6 Post – 439 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

hopefully no one takes it seriously enough for it to have any negative impact

There is always one, and their goal always seems to be to frustrate you into engaging with them

Found them recently too via their Danny Brown feature. NO HANDS is amazing, sounds like it travelled forward in time 30 years

So basically you wasted 20 people's time?

To real, it hurts

OpenSubtitles is hot garbage, a viable alternative needs to exist. Pray for Subscene

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I'm actively lurking, I just have nothing of value to share 🌝

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Somewhere on my PC I have a several page long rant about how many government websites in Canada require you to pay for an Adobe subscription in order to sign an "official" PDF.

Why the hell isn't there a better option for filling out legally required, government mandated forms than giving a private corporation money? This bothers me so fucking much.

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There are already torrents containing collections of all the games from old systems. What there needs to be is an "official" collection torrent for each system that archivists can store and seed individually

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LinkedIn is trash, it's a glorified resume where narcissists go to brag about themselves.

Adding a dating feature is only going to benefit two groups of people: the ones who have the highest paying jobs, and people who are looking to be with someone for their money. For everyone else, this is just going to make LinkedIn more repulsive than it already was.

Edit - I'm lazy, ignore this and read the article

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Also because my cat is the cutest

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If the great reddit exodus taught me anything, it's that I will happily abandon something I've enjoyed for over 10 years as soon as it becomes obvious how self-centered its goals are.

Light switches are physical objects, when you touch them you are going to feel them moving.

So..... yes.

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Like others here, facebook took over the market in my area as well.

However, I think we can all agree Craigslist really died the second they removed the casual encounters section.

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I was feeling bad for his ex right up until this gem:

”Then he took me to a bookstore and handed me his credit card. "Buy as many books as you want," he said. No man could have said anything sweeter.”

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This is going to be the most quoted literary work of the 21st century

I needed a cheap laptop for audio, so i decided to pick up a second hand m1 air a couple months ago.

It is honestly pretty impressive for the price, I generally don't have issues either. Everything is snappy, and it handles multitasking fine. Its even faster than my $2000+ PC at several things, which frustrates me greatly.

However... When running ableton live (or presumably anything that involves heavy image, video, or audio editing), 8gb of ram is honestly not enough. If you push it too hard, it hangs for a second, then the offending app will just close.

Also there is a weird delay in factorio, absolutely unacceptable.

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Google is so bad for this, plus the fact that they were the ones who started rewarding clickbait articles.

In my mind though, MSN will never be dethroned from having the shittiest content.

Why would you choose now of all times to double down on Bethesda??

Why not do something useful with Starcraft, Warcraft, or an Activision property like Guitar Hero or Tony Hawk? Bethesda has been proving for the last 8 years that they can't keep up.

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I've been on SO for around 10 years - I'm still not allowed to upvote good answers.

Fuck you, stack

Where do we donate for legal fees?

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Wow ya definitely don't use that, bad idea all around

The time Josh Homme kicked that lady in the face

Also this fucker (bassnectar)

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In all honesty, I'd rather drive a worse Chinese car than have people assume I worship the muskrat.

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I pay also, and use revanced. I watch YouTube more than any other service, and want to support some of the creators I like.

I would feel a lot less self hatred for paying google if they released a YouTube 'Lite' app that dropped everything related to shorts. Paying users should be able to use the app however they want, without having extra features rammed down their throats.

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My god

Up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up

I think you should leave...

(is what you would search to find this)

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I think you just described a hobby

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What probably happened is that the boat absolutely stank, and they decided not to tell the people at 3pm what had transpired

It took me like 5 years of heavy app use to finally meet my wife. I met a few nice people in that time, but the process was honestly extremely depressing and difficult.

I hate dating app culture... but I also have some social anxiety which makes meeting anyone organically virtually impossible.

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I discovered this on Lemmy, clearly there is no going back

It happened on a sport field, none of us were invited

As soon as I have to see shorts, YouTube is dead to me. I hate the format with a passion.

Because Kanye is absolutely not racist

Would have to be the time I went on vacation with a girl only to have her fuck multiple other guys 🌚

Who could have known that the mods of tardtales would be assholes

Kids today don't understand what it means to be cultured

Makes it harder to find popular music, but way easier to find music that appeals to you personally

I don't understand how people can use game streaming for anything besides something like a puzzle game, input response time absolutely kills me

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