Just downloaded a 200kb Session APK from Neo Store

datavoid@lemmy.ml to Android@lemmy.ml – 8 points –

It came as an update, and I installed it without thinking. I did see the size before launching thankfully and uninstalled - how screwed am I?


Huh? What repository is this from? On Neo Store I can only see the proper Session

Looks like I have options from session and Izzy repos, recommended being from session.

Maybe there was an issue with the download? Not sure why the install didn't fail, since the apk file isn't legit. I can upload it somewhere if anyone is curious

I checked Izzy and last update was a month ago, I don't sync the Session Fdroid repo but it must be from them then. It could be a mistake/problem with executing the build. I wouldn't worry too much but maybe use Hypatia and run a scan just to be sure.

The update wouldn't install unless it was signed with the same signature as the original. It probably failed in the background.