6 Post – 379 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The quality of education at college and university is in free fall.

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My little girl.

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In Quebec/Canada at least. Haven't teach in another country but I fear it's similar.

I've installed Linux on my dad's surface 2. He's more than happy, I bassicaly could'nt do anything with it because how slow Windows had became.

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And Italy, and Switzerland, and Hungary, and Finland....

My mom makes the best bechamel, no mather what you eat with it.

I miss schnitzel. Enjoy your next one for me.

Yep, interactions are definitely becoming more toxic. Indeed it starts to feel like youtube. I adopted Reddit at fisrt because of how friendly the community felt. That was 8-9 years ago and that time is clearly gone. Lemmy is nice, I hope it will keep growing.

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"Mastodon? Why use a free decentralized option when I can give my data to a billionaire?" - People around me.

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US's biggest problem IMO is undereducation. Lots of people seems to lack basic intellectual auto-defense skill. It's been a problem for a long time, but given how easy AI makes it to create disinformation, the shit will eventually hit the fan and even the GOP will be beging for a minimal education cursus to fix the mess they created.

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Harassing minimal wage workers for clout.

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I have no idea what is going on but this looks good. I agree with you guys. Upvoted.

The best tablet for a kid is no tablet. Screen time is a serious issue, dont mess with your kid's brain.

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I'm french Canadian from my dad and native from my mom. I truly feel like most of the country would be more then happy if we disappear. They openly hate on french canadians and publicly pretend ro care about first nations but they really dont. I expect both cultures to be completly gone in a century or two, sooner maybe.

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I will keep repeating this over and over: Spotify hates artists. This douchebag CEO pays himself hundreds of millions for storing other's music on a server, but thinks musicians are such losers they don't deserved nothing. Fuck modern Internet, and fuck you especially Daniel. Your time is worth 15k a minute, but musicians should work for free so you have a "product" to sell? Fuck you loser, I will always be superior to you because unlike you, I can create things. You need me, I don't need you.

I was groomed by a drag queen hidden in the gender neutral bathrooms of my school. I now identify has a straight white patriotic male, I have never been so oppressed.

I love reading Pro Audio in an article. If Linux would handle audio softwares and interface just a little better, I could ditch win and macOS forever.

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We already don’t own our games, because we can’t sell them. We used to be able to sell and exchange games, but with digital platforms like steam, we don't have the right to sell them anymore, meaning we only bought the right to play the game, not owning it.

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Wrong sub. I think you wanted to post this in "theonion" cause even fox hosts cant be that stupid.

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Lol, this thread is the shitshow you could expect it to be. The fact that the american "left" is so divided will give the victory to Donnie Trumpo. A message from Canada: Please vote for Biden (cant believe I'm saying that), just this time. We know he's a POS, but your other option could break your country for decades, and we dont wish that to you.

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They are creating the next generation of "terrorists".

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I feel like a power user would have a clean and clear bookmark game, not thousand of tabs... How the hell do you even navigate into this mess? I've just re-organise my bookmarks and folders, imported them in nextcloud, and I feel like I'm the master of the internet.

Agree. But I dont think she "change the music forever" with Believe, as she claims.

EDIT to add that talk box and vocoder were around in the 70s :

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I stopped listening to news radio in the morning. Music is the way to go to start the day.

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I hope this goes on forever: he keeps defaming, she keeps sueing. Cause we all know this fat turd wont keep his mouth shut.

Got to respect the dedicated UK baked beans eaters.

Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. - Mark Twain

Question here. If a user suscribed to world wants to keep seing content from that instance, cant he just suscribe to some subs over there? I'm still trying to figure that part out. I'm on ml but can see some content from world.

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May he suffer for a long time before dying. Alone.

The only thing I'm sure he will do is ensure that he keeps the power for the rest of his life. USA will have his first dictator!!

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I teach my students to do manual save every 5 minutes. Just hit ctl+s and it's done. I basically save everytime I make a change in a project. I've learn the hard way while working on my thesis piece. Pretty much cost me 6 months of my life.

EDIT: Here is my save/backup story.

It was a composition, score + electroacoustic piece. (music master’s). At some point, I made a backup save on an external drive and forgot to change back the save location to my internal drive. One day I was using the vacuum cleaner, the hard disk power cable got caught in the vacuum cleaner and fell out. The external drive was broken, and I realized I had been making all of my saves on it. I’ve lost months of work, had to start over the piece, and I wasn’t able to submit my piece and thesis until the following semester. Now I teach computer music and I always tell that story to my students lol.

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Those people are legendary. A bunch of nerds singlehandedly defeating a multi-billions dollars business. I have an M1 for work, if they can manage for Asahi Linux to take advantage of the GPU, I will do 90% of my work on Linux.

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I was told americans parents usually put a few bullets under their kid's eggs, so that they get use to it.

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That some people tend to ask boring and repetitive question about Lemmy vs Reddit.

Lol no. Youtube pays way less then spotify to the artists. Tidal and bandcamp are the only "ok" options.

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Alternative alternative proposal: being billionaire shouldn't be possible. There should be a wealth cap.

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Must pay for your own salary.

Same. I didn't know what a distribution was 8 months ago, now most of my feeds are Linux distro tier list video.

The Univ and College where I work are forcing every students and staff to use Office 365, and the MS authentificator app for 2fa. They pay millions every years to Microsoft for this, plus the thousand of licences for windows, etc.

Why in the world would you defend that greedy unethtical corporation that now incorporate advertisment directly in windows and keep pushing more and more of their products with every forced update. They make millions only with schools in my provinces.

Cher ami, je veux te manger de façon cannibale. C'est à dire que je souhaite te dévorer, cru ou cuit, de manière litterale. S'il te plait n'y voit aucune utilisation du second degré ni une quelconque forme d'allusion sexuelle, j'ai trop de respect pour toi, bien que cela ne signifie pas pour autant que je sois insensible à tes charmes mais c'est un autre sujet.

Of course if the person is a women you would have to adapt a few words. Also if the person is not your friend change it to Madame or Monsieurs.