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Joined 12 months ago

Browsing personal sites, especially social media, on a work computer is insane

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Magazine size laws aren't really effective at doing anything. Up in Canada you can't have a rifle magazine with more than 5 rounds. However, almost all of the magazines are full size magazines that have been modified to hold fewer rounds. All of the responsible owners leave them at 5, but with a minute or two of work you could turn most of them into full size again. We don't have mass shootings every day.

Gun violence in America is a culture issue. You're broken.

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Saying that it's over and the Reddit won is a bit naive. The majority of the subs that I used to frequent have come back online, but they are definitely still protesting. ProgrammerHumor is making new troll rules based on majority vote every week. Madlads made everyone a mod. Many subs are posting John Oliver or troll versions of their original purpose.

It's not over. Will they succeed? Who knows. But Reddit is currently a completely different place than it was a month ago because of the ongoing protests.

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No fucking shit

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Socialization is always brought up as an excuse not to allow WFH. The thing is though, replacing real socialization with work fucking blows. Talking to a coworker to get the latest TPS report isn't socialization. It's work. The only time you do any real socialization is after work ends. And there's nothing stopping you from going out to dinner with coworkers when you work from home.

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Capitalism is in a permanent prisoners dilemma.

Overall they need to treat their employees well so that there's growth in the economy, since no one to buy things means no market to sell things. However, they can also choose to screw over their employees with bad pay, terrible conditions, or in this case, automating their workforce and firing people.

If no one screws their employees, the economy expands with modest growth.

If one or few corporations screw their workers while everyone else doesn't, they become fabulously rich and the rest get outcompeted.

If everyone screws their workers, then the economy collapses because there's no growth, and everyone eventually goes out of business.

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A lot of conservatives aren't playing by the same rule book. They don't care that Trump committed crimes because they only care that he achieves their desires goals. All the outrage and confusion when conservatives support terrible people is missing the point. They aren't hypocritical when they try to call out others, because they don't really care that someone else committed a crime. They only care that they win.

It's not a contradiction to them when they cry about pedophiles and then vote for one. Crying about pedophiles was just a tactic to try and gain power and further their goals.

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Upvotes are useful for determining what people like and dislike so you can sort posts and comments

Account karma is for narcissists to masturbate about how loved they are

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If I accidently watch a Linus Tech tips video, that will be all it recommends me for the next month.

I watched a Some More News video criticizing Jordan Peterson, and Google thought "did I hear Jordan Peterson? Well in that case, here's 5 of his videos!"

Almost all content algorithms are hot garbage that are not interested in serving you what you want, just what makes money. It always ends up serving right wing nut jobs because that conspiracy theorists watch a lot of scam videos.

Edit: my little jab at Linus has nothing to do with politics. I have no idea what his views are. I only mentioned it to point out how YouTube will annihilate my recommendations if I watch a single one of his videos.

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I want them to give up their wealth and power for the benefit of society. But they aren't going to do that, are they?

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Are you this obnoxious to people you meet offline?

Don't you think he looks tired?

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Yup. I haven't logged in since Boost went down and don't intend to. Except when a link takes me there and auto-opens the app.

That said, while it's fun and informative to talk about how bad Reddit has become, I hope Lemmy can move on soon and just start being something different rather than constantly being smug about Reddit.

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You're right that it wasn't a very high quality post, but with this topic, what else is there to say? Conservatives have been pretending they're free speech warriors while at the same time very publicly banning books. It's so obvious that there isn't really anything to discuss.

Skyrim. The writing is horrible, I can't remember the name and personalities of more than 5 NPCs, the town's are microscopic, it can't handle more than 5 NPCs on screen, all the dungeons are theme park rides with gift shop exits, combat is a horrific sloppy mess, it's ugly, it has 4 voice actors, it's a buggy mess despite being released 37 times, the only way to interact with the world is violence, and all of the quests are flaccid boring murderfests.

I've played hundreds of hours.

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Even her daughter is on the cusp of being too old to hold office

I'll die before I install Facebook Messenger

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Why the fuck would a gay person want to go to a Mormon university?

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Businesses should be forced to donate unsold food products

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All software is now AI. The sensor that tells your fridge to turn off when it's cold enough? Well that makes a decision of some kind, so AI. The cook timer on your microwave? AI. Your thermostat? Definitely AI.

Has Penny Arcade always been this hideous?

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The same reason that a lot of crosswalks have fake buttons. So you feel like you have control.

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Doesn't sound like a senior dev to me. Sounds like someone who thinks they are.

The only reasonable answer is that Musk is intentionally killing Twitter, which is conspiracy theory levels of dumb.

The only other solution is that the richest person in the world (officially) is this stupid. This is almost harder to believe than a conspiracy to destroy twitter.

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They say never meet your heroes. The only problem is that all my heroes have jumped on the internet and are trying to meet me

Every algorithm in the world is suddenly "AI" now

Because religious conservatism looks the same, regardless of where it happens

Not knowing who Mussolini is isn't something to brag about

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I told my mother she was a terrible person because she said she was going to eat at a restaurant because I told her the owners were transphobes.

She got angry, we haven't really talked since. I'm not sorry.

Consider the opposite. Every single person on the planet making 10 posts per day. It would be like Facebook on super meth.

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I'm speechless at how ludicrous this headline is. I feel like even the Onion would reject it for being too bonkers.

I was there 15 years ago as well. There were no Shapiros or Petersons because online video was still in its infancy, but a conservative upbringing and online spaces definitely pushed me down the path that the author writes about.

I changed when I went to university as well. It wasn't liberal arts courses that got me out, it was simply being around a wide variety of different peoples and ideas. Universities don't teach you to be "woke," it forces you into contact with people outside your bubble.

A lot of large companies and executives have investments in real estate. If everyone stopped using offices all of a sudden, they would lost a bunch of money because the space wouldn't be in demand anymore.

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The money goes where they want it to go, which is frequently not where it's needed.

And you are correct, they should not have the money, since they didn't earn it. They also shouldn't get to decide where it goes, since they aren't suited to make those decisions. It should be taken from them.

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Wow, this place is like life hacks, but not terrible!

Is this bad? I really wouldn't want YouTube to recommend me random garbage if they didn't know what I already watched

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They sure aren't. They give up their wealth, but by doing so gain more power. They get to decide what is important for the world by dumping millions of dollars in their favourite charities. Charities that they conveniently get to put their names on to feel good about themselves.

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Open or concealed carry is insane. You Americans are unhinged.

This is from a gun owner.

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I feel like I'm yelling at a wall when I tell people that liberal doesn't mean progressive. It simply means status quo capitalists. If abortion stays as it is long enough, then liberals will argue against changing it, and progressives will fight to make it legal.

Only Americans call liberalism a left wing ideology. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism

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