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Joined 1 years ago

A husband. A father. A senior software engineer. A video gamer. A board gamer.

The problem with that is it has led to ignorant people believing they’re smart — all because they can find any random site that backs up any nonsense they assert. Critical thinking and credible research are endangered concepts now.

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I have been using Linux off and on for 25 years (using the server pretty consistently, but always hedged with the desktop for various reasons). Since Proton and GE-Proton allow every game I want to play to work in Linux, back when Recall was first announced, I decided to finally stop hedging and went all in on the Linux desktop.

And I’m not going back. Everything is working for me and Microsoft can screw off if they think I’m going to allow such blatant spyware in my house. Their telemetry was always suspect, but this is now overt despite any assurances they attempt to make.

Edit>> And their “oh you can uninstall Recall” isn’t trustworthy when they will easily reinstall it with a Windows update (they have done this in the past with other software — notably Edge and Teams).

Maybe not unique in my opposition…but…

CEOs. (Especially of large companies)

They rarely know what they’re doing, are guessing 90% of the time, bandwagon anything they think will make them more money or notoriety, and get paid exorbitant amounts of money doing nearly nothing to actually earn it.

This article sounds a decade old.

systemd attempts to cover more ground instead of less

Have I got news for the author about the kernel he seems to have no issue with. (Note: I love the Linux kernel, but being a monolith, it certainly covers more ground instead of less, so the author's point is already flawed unless he wants to go all Tanenbaum on the kernel, too)

Never learned to ride a bicycle.

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Oh so now that the oppressive ideology and regime are affecting them, too, the men suddenly have a problem with it. Seems we’re at the “and find out” stage.

This is the programming humor community. Emphasis on the humor part.

I used to adore her, back in the day when she was on Carson. Then she had to become successful and turn into what she is now. Humility is not a concept she has ever pondered.

So where’s Lunduke’s articles on the numerous right-wing shady organizations? I haven’t listened to or read anything by this hack in many years now because of the fact that he has a clear agenda motivated by his own political bullshit.

Maybe find an article that is written by someone reputable and post that to numerous communities.

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That is an enormous amount of words to say, “Elon Musk is a piece of shit.” I suppose the context helps. But as the events unfolded in real time in 2022, it was clear how much of a piece of shit he is, was, and always has been.

I long for the day his money is gone and he’s peddling his bullshit to anyone who will listen at the homeless shelter in which he resides. Wishful thinking, of course, since there are still millions of mindless stooges who think he’s Iron Man.

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Linus has always struck me as someone who thinks he knows what he's talking about, acts like he does, and can sell it. When, in fact, he's nothing but veneer on top of a moron. This, to me, proves it. I'm so glad I never got caught up in his cult of personality.

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Take a look at Overseerr.

You’re welcome.

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And the moment a Republican administration is back, it’ll be gone again. This needs to be codified in law, not flip flopping every few years.

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I am so tempted to say F-it and just start my own ActivityPub Fediverse project to replace Lemmy. It's such a daunting commitment, though, and we each have our lives to live. I wish the admins of Beehaw all the luck and success in what they're having to wrangle with. It's too bad the Lemmy maintainers are so unwilling to work toward fixing the clear major pain points of the software.

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Just a shot in the dark, but it sounds like you have never maintained software. If you have, then my apologies, but your experience must not have included much by way of dependency and version management. Dependencies and versions are a major source of headache for any software engineer and it’s a problem of our own making.

Having completely self-contained applications, while more bloated, makes maintenance and distribution exceedingly simpler and puts the burden of managing that solely on the developer of said application instead of burdening everyone down the line.

I remember when package managers didn’t exist. It was painful. This is the next step in the evolution of the Linux desktop that was mostly solved in Windows and effectively completely solved on macOS since some early 10.x version.

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The problem is that many of those same people think their opinions are fact.

Sounds like you simply don’t like science fiction video games then. Thanks for letting us know. I’m gonna go play some Starfield now.

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Now it makes sense why some of the Fox News-parroting, right wing people I know use Brave. I had no idea about what the author mentioned about the browser, I just know it is based on Chromium which I will not use. Thus, I am on Firefox. And for many reasons, including those the author laid out, I'm happy I chose wisely.

And if it were literally anyone else, they would have been put in prison while awaiting trial due to their clear and present danger of inciting violence and retaliation.

I do not understand why everyone walks on eggshells around this asshole.

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So, a moron continues being a moron. I’ve moved on. Would love to see the rest of the world move on, too, but it’s unlikely.

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Google can go fuck themselves for this. The moment their stupid Manifest v3 bullshit came to light, I quickly migrated to Firefox and haven’t looked back.

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I stopped at Lunduke. No thanks.

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Spock: Twitter is dying.

Kirk: Let it die.

Yes, that’s how consequences work.

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And nearly half of the voters in the US think, “yeah that’s who I want leading my country.” This includes half of my extended family (the math at least checks out).

I will never understand the sheer lack of independent and critical thinking in the US. I get that the underfunded education system, the complete takeover of editorial news outlets which have never put forth actual news, and the inability for most people to shut up long enough to listen to reason, are just a very small number of examples of why America is in the state that it is; but at the end of the day, can’t people at least see evil when it’s speaking evil things to them? Is this what they truly want — a dictator who has used them, who doesn’t represent them at all, and who will do everything possible to rip apart the bonds of democracy?

Why are people so easily brainwashed?

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Good. Whoever thought he would be a good CEO at Unity should also be fired. Time to clean house and promote people who have a fucking clue.

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Mlem is a good beginning, but I hope for an Apollo-level quality app for Lemmy. It'll come, in time. And perhaps SyncForLemmy will be just that!

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It's kinda crazy to me how hate-filled Lemmy is just a half-year after I joined (when it felt like a breath of fresh air after deleting my Reddit account), especially for Mozilla. Mozilla has issues, but it's nothing they can't fix or come out of. They don't deserve to die. And all the conspiracy theories I'm reading is just nonsense. I happen to be a Firefox user, but really it's mainly because Google decided to screw with user choice (i.e. Manifest v3). Firefox is still FOSS, and it's still giving plenty of user choice.

And all this AI talk is just bandwagoning by every corporation because if AI (as in LLM and whatnot) happens to be a baseline thing for many corporations, Mozilla not implementing it could backfire for them, so while it is bandwagoning, it also makes sense to hedge one's bets on it.

I, for one, think this current notion of AI is too raw to take any real shape (outside of the current novelty), and these corps that are jumping on it, just like they did with "web 2.0" and "big data" and "the cloud" and "blockchain", will eventually find that while there is some tangibility to be found, it will take many years to solidify into products that make sense for a consumer.

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Seriously. People who think "free speech" somehow means "I can lie, slander, and be a dick all I want" with zero consequences are utterly stupid. It's also extremely funny, and concerning, that those same people are claiming that anti-free-speech equates to left wing. They really are that clueless.

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I mean the concept of the site is exceedingly simple (hence its popularity), so it wouldn’t take much to create something that mimics its features. But, it would come with everything Leif posted about. And it would take years to gain any traction all the while having to try to combat all the reasons Omegle was shut down.

May not be worth it.

As long as I can properly disable it if it ever shows up on Lemmy, then I’m all for it. Reddit made it show up in my feed no matter how many times I clicked “hide”.

Good luck finding a solution!

Wow. LTT, LMG, and Linus are just plain shit (given this, other reports, GN's latest videos, and how Linus has responded). I'm still quite glad I never bought into their hype. Now I know to actively avoid the idiots.

Yeah sure. In other news, poll statistics are skewed to whatever yields shocking headlines.

A moron who was hired to be my boss, even though they didn't tell me that was the case -- who, with a straight face, dead serious, and with an undeserved authority befitting a piece of shit, told me that Object-oriented programming was a fad. This was in 2008, 30-40 years after OOP was first introduced to the world.

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The article in no way describes any actions taken by Valve that leads me to believe there is any impending enshittification. They simply have made decisions, a lot of which they have stuck with for many years.

Enshittification has to do with bait and switch, effectively. It’s luring customers into a false sense of loyalty and then abusing that to their financial gain (see: Reddit and Spez from 2023).

The article basically says “there are some decisions by Valve I like, and some I don’t.” That in no way provides any path toward some bomb going off. Perhaps time will prove the author right, of course, because any company can easily decide to screw over their customers, but the article is click-bait and completely speculative as to what may happen.

And due to all of the above, I think the bomb is about to go off where elephants will fly out of my refrigerator and steal my soda.

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Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.

The inevitable result of an egregiously rich man-baby trying to stick it to the “woke”. I left Twitter the moment that idiot took over. Twitter is a cesspool and a joke now. Time to move on.

Best not to lump us all in the same boat. I, an American, saw this fascist bullshit from the beginning and have voted accordingly against. But the stacked courts and the lack of judges and justices growing a backbone, and doing what is objectively right, will be our downfall.

In time, the US will have a second civil war because of this. I just hope I’m long gone by then.

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I’ll grab the popcorn while I watch the dumpster fire of what Microsoft is doing to Windows, from the comfort of my Linux-running system.

Obligatory BTW I use Arch.

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There is only one reason to use an API — a developer has a use-case for it. Setting aside all of the security concerns, the existence of some API proxy is not useful in and of itself. Not only is it dead simple to set something like that up, by oneself, thus eliminating the security risks of relying on a third party, it’s just not going to gain traction if it doesn’t add something that makes it more useful than simply calling the endpoint API.

It’s cool you’re looking to try things, but perhaps coming up with a novel service would be a better use of time and effort.

I wish you luck.