
15 Post – 503 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Jesus, known for lifting up crosses

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Pretty sure Samsung does it to appease carriers since they sell unlocked snapdragon variants elsewhere

First time hearing about them

This worked. Apparently I had all the usb devices connected to the same controller and it seems linux initialises them controller by controller. Thanks

I'm annoyed at the words being abbreviated despite the buttons being large enough

Reeder tablet that came as a promotion with something. Could barely keep a single app open, sometimes. At some point low spec just means e waste

How would bios change how linux loads usb devices?

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I did try messing with the hook order but it's already as early as it can be.

It works fine in bios and bootloader. This only happens during boot

Do torrent clients actually check the hash? I've had borked downloads that qbittorrent showed as complete but had to be redownloaded upon a recheck before.

Maybe it's to improve notification bar visibility?

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This doesn't mention the part where if you enable hdr, it sets the color profile to edid without an option to change it, which for my monitor makes everything very desaturated even in comparison to srgb mode (with no color profile)

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You can't with hdr as I said. Check it yourself if you want

Last time I got domino's a single pizza was the same price as the 3 pizza menu (excluding upcharges). Maybe that's what's going on

I had thought it was about the color profile because with hdr disabled from system settings, enabling the built in color profile desaturates colors quite a bit and does some kind of perceived brightness to luminosity mapping that desaturates bright / dark hdr content even more. Although I don't think that's the cause of my problems anymore.

Thanks to your tip about kscreen-doctor, I could try different combinations of hdr / wcg / edid and see how the colors look with different combinations:

I think there must be something wrong with my screen since the hdr reduces saturation more than anything else. Anyways, thanks for the good work

Edit: Tried this with an amd gpu. hdr+wcg works as expected without muted colors. hdr without wcg still significantly desaturates colors, so I guess that's a monitor bug. Now to figure out gpu passthrough.. (Edit 2: It seems to just work??)

Side note, when I turn off hdr only from kscreendoctor the display stays in hdr mode until it turns off and on again, that didn't happen with nvidia

Edit 3: Found something weirder... Hdr colors are muted on nvidia gpu and seems vibrant with the amd igpu. If I plug the monitor to the motherboard (amd), enable hdr, then unplug and plug it into the nvidia gpu, the colors are still vibrant??? I can disable and enable hdr again and again and they aren't affected. They're even fine when hdr is enabled without wcg???? But if I fully turn off the monitor and back on they once again become muted with hdr. Weird ass behavior

And then put it into an os that sloppily compresses its wallpapers before displaying them

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It doesn't help that all the humans have beauty filters on

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Partial orders can also have maximums

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This is another level of cruelty

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Q: what's a nice phone to buy? I don't want to go through menus

A: flash graphene os

Cmon lemmy

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Suicide by kremlin

I would guess they invalidate all sessions when password is reset, that part is weird.

Edit: read the thing. The exploit is that they steal some special token chrome stores and by manipulating it they can generate session cookies for the hijacked account. This doesn't seem related to ltt

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That sounds more like what shall we ever do if children are allowed to see bikinis

Starting to think unity doesn't have a pr team

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Is having a large party supposed to be illegal? Either way doesn't sending drones to someone's backyard constitute unwarranted search?

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Stop burning coal then

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They put him in a leadership position, increased his workload threefold, said he'd get the promotion later and paid him less than the people he was managing and half of his peers in the meantime, later said there was no promotion and his pay would remain the same and when he quit they invoked a 3 month non-compete.

The hr literally wrote "why would we pay you more than we have to?"


How fast do they think internet connections are? If the higher quality assets were that big compared to the 300 GB install no way they're going to finish loading or fit in the memory while you're playing the game

If Nintendo had a problem they could do the dmca. Valve doesn't need to enforce Nintendo's copyright for them

Why do they keep introducing anti-privacy laws under "child protection"? Do they think people forgot that they did the same thing just a year ago?

Also "controversial topcis" my ass. They realized internet isn't making kids apolitical on its own so they decided to force it.

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Horror doesn't mean gore and people use the nsfw tag for things other than porn, gore or horror too.

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Wtf. There are some features my Samsung has that I don't want to give up but this outweighs everything. It's shocking that this functionality was ready for use in the software of many brands to begin with. I wonder if it could be disabled ahead of time without replacing the os/rooting..

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I feel like this should've been published before all the "Nintendo loves unions!" articles

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What's with the drip feed CDPR pr articles?

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They're very much not tankies

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Why people only ate within eight hours on these selected days remains completely unclear.

If you don't eat breakfast it's not that hard for the rest of the eating to fall within 8 hours

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I don't think the second one is whataboutism?

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One of the biggest advantages of using Linux over windows is the lack of those endless seo sites while troubleshooting.

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I'll never understand people jumping to play unfinished games. There's no way most of those 100k people are actually going to participate in the ea feedback / qa process, so all they're achieving by playing early is spoiling the game for themselves with an inferior version. It's not like this is made by an inexperienced studio that might keep it in ea indefinitely neither, you literally just need to wait a year to play it when it's released. /r

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