
0 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Perhaps they should've tried couples therapy.

2 more...

Teams need to come out like pit crews. They wheel the recliners in super fast, make sure they're both dressed in their Grandpa Joe PJs (Willy Wonka, no relation).

Nice. I got contempt of court once and spent the weekend in jail. No ifs ands or buts about it. Judge wouldn't even let me hand my house keys to my partner. Lol

What a fucking joke.

28 more...

This is flat out disgusting. Extremely questionable someone having an arsenal of this crap to spread to begin with. I hope they catch charges.

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Again. What the fuck does Hunter Biden matter, and why is this Scarecrow looking scab insist on wasting our money on this garbage?

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This is nickels to him. Many more nickels that he simply won't pay.

Put his ass in county on contempt charges. No bail. Let him fucking fester.

He still won't learn anything, but at least it'll be harder for him to run his goddamn mouth.

1 more...

Should just make the retirement age for these people 65. Everyone. Senators. Presidents. Want to get a job in an advisory role after that? Cool, at least then we have a filter for the madness and your dementia can't fuck anyone over directly.

Separation of church and state. Keep the religious twist out of the bullshit or start taxing churches.

These morons aren't even following their own rules anymore.

Ragebait and misinformation extreme.

What a classic case of: "I learned it by watching you!"

Can't believe they bothered to try to pass it. From an outside quick glance, it seems like a brilliant idea. But then you have to remember WHY they're doing this. They want to ship 24x7 and not have to pay a person. Slapping a co-pilot in there is counter-intuitive to their end game. Not to mention humans do NOT have the required attention span for this. We can often do stupid shit, completely sober, while driving, with DECADES of experience.

If the autopilot is even 80% effective, we're going to get bored, sleep, read, fuck around on our devices. Maybe jerk off? Who knows?

We're not ready for this step, not yet.

Bet they'll be needing a lot of mechanics when the time comes, though.

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Rebecca Black - Friday. He just doesn't want to own it.

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That's a lot of words for "he's corrupt".

I'm in this window and don't feel that's the case.

I am resigned to working until I die, leaving my retirement funds to my kid so maybe she'll have a leg up, or at least be able to survive.

But what happened to the guy testing?

I'm so glad this doesn't apply to me. I have 4 monitors.

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I would also venture to say that applies to 90% of us. "Over half" is a fucking laughable fake figure.

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Elon is bidding on it against his own alt accounts. There's no way anyone else gets it.

This entire game had moments that felt impossibly hard. Just seeing this screenshot made me frustratingly angry lol.

Should be higher. People should be aware of not only his crimes, but the buckets of allegations that are eerily similar.

Something else we won't benefit from. Nice. Uh. Go us.

13 more...

This isn't wrong, but the uptick in these memes coincides ridiculously with Trumps recent desire to latch on to her name.

The narrative is constantly being spun by these fucking goons.

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Reddit refugee reporting in. Happy to be here.

I am saving this thread. I am new to Linux and you guys have all sorts of helpful tips!

They'll pay some fines and go back to business as usual, if anything even comes of this.

This is the reason I say Gesus and oh my Jod, now. Can't say everyone appreciates it.

These guys clearly know each other.

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Time to cancel Prime. Removing perks. Increasing prices. Saturating us with ads.

Too much money is never enough! We need to monetize monetization! Assholes.

Imagine if any of these rich assholes were actually good guys?

Ha! They can blow me all the way to my full Linux conversion at that point.

How to lose marketshare speedrun?

Plant some lemongrass.

When that shows to only be partially effective, accept the fact that you can't control the ongoings of the world in every fashion.

So they've been doing this for better than 20 years. All that is going to happen, is they'll be fined. That money will disappear into the pockets of the lawmakers and nothing will change.

Maybe they'll be brought up again in a few years when another pack of goons need more cash to pretend like they're regulating anything in favor of the people.

I'm not officially diagnosed yet, so this is where I live.

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Yeah, so what? Telling him doesn't do anything. Charging him. Fining him.

Put the fucking hotdog skinned idiot in jail.

Listen, RUMPLEFORESKIN is not embarrassing, OK? I just didn't want my kids asking about it. Jeeeeze.

Isn't Musk just basically a venture capitalist? He's just fucking loud about it and has to have his fucked up fingers deep in all the pies?

Are you joking? That sounds like an amazing meal.

Haha. I was suspended for inciting violence for commenting: "A rapist getting raped is cosmically funny."

This was in a post about a rapist getting raped.

This has been a thing since forever. I remember there being a big doobadoo about the shit in Diet Coke back in the 90's. They showed it gave mice cancer.

It used to be called NutraSweet.

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Yes, and I've noticed something very odd. There seems to be some sort of false engagement and fake upvotes going on for average users.

Normally I post a smart-ass comment, and either get ignored, or down-voted a couple times...

Ever since the API restrictions, it's like no matter what I post, it gets a few upvotes very quickly. Some of these have mini explosions and gain a bit of traction.

I'm also seeing A LOT more activity on some of my other niche subs.

It just seems so fake and contrary to my prior 11 years of experience, makes no sense unless it is being bot driven.

Our politicians are so classy. Glad they can stay focused on the important shit.

Goddamn morons.

Yep. He's been doing it his whole life.