
8 Post – 240 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This will have an impact on journalists who use Twitter to get tips for reporting. Seen some who were concerned this would happen

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Thanks for the transparency. I personally think this is the right move. Meta shouldn't be trusted, based on their previous performance. If they do something to change that then we'll see, but I'm not expecting them to change their stripes.

Been catching up on all the NDA drama on Mastodon, it's really caused a rift between some users and instance admins. Felt a bit like an 'aww it's all grown up' moment to see Mastodon having a scandal.

The EU has been good at holding phone manufacturers to account on this kind of thing, glad it's gone through. I've had at least two phones die on me through the battery breaking, it shouldn't be cheaper to just buy a new phone than get the battery replaced. So much waste.

Hoping us UK folk will see the benefit of this as I imagine it's less effort to just bring the change about across the board than to be specific about geography.

Thanks for posting, it's really interesting to see what goes into running something like this.

Chucked a bit into the pot. It's not a lot but I want to contribute where I can.

We have the phrase 'every Tom, Dick and Harry' which is like that (UK)

If we're talking about a generic person it's usually Mr/s Smith or Mr/s Jones (near Wales)

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Not on your instance but it's so good to see unequivocal inclusion and support for the trans community. There should be no room for bigotry of any kind.

Better than last week in that I feel almost back to normal. Never had a chest infection before (that wasn't Covid) but it was like being hit by a truck, wonder if having had Covid twice makes me more susceptible to these things now. Or maybe I'm just getting older.

I will know if I have a future at my work by the end of the week which is slightly nerve wracking. My job is safe but due to the restructure my salary is protected only until April, when it decreases by a fair bit. I am handing my notice in after Christmas if management don't agree to keep my salary at the same level as I've worked too long and hard there to be treated like shit salary wise. Hoping it won't come to that but we'll see. Meeting management this week and making my case as it's budget time.

More folk than you'd think! We had an influx of Reddit folk recently (wasn't expecting them to be embraced as much as they have been, nice to see)


I respect your policy above but you may run into declining response rate in the long term without some kind of feedback, as there will be a 'what is the point' feeling. I may be wrong of course (and hope I am!), just something I've seen at work. I completely get your reasoning though.

I like the name as it conjures up a cute image of a bee in a little cowboy hat. The icons are nice too, I like the consistency. More generally, I like that there's no tolerance for trolls here, people are generally friendly and it feels like it's easy to comment without worrying about the replies you might get. Plus it's transparent - I like the fact the admins post updates on bugs, finances, etc.

I'm on Lemmy.world as well and it feels slightly more like the old place in comparison.

That must be incredibly frustrating, but it's also good to see the anaesthetists take their job so seriously. Hope you don't have to wait too long

In the UK you do notice the difference between walking in a city and in a more community based area. People say good morning to you, sometimes even gasp make eye contact! It's genuinely a bit jarring if you've been living in a high density area full of people who don't often talk to each other. Even on the bus the difference is night and day, was always nice coming home from uni to hear people talking to strangers on the bus.

Places have a psychological impact on us, not surprised that a place that feels more communal encourages more community based behaviour.

You might want to sticky a post saying that as I imagine you'll get a fair few people saying the same thing when they update Jerboa. Might save you a headache!

Ah I thought it was just me! Couldn't log in for a good couple of hours (which was good really as it made me do my work ha)

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Is it weird to reply to my own thread? Ah well.

This week has been suspiciously good so far. Getting things done, people have largely been nice, spent the weekend with my sister's cat which was lovely. I'm just waiting for something bad to happen (super healthy I know).

While people have made some interesting comments on the downsides of megathreads, I'm glad we have a way of containing the Musk stuff. It gets a bit much.

To people who do have concerns though, if you're tech minded maybe look at contributing to a way of improving the functionality of Lemmy. It's in our gift to improve this place so if we can do something about it then we should, rather than passively complain when things aren't how we want them to be.

It's so hidden I'm still trying to find it.

The main thing I was concerned about is then getting rid of the reverse chronological sorting and they've backtracked on that, so hopefully it won't be completely awful. It did just seem like a weird business memo that the staff were told to put on Tumblr rather than anything user-friendly. Just sounded way too corporate.

Congratulations! Hope it all goes smoothly

I am atheist but I do enjoy religious spaces. There's a stillness that I like, gives you the opportunity to just be in the moment. You don't get many spaces like that for atheist folk (libraries are the closest I can think of). I sing a lot of choral music so often find myself in churches. I like the structure of a service and the ceremonial aspect, I just don't believe in the content itself.

In the UK college generally means the period between 16-18 where you do your final university entrance qualifications (A levels). People also do those at sixth forms but those tend to be attached to secondary schools, whereas colleges are separate institutions. Universities are where you get a degree.

Some universities here have colleges (in the sense that it's a small community within the university) but it's not hugely common outside of Oxford and Cambridge.

You also used to have the word 'college' attached to schools as a branding thing (to make them seem more academically rigorous) but the ones I know that have had that became academies

Good to hear he's still at it. Wouldn't have blamed him if he took a break from everything after the last few months.

Still not had an invite to check out Tildes so not seen it, but wish him well.

This sounds like a new version of We Didn't Start the Fire

Not the bee news I was hoping to see on Beehaw ☹️

Thanks for giving such a comprehensive overview. I would definitely miss Beehaw if it went but I totally understand the rationale of it happens. Can't say I would 100% follow but only because I keep forgetting to browse all of the apps I have at the moment, without adding one more. Depends how much of a mess Lemmy becomes I guess.

Nice survey!

Personally I'd like there to be more bee puns in the community names, but that's just bee

... I'll see myself out.

That's a thing?!

I love this thread, so many people are recommending games to each other. Nice to see.

My answer is games like Skyrim where it's a sandbox but you can pick up different quests. I know there's a proper name for them but it escapes me.

I know there's GTA which is a similar type but I want a more twee fantasy vibe

Mixed bag so far. It's been hot over here and I've barely slept so feel like hell. Auditioned for a new choir this evening and got in which was nice, it's a great choir but just annoying that it's the opposite side of the city.

Seriously considering getting an ebike now that they've ended one of the escooter trials here. Hard to know where to start though, not had a bike since I was a teenager.

Writing by hand is definitely the main way I learn. The act of writing it embeds it in my memory moreso than looking at a screen.

I wonder how much of that is down to how we were taught though and it being more familiar and linked with education and cognition. Someone must have done a study on this somewhere.

Things are ok more or less. Went with my mum to a secure dog field yesterday so her dog could run, she loved every second of it. Still mentally blah but being able to work from home over the last few days has helped. Did another crochet workshop on the weekend and I think I'm gradually starting to understand the basics.

Got a meeting with one of the exec directors on Thursday which I'm a bit terrified about. Catsitting for my sister over the weekend which will be nice though.

It's been a good but intense week so far. Back to work with a 3 day intensive python course, which was interesting (and a long time coming, I have asked for training for 3 years now). Looking forward to putting it into use now I understand the basics.

Otherwise not a lot to write home about. Looking into new choirs prior to the new term starting, in one already but quit the second one I was in as the music wasn't to my taste.

Welcome back!

I'm on holiday at the Edinburgh fringe festival. Had like an hour's sleep but seen some great comedy already today. Treated myself to mussels and ice cream (not together) for dinner, looking forward to passing out at my hotel. Walked miles today which was much needed exercise even if my feet hurt!

Long day full of shows tomorrow, can't wait. Hardest thing will be pacing myself caffeine and alcohol wise. I'm not good at staying out all day

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It's been a busy week so far. Trying to tidy my flat before an inspection next week as well as get some reporting done before a deadline tomorrow (it won't be done in time but their expectations aren't particularly reasonable so doing what I can). Got to do a Hackathon today based around a potential new system which was exciting! It's so much better than what we have at the moment.

Going to Amsterdam on Friday for the weekend, really looking forward to it

I would spin off the events and community pages parts into a separate app and close Facebook. I don't care what people I went to school with are doing or what their kid is up to.

I would also stop the massive data hoarding and go back to basics. Keep what's necessary only.

It's great that you've recognised the burnout and are taking steps to look after yourself. You've done a great job on here, as can be seen by the community that's sprung up here.

Take all the time you need

Sending positive thoughts, hope they pull through

Honestly the house market is so bad here I'd hardly give it a second thought. I would kill to have a place of my own (not literally, just thought it needed mentioning given the context).

Mentally not having a great week but not hugely sure why. Not sleeping well which doesn't help. Hoping that seeing Barbie later will help

Sounds like the Baader Meinhof effect to me