucking ass I get absolutely anxious if some stranger gets up to my face... good times

ReVanced for youtube. This links to a Lemmy post of how to install. It also has a FAQ page if interested

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The answer is yes they are still as effective, dont let anyone here convince you otherwise. The base protein has not mutated and that is what is being checked when you do this chromatography style test.


I wonder what 80 year old Californians are gonna vote into Senate to replace

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Like 3 days ago I got a site wide ban for posting a picture of the comments spez altered on TheDonald like 4 years ago. Reddit has gone downhill ever since Pao got the CEO title and has only gotten worse under spez.

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Im sure most communities would be a lot safer without any police



I dont get how this is news. Teslas market cap was already higher than all the other car makers combined while only producing a fraction of the vehicles. Everyone knew that this stock wasnt a value stock. Where is the news

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Can you imagine being sentenced to life in a reeducation camp? Hexbear, lemmygrad, and CTH must be frothing at the mouth over how much they would love that.

Was it always the case that I would be turned down from multiple studio apartment complexes because I ONLY make ~100k a year? I cant afford spending the 2200 a month on rent and that being 33% or lower so I get denied. Has this always been the case or am I having money dismorphia? I'm only making 2X the median single income salary.

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Where are these mythical rantals that cost 1600/ mo?

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I watched Soul the other day and felt a surge of afro heritage course through my body. I started to feel what my ancestors felt and had strong cravings for bbq chicken and high top shoes. My body quaked as i started twerking on the roofs of cars as my inner ebonics controlled and pulsated through my leaner and higher bone mineral body.

Then the movie ended. Was a silly moment.

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Hamas has been on terrorist lists since 1997. Not sure why anyone is trying to change their mind now.

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Yet another unrealistic standard set for men

Walmart greeters. They always say 'thank you' to you, but have you ever thought to thank them? I dont think so.

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If anyone is interested in the bill

Here is a link to the bill

Edit: i dont see anything on any adjustments to congressional compensation. Let me know if you see anything.

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